Author Topic: How to deal with rude drivers cutting me off?  (Read 257 times)

How to deal with rude drivers cutting me off?
« on: March 18, 2025, 08:08:45 am »
Something happened today that really tested my patience. I was driving on the highway, keeping a safe distance from the car in front of me, when suddenly, someone swerved into my lane out of nowhere—no signal, no warning, nothing. I had to slam my brakes to avoid hitting them. The worst part? They didn’t even seem to care. No hand wave, no "sorry," just kept driving like it was no big deal. I know getting angry doesn’t help, but I can’t lie—I was fuming. How do you guys deal with situations like this without letting it ruin your mood?

Re: How to deal with rude drivers cutting me off?
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2025, 10:32:41 am »
I used to get really pissed off while driving. It wasn't even just when someone was a dick like what you described, but going to slow, not stopping at a stop sign, camping in the fast lane, you name it. While I'm not perfect, I decided a while ago to let that all go, drive defensively, and just try and relax as much as possible when I'm driving. Getting angry at some complete stranger for driving like a moron isn't doing anything to them, just me. It was putting me in a terrible mood when I'd finally arrive at my destination some times, no to mention being angry like that wasn't good for me physically. The biggest FU you can give to a bad driver is to simply avoid or deal with them while they're near you and know that the consequences of them driving like that will likely catch up with them. Whether that's tickets, accidents, road rage incident, or worse, they're inviting misfortunate upon themselves if they continue to do that.


Re: How to deal with rude drivers cutting me off?
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2025, 10:43:27 am »
Something happened today that really tested my patience. I was driving on the highway, keeping a safe distance from the car in front of me, when suddenly, someone swerved into my lane out of nowhere—no signal, no warning, nothing. I had to slam my brakes to avoid hitting them. The worst part? They didn’t even seem to care. No hand wave, no "sorry," just kept driving like it was no big deal. I know getting angry doesn’t help, but I can’t lie—I was fuming. How do you guys deal with situations like this without letting it ruin your mood?

Yellin' and cussin'  :o

Do you live in Germany too?  ::) unknowingly putting his own life and that of others at risk is an everyday normal thing over here


Re: How to deal with rude drivers cutting me off?
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2025, 06:48:56 pm »
As someone who was in a car wreck a few years back where my life flashed before my eyes due to a bad driver, I just let it roll off my shoulders. Fortunately I only walked away with a slightly screwed up spine and wrist.
Driving aggressively will only end up in harm to yourself or others, you have to drive defensively and pay attention because lots of folks aren't, they really think they are the only people on the road, have room temperature IQs, and have no business driving in the first place. Also, there are tons of @5$holes on the roads, and the police seem very lax about impaired drunk or high drivers, at least where I live.
If there's any advice I could give, it's that no job, event, or really anything is important enough to risk the lives of others and yourself.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."