Author Topic: "Price Paid" Compared to "Average Game Price"  (Read 1345 times)


"Price Paid" Compared to "Average Game Price"
« on: August 26, 2012, 03:30:21 am »
Hello staff and other members!
First off the bat I want to say I love this site! It's awesome! I look forward to seeing it expand and get even better!
I had a suggestion that I dont know how difficult it would be to accomplish.
I love the tally on our profiles for how much we've paid for our games. I think it would be cool if there were a way to show you what your paid price compared to the average price was (of your entire collection combined), and what your total savings / losses in your collection were.
Let me know what you think!
Cheers all!

-Lord Meatpie the NES Viking.
Now Playing: Borderlands 2 (PS3) / Crystalis (NES)
The Obnoxious Canadian Acoustic Grinder


Re: "Price Paid" Compared to "Average Game Price"
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2012, 12:26:11 am »
Hello staff and other members!
First off the bat I want to say I love this site! It's awesome! I look forward to seeing it expand and get even better!
I had a suggestion that I dont know how difficult it would be to accomplish.
I love the tally on our profiles for how much we've paid for our games. I think it would be cool if there were a way to show you what your paid price compared to the average price was (of your entire collection combined), and what your total savings / losses in your collection were.
Let me know what you think!
Cheers all!

-Lord Meatpie the NES Viking.
i like this idea and welcome to the site


Re: "Price Paid" Compared to "Average Game Price"
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2012, 11:54:17 pm »
Thanks! And again sorry for the late response on this thread too! haha.
Ive been trying to do a personal tally of my own collection like this but it's sooo time consuming!
Now Playing: Borderlands 2 (PS3) / Crystalis (NES)
The Obnoxious Canadian Acoustic Grinder