Author Topic: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:  (Read 1797331 times)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8565 on: November 04, 2015, 10:45:03 am »
Not a parent, but I don't think I could handle the responsibility myself. Would get old way too fast.

Seems that it used to be you might get thrown out of an establishment for letting your kids go wild, not sure if that sort of thing happens anymore. Everything is to PC and afraid of media fire storms. I can see the headline now - "Terrible restaurant manager throws family out, humiliates them in front of everyone, his name is John Smith let's all get this man fired by upper management and send hate mail to his Facebook!"  ::)

Same. I'm not a parent. I don't want to be a parent. I'll be the cool token uncle, but never the parent.

And you're exactly right: the minute someone says or does something that might be regarded as offensive, people take to social media and act like f*cking cowards behind their screens as they sling mud. People are such sissies these days and it drives me nuts.


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8566 on: November 04, 2015, 10:47:47 am »
Be pissed at the parents.  Those people are assholes.  Kids are only as good as they are made to be.  Teaching them starts early. 

The Boy is a 100% 6 year old little boy.  The little turd is wild.  If I didn't make him mind, he'd be climbing the walls.  I have to remind him a lot that he's not at home.  If you're not going to make your kids mind, keep them at home.

Being a parent means being responsible for the behavior of your children and teaching them to behave.  I don't let my two girls act like animals in public or at home.  At a restaurant, they are told to sit still in their seats, use their utensils and napkins, keep their voices down and don't stare at people. 

Facebook, cellphones, tv, and yes, even video games come secondary to being a parent.  I would love nothing more than to go home from work, plop in the La-Z-Boy and start gaming.  Reality as a parent though means that I go home, get the kids off the bus, take them to any programs, sports, etc. that they may be involved in.  Cook dinner or do the dishes (depending on who's turn it is), help with homework and whatever other stuff comes up.  Parents know what I'm talking about.    ;)

So the reality is, about 8 o'clock, I get on and play some Destiny for about 45 minutes, then I have to get the kids to bed and go to bed myself to wake up at 5AM for work.   :(

Preach.  #DadLife


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8567 on: November 04, 2015, 11:18:17 am »
Preach.  #DadLife

 8)  Wouldn't have it any other way.
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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8568 on: November 04, 2015, 12:12:36 pm »

Seems that it used to be you might get thrown out of an establishment for letting your kids go wild, not sure if that sort of thing happens anymore. Everything is to PC and afraid of media fire storms. I can see the headline now - "Terrible restaurant manager throws family out, humiliates them in front of everyone, his name is John Smith let's all get this man fired by upper management and send hate mail to his Facebook!"  ::)

Back when I was going to college I worked as a night stocker at a local walmart. first off you would be absolutely amazed at how many parents bring in their kids at 2am (just going to assumn its their normal schedule). second off you would be amazed at the relationship of the total amount that misbehaved compared to how many there were, Id have to estimate that ~70% misbehaved while ~10% were actually asleep.

But anyway in the 2 years that I was employed there at nights I witnessed and had to help forcibly remove "escort out" 6 families because of how bad their kids were acting.

One instance in particular a kid probably around 10 ran into the sports sections and opened up packs of tennis balls and baseballs and went over to the electronics department and started chucking them at the TV's hanging on the wall. he ended up breaking around 6 or 7 flat screens (one of which was a 70") before someone stopped him. and the kid proceeded to bite the guy that stopped him till he drew blood. This part is hearsay as I wasn't in the security office but apparently the couple who had the kid accused us (walmart) of antagonizing him and making up that he broke the TV's and actually attempted to sue us over the mental anguish we caused to their son.

They got hit with a massive fine for the damage and are lucky that they didn't get thrown into jail for letting their kid run wild.

but for the most part families got thrown out for their kids stealing and for their kids damaging stuff like walking down an isle with their arm in the shelves knocking all the items onto the floor.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 12:17:18 pm by rayne315 »
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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8569 on: November 04, 2015, 12:14:37 pm »
We have some parents on here, yes?

Tell me something: do you think it's bad form for parents to let their kids run around a restaurant while they are on the phone doing Facebook or Twitter or Snap Shit or Insta-whatever or selfiestick crap? Is it bad form for the parents when patrons like myself have to dodge and weave in order to not step on the kids that are dancing or jumping or flailing their stupid arms? Is it bad form for the parents when one of their kids nearly hits a certain someone in the crotch? Is it bad form for the parents when a certain patron has to trip a kid in order to make it back to his seat unscathed?

I'm not sure where to direct my hatred: children or their parents. It's clear that it's the parent's fault for having their little Tasmanian devils run amok while others are trying to eat their food, but for some reason children seem more awful with each passing day. When I was a kid, if I wasn't sitting in my seat and minding my manners at home OR at a restaurant, I would have gotten one of the following:

1. Slapped in the face by my mother
2. Slapped in the face by my father
3. Slapped on the butt by a wooden spoon by either parent - ever get hit by one of those? They don't tickle.
4. Grounded

And if someone was really -REALLY- acting up, we would have gotten a combination of them.  Similarly, my partner would have gotten a belt, a switch -AND- a few smacks in the face if he acted up.

I'm sure that the folks on here are wonderful parents. I know for a fact that turf should be winning Father of the Year just based on what I know of him. Still, I came *THIS* close to igniting more than a few minivans last night.

End rant.

If it's your average, non-kiddie restaurant, then absolutely they should have been disciplined, and if they still want to act like shits, then you take them out of the restaurant.

If they're in a place like McDonald's with the play-place or a Chuck E. Cheese or something like that, then that kind of behavior is kind of expected from kids.

Me and my wife had a sort of similar situation with our daughter. She's not quite 1 year old yet. So she's at the stage where she can't talk but she's experimenting with her voice. Sometimes she'll let out a screech. Well my wife was having breakfast with her grandpa at a Denny's like place. And my daughter did the screech thing. Now, her grandpa is a regular there, and it's like a normal thing for the old men to have breakfast there. There were some other old men a couple tables over, and they are just complaining out loud about how my wife should be able to control her kid. A kid that has no idea how to communicate or understand yet because she's not a year old. My wife left, but she was damn upset about the whole situation.

^ What do you guys think in that instance? Should the kid be taken out, or should people understand that you can't discipline a kid under 1 year and it's part of natural growing and experimenting with her body?


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8570 on: November 04, 2015, 12:28:53 pm »
We have some parents on here, yes?

Tell me something: do you think it's bad form for parents to let their kids run around a restaurant while they are on the phone doing Facebook or Twitter or Snap Shit or Insta-whatever or selfiestick crap? Is it bad form for the parents when patrons like myself have to dodge and weave in order to not step on the kids that are dancing or jumping or flailing their stupid arms? Is it bad form for the parents when one of their kids nearly hits a certain someone in the crotch? Is it bad form for the parents when a certain patron has to trip a kid in order to make it back to his seat unscathed?

I'm not sure where to direct my hatred: children or their parents. It's clear that it's the parent's fault for having their little Tasmanian devils run amok while others are trying to eat their food, but for some reason children seem more awful with each passing day. When I was a kid, if I wasn't sitting in my seat and minding my manners at home OR at a restaurant, I would have gotten one of the following:

1. Slapped in the face by my mother
2. Slapped in the face by my father
3. Slapped on the butt by a wooden spoon by either parent - ever get hit by one of those? They don't tickle.
4. Grounded

And if someone was really -REALLY- acting up, we would have gotten a combination of them.  Similarly, my partner would have gotten a belt, a switch -AND- a few smacks in the face if he acted up.

I'm sure that the folks on here are wonderful parents. I know for a fact that turf should be winning Father of the Year just based on what I know of him. Still, I came *THIS* close to igniting more than a few minivans last night.

End rant.

If it's your average, non-kiddie restaurant, then absolutely they should have been disciplined, and if they still want to act like shits, then you take them out of the restaurant.

If they're in a place like McDonald's with the play-place or a Chuck E. Cheese or something like that, then that kind of behavior is kind of expected from kids.

Me and my wife had a sort of similar situation with our daughter. She's not quite 1 year old yet. So she's at the stage where she can't talk but she's experimenting with her voice. Sometimes she'll let out a screech. Well my wife was having breakfast with her grandpa at a Denny's like place. And my daughter did the screech thing. Now, her grandpa is a regular there, and it's like a normal thing for the old men to have breakfast there. There were some other old men a couple tables over, and they are just complaining out loud about how my wife should be able to control her kid. A kid that has no idea how to communicate or understand yet because she's not a year old. My wife left, but she was damn upset about the whole situation.

^ What do you guys think in that instance? Should the kid be taken out, or should people understand that you can't discipline a kid under 1 year and it's part of natural growing and experimenting with her body?

there really shouldn't have been too much of an issue their unless she was doing it constantly. If it was happening constantly then you should do something to help quiet her down. Hold her, rock her, give her a pacifier, give her a toy, take her outside till she quiets down, ect. just so long as their is an honest effort made it should have been fine.

on the other hand if she was just sitting their basically screaming and nothing was done/ no attempt made to quiet her then yes they fully have the right and ability to complain about it.
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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8571 on: November 04, 2015, 12:30:44 pm »
I think the child should have been left with a sitter, a relative, or someone else you trust. That way your wife can get out of the house and spend time with her grandfather and not deal any of the problems.

If the sitter isn't an option, then I say take her outside and let her do her thing so the other patrons aren't disturbed.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8572 on: November 04, 2015, 01:02:12 pm »
Me and my wife had a sort of similar situation with our daughter. She's not quite 1 year old yet. So she's at the stage where she can't talk but she's experimenting with her voice. Sometimes she'll let out a screech. Well my wife was having breakfast with her grandpa at a Denny's like place. And my daughter did the screech thing. Now, her grandpa is a regular there, and it's like a normal thing for the old men to have breakfast there. There were some other old men a couple tables over, and they are just complaining out loud about how my wife should be able to control her kid. A kid that has no idea how to communicate or understand yet because she's not a year old. My wife left, but she was damn upset about the whole situation.

^ What do you guys think in that instance? Should the kid be taken out, or should people understand that you can't discipline a kid under 1 year and it's part of natural growing and experimenting with her body?

If my infant/baby was being loud and screeching repeatedly, I would take them out of the restaurant as a courtesy to the other patrons.  Putting myself into the "old men" mindset, the older you get, the harder things like screeching children become to be able to deal with. 

Personally, I didn't really go eat at restaurants while my girls were <2.  I also didn't go to the movies until they were older or had a sitter.  To me, it's disruptive to other people when my child is screaming, acting up, etc.  So I didn't take them places like that as a courtesy to others who were out to enjoy a meal, movie, what have you. 

Of course, being a year old your daughter is doing what other little ones do with sounds, etc.  Putting myself in that position, I would do drive-thru or just stay home.
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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8573 on: November 05, 2015, 03:25:40 pm »
Today I learned: I live in the 10th worst small city in America.... And in the top 10 worst small cities in America.... 7(not including my city) are near me..

hell ya! Making it to the big time!
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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8574 on: November 05, 2015, 04:41:49 pm »
Today I learned: I live in the 10th worst small city in America.... And in the top 10 worst small cities in America.... 7(not including my city) are near me..

hell ya! Making it to the big time!

Time to move, Pancho.


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8575 on: November 05, 2015, 06:04:23 pm »
Today I learned: I live in the 10th worst small city in America.... And in the top 10 worst small cities in America.... 7(not including my city) are near me..

hell ya! Making it to the big time!

Time to move, Pancho.

How is green bays weather in the winter lol?
VGCs Unofficial Podcast! Be sure to sub and listen in.

Add Me: fighterpilot562 (PSN, XBL, WiiU, Steam, Origin, Steam, Twitch)



Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8576 on: November 06, 2015, 11:47:17 am »
Today I learned: I live in the 10th worst small city in America.... And in the top 10 worst small cities in America.... 7(not including my city) are near me..

hell ya! Making it to the big time!

Time to move, Pancho.

How is green bays weather in the winter lol?

Its fantastic! snow as far as the eye can see! nothing can be better. lol I visit Wisconsin in the winter and I love snow
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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8577 on: November 08, 2015, 02:10:47 am »
Today, I decided to go to 7-11 for the name your price slurpee.  Unfortunately, no stores in my area seem to let you set your price and instead forced people to pay a set price+ donation.

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8578 on: November 09, 2015, 08:09:24 am »
If anyone does the whole Black Friday thing, here's what GameStop will be offering...


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8579 on: November 09, 2015, 08:31:45 am »
Why it gotta be black?!

Joking aside, I will never understand Black Friday. The last thing I want to do after stuffing my face on Thanksgiving is to set up camp outside awful stores like Wal-Mart, Best Buy or Kohl's just to get a good deal.