Author Topic: PlayStation3 turns 15 years old.  (Read 2654 times)

Re: PlayStation3 turns 15 years old.
« Reply #15 on: November 16, 2021, 03:57:18 am »
I wasen't really planning on picking up a ps3 when it originally launched but my coworker kinda suckered me into grabbing one on lauch with him.
It came out about half a year later in europe so it wasen't really hard to get without putting in a preorder, it was march 2007 remember, we just went to our local game store after work and spend about 1000 euros each i'd guess. Pretty sure i got ridge racer 7, motorstorm and an F1 game. Must have been doing pretty good back then to be able to spend that kinda money on videogames lol.

The first few weeks i had a lot of fun with the console, but with these launch titles the novelty wares off pretty quickly and i switched back to my 360. I think the first noteworthy release was the first uncharted if memory serves me correct later that year, i beated it and my ps3 was collecting dust again for the next few months.

To be honest the first few years let's say up until 2010, you were better off with a 360, after 2010 sony started pumping out classics left and right, wherest microsoft seemed pretty happy with what they had done so far and left it at that.

I've built up a collection off about 175 games over the years, pretty much all exclusives and anno 2021 those still have a lot to offer since there are loads of jrpgs and other forgotten japanese games that came out late in the systems life.

I still play my ps3 every once in a while, not as much as the 360 but enough to warrant it a spot under my tv in 2021.


Re: PlayStation3 turns 15 years old.
« Reply #16 on: November 16, 2021, 11:04:45 pm »
I was on team 360, for a lot of the common reasons. More so than the console being super expensive, and some of ports being buggy. PS3 was the era when SCE started to shift away from publishing it's more quirky exclusive games and moving towards titles with a mainstream western audience in mind. I felt like a lot of the big games they pushed shared too much in common with a lot of other big multi-plat games then, and kind of blended in with the crowd. Nothing jumped out and made me think that I needed to have a PS3.

I felt like the console ended up as being a very similar deal to the 360, just with a heap ton more J and S RPG imports from Japan in the later years, which I have virtually no interest in. My collection consists mostly of exclusive titles. There's some interesting stuff in there, but honestly I've yet to touch most of it. I have very little, to almost no experience with the console. I picked up mine, a used one from GS in 2014... and my controller has sort of a "drifting" problem with one of the sticks. It does have an intuitive DVD player function, I will say.

The multi-gen backwards compatibility on my 60GB is a very nice touch, but inevitably with some games you'll need a device like a Retrotink to display some of those wacky resolutions on older PS games that modern day TVs don't understand. More than a few PS1 games I tried to play using my PS3, didn't display video at all.

Re: PlayStation3 turns 15 years old.
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2021, 05:33:14 pm »
PS3 is my 2nd favorite console of all time, behind the 360, and I go back 40 years. So many great games, so many great exclusives (PS3 was my 1st PS console, so I can't compare to PS1/2)