Author Topic: Have you stayed in a low paid job you were comfortable and settled in?  (Read 1687 times)

Or constantly pushed for promotions and applied to higher paying opportunities?


I had a terrible paying job (messenger boy) that I stuck with for a year because it was quite comfortable and I could make it to the end of the day even if I "wasn't feeling it" or slept like shit the night before. I liked it because I could be braindead and still do my job and all that time on the road alone allowed me to listen to tons of music and podcasts all day. Unfortunately, I couldn't keep barely coasting by financially (boy, who knew putting 50-80 miles on your car every single weekday results in costly maintenance) while having no aspirations to move up with the company and did eventually quit.


Yep, did this for ten years as a security guard. I bounced around companies working minimum wage at the current year and tried hard to get promoted. I did both posts and patrol and hated all of it. A few posts I stayed at for a few years as I was in a remote area and could play video games all night. However, if you want to build a family, and make a relationship work as you move through your 20's things had to change. My last security job I got promoted up the ranks to eventually become Assistant Director at my first salaried position. Once my boss quit (he was the best boss I ever had, also one of the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure of working with) and the new boss moved in I was depressed, dreaded work, would hide out of the office every day, drive off property and hang out (being salaried I was actually allowed to do this, but I made up excuses as to why).

I eventually went to nursing school a few months after that and shortly after my first son was born and now my wife and I are both nurses and I can collect to my heart's content a few times a year when it's budgeted. It was a hard two years. We lost our apartment, my wife's car, and became homeless until we were able to sell her grandmother's home and use the money to move states and that was struggle fighting with her dead-beat siblings and actually get down to business and get it done. We endured the house flooding (I literally almost drowned), and at the very last week before we got the money from her brother into our hands we ran out of gas in our cars (she acquired another one eventually) a week before and were living on her brother's floor of their late grandfather's house for 3 weeks with my first son. Once we moved states she got a job as a nurse and I finished school. We literally barely made it.

Dead end jobs are something everyone goes through and some people either move on or do it for life. Some people like the routine and flow and every day being the same and not like anything changing, which is okay, but it can become self-destructive.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2021, 04:37:25 am by ivorysoul »


I do.
The family business is a hardware store, but I dont complain, I like a peaceful life after all the stuff I have been through.
I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot; I also enjoy being kind to everyone for no reason; if people can hate for no reason, then I can love; after everything I have gone through, I found a little peace.


PRO Supporter

There’s a lot more to life than a salary. Regular hours, time off, and job security are worth a lot.
Take it from me. I’m a government employee.


PRO Supporter

There’s a lot more to life than a salary. Regular hours, time off, and job security are worth a lot.
Take it from me. I’m a government employee.

This 1000%.
I worked in telecommunications for 11 years, and was laid off more times than I can count. The money was ok but there was zero job security and zero paid time off.

After moving to another state I ended up with a government job, and words cannot express how grateful I am for it. Took a pretty big pay cut but it’s worth the job security, a ton of paid time off, and less shitty insurance (without getting political, ALL insurance sucks right now, my insurance just sucks less than many others).


PRO Supporter

I worked shit job for years. Retail is a soul sucking job and was killing me. I decided to enter the veterinary field and have no regrets.
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