Author Topic: Your 2025 Gaming and Collecting Goals  (Read 6321 times)


Re: Your 2025 Gaming and Collecting Goals
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2025, 10:23:20 am »
I think I'm going to finally complete my Xbox 360 [EU] collection in terms of actual titles.

How many are left for you to reach this goal? Any plans to complete other Xbox libraries?

Re: Your 2025 Gaming and Collecting Goals
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2025, 12:57:59 pm »
I think I'm going to finally complete my Xbox 360 [EU] collection in terms of actual titles.

How many are left for you to reach this goal? Any plans to complete other Xbox libraries?

At the minute it seems to be around 200 left. Just been clicking refresh on Ebay for the last 5 days or so. Most of the local game shops don't have anything I need unfortunately.

I wouldn't mind eventually completing my Xbox one collection but I feel like that collection should take a back seat until they stop releasing for the console. I have a lot of the games but there are so many niche ones that release - it's hard to keep track.

I might eventually choose to try a base Xbox collection but it's something I wouldn't treat as seriously. I don't have any nostalgia for the console personally so just don't have any desire to collect for it.

Re: Your 2025 Gaming and Collecting Goals
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2025, 09:42:28 pm »
Goals for 2025,

Complete PS3 set (10 left)

Attempt to finish PS1 longboxes (approx. 60 left)

Focus on the 50 or so more difficult PS2 titles I have left (hit list)...

(Not sure how to insert a pic into the body of this)
« Last Edit: January 13, 2025, 09:45:27 pm by psxlegacy »

A Physical Chronicle of games for posterity.

Re: Your 2025 Gaming and Collecting Goals
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2025, 09:43:16 pm »

A Physical Chronicle of games for posterity.


Re: Your 2025 Gaming and Collecting Goals
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2025, 12:05:50 pm »

Love the display!

I'm trying to finish the original Xbox PAL collection, still a good few to collect.
Motel ... Motel... Motel ... broken neon arabesque

Re: Your 2025 Gaming and Collecting Goals
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2025, 12:42:28 pm »
I didn't meet many of my goals last year, but more of the same

Beat 104 games
Beat a game from every year x to 2025
Work on franchise runs
Keep up with my backlog groups
Grow my curator groups on steam


PRO Supporter

Re: Your 2025 Gaming and Collecting Goals
« Reply #21 on: January 18, 2025, 02:40:31 pm »
I just realized I never set goals for 2024- whoops.

My goal for 2025 was to finish another set and I have already done that with my acquisition of Keio Flying Squadron to finish my Sega CD set so I guess my goal for this year is to finish another set!

Genesis- 13 left
32X- 2 left
Sega Master System- 1 left
Lynx- 9 left
Atari Jaguar CD- 1 left
N64- 25 left

I'd also love to acquire at least another 20-25 cib each of nes and snes to whittle my list down. And get my wishlist here down to under 75.  I know the majority on here are all about slowing down, purging, etc.. but I'm full steam ahead- I want it all!

I will also have some paternity leave this year so hoping I have some more time to game (after all parental responsibilities are handled- they may be up every few hours but there is also a lot of down time- babies sleep a lot...)

There's no way I can beat 52 games- I beat 12 last year- let's shoot for 20- that's a good stretch goal.

Re: Your 2025 Gaming and Collecting Goals
« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2025, 07:56:56 pm »
Beyond my goal to continually prune my current collection down, I only have one real collecting goal for 2025:

1. Add at least 10 Switch games from my want list: With the Switch in its twlight years, I've decided I'm going to actively pursue the 30 or so games on my want list that I don't yet own. Many of these are first party releases that I slept on for years after they came out, but some are on the more obscure side. I'll probably prioritize those more obscure releases since they likely have the greatest chance of becoming expensive and hard to find as time goes on.

I'm already 3 games into this goal this year. Things are looking good so far  8)


Re: Your 2025 Gaming and Collecting Goals
« Reply #23 on: January 25, 2025, 10:11:05 am »
Absolutely nothing. I've wrestled with the idea that maybe I'm done retro collecting now. For a long time I've felt so close, yet so far away. Several hundred games on my list I still wanted to get, but it's meant several thousand dollars I'm just not willing (and don't have) to dump into it. Hard to believe this stuff is still going so strong all these years later, folks clamoring to collect every title you can think of, for every console you can think of in 2025. I know the appeal of doing so has greatly diminished for me. I think it's mostly the speculators still going this hard at it.

I actually found myself in my local retro shop the other day and actually picked up a couple of NES games on the cheap, unexpectedly. So guess I'm not done. I just don't have the motivation to pursue it anymore. I'm really close with a lot of fifth gen stuff, so if anything I should try knock those out. Still a lot easier said than done.

Re: Your 2025 Gaming and Collecting Goals
« Reply #24 on: January 25, 2025, 05:09:10 pm »
Beyond my goal to continually prune my current collection down, I only have one real collecting goal for 2025:

1. Beat 100 games: I've stated it in other threads on here, but with nothing major currently planned for 2025, my ambition this year is to beat more games in a single year than I ever have. My goal is 100 games beat by the end of the year.

2. Finish all the remaining Resident Evil games I've never played: At the moment, I've played every RE game outside 7, 8, the Wii lightgun games, and the mobile games. I don't care about the mobile games, but I do plan on beating those other ones, which means I will not only have played and beat every RE game ever made, but also I'll finally be caught up with this series after being almost two decades behind as of the end of 2023. I am also adding a replay of the original RE4 to this since I haven't played it since around the time it came out in the mid 2000s.

3. Add at least 10 Switch games from my want list: With the Switch in its twlight years, I've decided I'm going to actively pursue the 30 or so games on my want list that I don't yet own. Many of these are first party releases that I slept on for years after they came out, but some are on the more obscure side. I'll probably prioritize those more obscure releases since they likely have the greatest chance of becoming expensive and hard to find as time goes on.

I forgot to add my gaming goals to my original post. Here is the modified goals list.


Re: Your 2025 Gaming and Collecting Goals
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2025, 08:43:42 am »
I'd like to play through more of my games! I'd like to whittle down my wishlist a bit, I've decided to step back from buying new games in 2025, unless Oblivion is remade, lol. I've got most of what I'm looking for so I don't expect any major collecting gains, until Black Friday when my local game store fills up the bargain bins, lol.