Author Topic: Error Listings and rejected edits 2024  (Read 33389 times)


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2024
« Reply #240 on: December 16, 2024, 09:45:12 am »
my release-date edit for the following item was rejected:

referring to segaretros UK-release date May 94 (EU release date 1995)

... according to german Sega Magazin, Issue September 1995, Page 84, the release (at least in Germany) was July that year:

Is there any reason to believe there is a regional variant specific to Germany for Wizard Pinball which this information is about? MobyGames lists 1995 for a UK release date, as well. So unless there isn't a German-specific release and instead only a broad European release, then July 1995 should be fine to submit. If we can't confirm the possibility of other regional variant items including from Germany, then there's nothing wrong with leaving the Release Date fields blank.

I went to the source that Sega Retro's May 1994 information cites, but I can find no actual information validating it where it's supposed to be found on page 10.

I don't actually know how Game Gear games were swept over europe back then, but I can't find any information on german-specific releases (of THIS game) in form of own packaging whatsoever, so ... I suggest that the version is the same (multilingual
 EU packaging/manual). There's always the possibilty of altering release dates compared to the UK release due to commercial differences, but I interpret the data from the old german magazine as referring to specific availability on the german market. And July 1995 seems to be the only more precise info of release, that at least I can find anywhere since I only understand englisch and german...


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2024
« Reply #241 on: December 16, 2024, 12:14:00 pm »
my release-date edit for the following item was rejected:

referring to segaretros UK-release date May 94 (EU release date 1995)

... according to german Sega Magazin, Issue September 1995, Page 84, the release (at least in Germany) was July that year:

Is there any reason to believe there is a regional variant specific to Germany for Wizard Pinball which this information is about? MobyGames lists 1995 for a UK release date, as well. So unless there isn't a German-specific release and instead only a broad European release, then July 1995 should be fine to submit. If we can't confirm the possibility of other regional variant items including from Germany, then there's nothing wrong with leaving the Release Date fields blank.

I went to the source that Sega Retro's May 1994 information cites, but I can find no actual information validating it where it's supposed to be found on page 10.

I don't actually know how Game Gear games were swept over europe back then, but I can't find any information on german-specific releases (of THIS game) in form of own packaging whatsoever, so ... I suggest that the version is the same (multilingual
 EU packaging/manual). There's always the possibilty of altering release dates compared to the UK release due to commercial differences, but I interpret the data from the old german magazine as referring to specific availability on the german market. And July 1995 seems to be the only more precise info of release, that at least I can find anywhere since I only understand englisch and german...

For now, let's only submit 1995 information for the Year field. If better documentation and resources are discovered, the other fields can be revisited. It's always better to keep fields empty than submitting wrong information by mistake.


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2024
« Reply #242 on: January 08, 2025, 04:25:51 am »
Just noticed that this category's name has one too many L's in it:
It reads Phillips Odyssey when it should be Philips Odyssey, am I right?


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2024
« Reply #243 on: January 08, 2025, 09:51:01 am »
Just noticed that this category's name has one too many L's in it:
It reads Phillips Odyssey when it should be Philips Odyssey, am I right?

Fixed this name in both spots.


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2024
« Reply #244 on: January 08, 2025, 01:25:21 pm »
created a double listing:

please delete, there's already an item with SC 3000 platform.


« Last Edit: January 08, 2025, 03:49:09 pm by nathan776 »

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2024
« Reply #245 on: January 11, 2025, 09:22:59 pm »
The cartridge image for is a reproduction and not the original.  There is only one known official gamma-attack 1983 cartridge known and it was discovered by Antony DeNardo (aka Phantom on AtariAge) in 2008.  The cartridge has a simple text label with the company name "Gammation" on the front and end label.  A picture of the original 1983 cartridge can be found here:

and in the owner's photo blog found here:

The picture in the current entry appears to be from the original programmer's (Robert L. Esken, Jr.) 2010 rerelease due to the fact that a new full size black and white label has been applied.  The Atarimania database entry also has a picture of this repro cartridge, but states in the game description that it is a reproduction.

I can upload the correct image, but I wanted to notify the moderators of the reason for the edit before submitting the image.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2025, 09:28:24 pm by coffeejits »


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2024
« Reply #246 on: January 12, 2025, 10:54:35 am »
I can upload the correct image, but I wanted to notify the moderators of the reason for the edit before submitting the image.

35614 should be updated to reflect the bootleg copy. It's common for incorrect information to be submitted to text-based data fields, so we should prioritize the entry art in this instance. If the artwork for 278877 is the same as 35614, then I can merge those entries together. A new entry for the official 1983 cartridge can be submitted.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2025, 10:56:45 am by dhaabi »

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2024
« Reply #247 on: January 12, 2025, 12:12:22 pm »
I can upload the correct image, but I wanted to notify the moderators of the reason for the edit before submitting the image.

35614 should be updated to reflect the bootleg copy. It's common for incorrect information to be submitted to text-based data fields, so we should prioritize the entry art in this instance. If the artwork for 278877 is the same as 35614, then I can merge those entries together. A new entry for the official 1983 cartridge can be submitted.

I submitted because I can neither confirm or deny that the artwork provided in is from the 2010 rerelease by the programmer.  The artwork I submitted for 278877 is taken directly from the programmers (Robert Esken, Jr. aka gamecrawler on AtariAge) rerelease announcement found here:

As can be seen, both 35614 and 278877 seem to have the same label, but the cartridge designs aredifferent.  The official 2010 rerelease cartridge has finger ridges whereas 35614 is a standard atari cartridge case.  The sticking point is that it is well known that homebrewers recycle cartridges, but I can't confirm if all of the 2010 rerelease cartridges were sold with finger ridges or if they were a mish mash of different cartridge cases.  Essentially the only way to know if 35614 and 278877 are the same would be to examine the back of the cartridges and see if they are signed and numbered.

For these reasons I tend to lean towards simply updating 35614 as a bootleg and I can submit a new entry for the 1983 original release with the correct artwork.

Update:  Of course as soon as I hit the submit button, I find another post.  The following post seems to confirm that the image in 35614 is indeed a bootleg:

« Last Edit: January 12, 2025, 12:19:28 pm by coffeejits »


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2024
« Reply #248 on: January 12, 2025, 12:24:37 pm »
I can upload the correct image, but I wanted to notify the moderators of the reason for the edit before submitting the image.

35614 should be updated to reflect the bootleg copy. It's common for incorrect information to be submitted to text-based data fields, so we should prioritize the entry art in this instance. If the artwork for 278877 is the same as 35614, then I can merge those entries together. A new entry for the official 1983 cartridge can be submitted.

I submitted because I can neither confirm or deny that the artwork provided in is from the 2010 rerelease by the programmer.  The artwork I submitted for 278877 is taken directly from the programmers (Robert Esken, Jr. aka gamecrawler on AtariAge) rerelease announcement

I see now. If an entry for the official 1983 cartridge is submitted, then I would advise to use these entry names:
Gamma-Attack (text label)
Gamma-Attack (picture label)
Gamma-Attack (picture label / ridged cartridge)

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2024
« Reply #249 on: January 12, 2025, 01:37:37 pm »
I can upload the correct image, but I wanted to notify the moderators of the reason for the edit before submitting the image.

35614 should be updated to reflect the bootleg copy. It's common for incorrect information to be submitted to text-based data fields, so we should prioritize the entry art in this instance. If the artwork for 278877 is the same as 35614, then I can merge those entries together. A new entry for the official 1983 cartridge can be submitted.

I submitted because I can neither confirm or deny that the artwork provided in is from the 2010 rerelease by the programmer.  The artwork I submitted for 278877 is taken directly from the programmers (Robert Esken, Jr. aka gamecrawler on AtariAge) rerelease announcement

I see now. If an entry for the official 1983 cartridge is submitted, then I would advise to use these entry names:
Gamma-Attack (text label)
Gamma-Attack (picture label)
Gamma-Attack (picture label / ridged cartridge)

1983 release submitted and edits to remaining entries made using suggested naming convention.

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2024
« Reply #250 on: January 15, 2025, 06:10:36 pm »
in a recent sumission the cover art I placed was rejected. If you look at this listing, you can see the outer box that I used for the Limited Edition is correct, and the listing I was updating is incorrect, as it shows the box that is supposed to be inside the other box (the one I submitted), if you are seeing other sealed CE box covers, it must be because they were removed from this outer box, hence this outer box that I submitted is the correct format the game came in. Make sense?


A Physical Chronicle of games for posterity.


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2024
« Reply #251 on: January 15, 2025, 06:27:20 pm »
in a recent sumission the cover art I placed was rejected. If you look at this listing, you can see the outer box that I used for the Limited Edition is correct, and the listing I was updating is incorrect, as it shows the box that is supposed to be inside the other box (the one I submitted), if you are seeing other sealed CE box covers, it must be because they were removed from this outer box, hence this outer box that I submitted is the correct format the game came in. Make sense?

It would be beneficial to know what image you submitted which was rejected. You can upload that image to Imgur and then post it here in img brackets. Also, submit the database entry, so we know which entry is being discussed. Multiple people respond to the edit queue, so providing all relevant information when posting should be done.

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2024
« Reply #252 on: January 19, 2025, 09:38:40 am »
I accidentally uploaded the wrong front box image for:

The original release version does not have the text "manufactured by" above the Coleco company name.  The box image I uploaded is a reproduction box that was sold aftermarket and did not come with a game or manual.  I can upload the correct image but due to the similarities between the boxes I wanted to notify the mods before submitting the edit.

« Last Edit: January 19, 2025, 10:53:42 am by dhaabi »


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2024
« Reply #253 on: January 19, 2025, 10:53:02 am »
I accidentally uploaded the wrong front box image for:

The original release version does not have the text "manufactured by" above the Coleco company name.  The box image I uploaded is a reproduction box that was sold aftermarket and did not come with a game or manual.  I can upload the correct image but due to the similarities between the boxes I wanted to notify the mods before submitting the edit.

Noted. I've removed the previously submitted front art for now.