Author Topic: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:  (Read 1672116 times)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #7275 on: June 03, 2015, 12:08:28 pm »
In another region free question, is the PS2 fat region free?

No and as far as I remember you can play Japanese titles with the Action Replay Max   ;)

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #7276 on: June 03, 2015, 12:57:09 pm »
This is something that I’ve been debating for a while, so I figured I could get some opinions from everyone here.

As some of you know, my fighting game of choice is Guilty Gear. With the announcement of Xrd’s latest patch, I find myself not being as excited as I used to. The more I think about the patch (and the series) the lower my interest gets. Like, to be at the level I consider good, it would take lots and lots of time in the lab. I’ve spent hours training before, but when I get to an actual match I usually end up messing up because of nerves or because I’m trying too hard to perform the combo I just studied. That time in training could have been used for other games. Which leads me to another issue: there are tons of games that have been ignored because I was trying (unsuccessfully for the most part) to master new stuff in GG.

So, I’m thinking about quitting fighting games altogether. Now, I’d still play Smash Bros. whenever I visit the family or something super casual like that, but I wouldn’t bother with the “scene” anymore and I would get rid of all of my GG/fighting game stuff. Most of it never gets used. I have a fighting stick that has more dust than an old library book. I haven't touched Xrd or Accent Core Plus since December. I have the rest of the GG games, which obviously aren't as polished as Xrd or Accent Core Plus. I used to spend a little time each day playing GG but these days it feels like I want nothing do with it.

I’m not putting down the franchise; I think GG is the greatest fighting series of all time and I continue to get astonished by its creativity. I still enjoy watching the advanced players duke it out and creating combos that I never thought possible. That’s part of the reason why I am debating sticking with them, though. A part of me still wants to get that good, but I don't want my efforts to constantly end up being for nothing.

If anyone has any insight on this, let a brutha’ know. ^o^v


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #7277 on: June 03, 2015, 01:39:58 pm »
The last fighting game I was "serious" about Virtua Fighter 4.  I haven't had the time or interest since college to devote to them to be competitive outside of a local group (at which I was just average at best).  I still pick up quite one every couple months or so and play them with roommate and when we have people come over they're still a blast to fool around with.  Personally, I  long since made peace and accepted that I'd only play them sporadically and would never "get good" at them.  Whatever I had as a kid that kept me entertained with playing match after match to hone any skills has since abandoned me and I generally find it incredibly boring and tedious to play fighting games for extended periods of time.

Currently Playing: Rocket League (PS4), Fire Emblem Fates, The Witness (PS4), Puzzle & Dragons (Mobile)


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #7278 on: June 03, 2015, 01:41:42 pm »

Seriously considering getting that Vita.  It's all region free correct?

The PS Vita is indeed region free.

The PSTV/Vita TV a bit odd though, since it sorta is region free, but at the same time due to its weird compatibilities with certain games only not quite any game from any region will work on it. I know you weren't asking about the PSTV but I thought it might be a good idea to keep that in mind if you ever wanted to buy one.

Thanks!  Decisions, decisions.

Currently Playing: Rocket League (PS4), Fire Emblem Fates, The Witness (PS4), Puzzle & Dragons (Mobile)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #7279 on: June 03, 2015, 03:01:50 pm »
If anyone has any insight on this, let a brutha’ know. ^o^v

I wouldn't quit altogether if I were you. I only casually play GG and other fighting games (and as a result, I suck at them :-[), but I still have fun anyways. I have an inexpensive (but not shitty) fightstick I use for fighting games and other arcade style games and I don't feel any obligation to practice. If anything, sometimes I feel like my other games take time away from my fighting games. :P

Then again, this sorta sounds like how I used to be with TF2. I wasn't amazing or anything but I'd like to think I was pretty good. I'd practice lots and enjoyed watching competitive matches too. By the end I put close to 1500 hours into the game and felt like it was taking away from enjoying all of my other games. Eventually I was taking it too seriously and it just stopped being anywhere near as fun as it used to be and I quit. :-\

If you can just casually enjoy GG and other fighting games, don't quit, but if you feel you need to keep playing to be good and not just for fun then maybe it is time to give it a break.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #7280 on: June 03, 2015, 04:05:36 pm »
This is something that I’ve been debating for a while, so I figured I could get some opinions from everyone here.

As some of you know, my fighting game of choice is Guilty Gear. With the announcement of Xrd’s latest patch, I find myself not being as excited as I used to. The more I think about the patch (and the series) the lower my interest gets. Like, to be at the level I consider good, it would take lots and lots of time in the lab. I’ve spent hours training before, but when I get to an actual match I usually end up messing up because of nerves or because I’m trying too hard to perform the combo I just studied. That time in training could have been used for other games. Which leads me to another issue: there are tons of games that have been ignored because I was trying (unsuccessfully for the most part) to master new stuff in GG.

So, I’m thinking about quitting fighting games altogether.

Are you kidding ?, not trying to tell you how you should make your own decisions but since you already wanted some opinions here is mine so please don't take it the wrong way, also remember that my primary language is the Spanish one, you want to quit fighting games because one of them has took a lot of your time and you have ignored a lot of them here's where you can take it as bad my opinion, quiting just for this at least for me is like quitting all women because you can have one, maybe have used a bad reference but why don't you try first to ignore this kind of titles for a while and see if some time later you can recover that excitement you used to have.

Being a gamer is not to focus just in one style of games, fighting ones are my favorites too but this doesn't mean that am always playing them, I'll play almost every title if it is good, RPG, Platformer, Shooter, Puzzles even Sports when I totally hate them, so my recommendation here is to change these genre for a while and see if this works to you, if not there always a second option or plan but quiting at least for me it's definitely the last choice and a extreme one, can't imagine doing this.

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #7281 on: June 03, 2015, 04:38:55 pm »
If anyone has any insight on this, let a brutha’ know. ^o^v

I wouldn't quit altogether if I were you. I only casually play GG and other fighting games (and as a result, I suck at them :-[), but I still have fun anyways. I have an inexpensive (but not shitty) fightstick I use for fighting games and other arcade style games and I don't feel any obligation to practice. If anything, sometimes I feel like my other games take time away from my fighting games. :P

Then again, this sorta sounds like how I used to be with TF2. I wasn't amazing or anything but I'd like to think I was pretty good. I'd practice lots and enjoyed watching competitive matches too. By the end I put close to 1500 hours into the game and felt like it was taking away from enjoying all of my other games. Eventually I was taking it too seriously and it just stopped being anywhere near as fun as it used to be and I quit. :-\

If you can just casually enjoy GG and other fighting games, don't quit, but if you feel you need to keep playing to be good and not just for fun then maybe it is time to give it a break.

Sometimes I feel like I play too much Warframe - but when I play it, I'm usually having a ton of fun. And in the end, that's why I game anyway.  ;D
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #7282 on: June 03, 2015, 04:55:11 pm »

Are you kidding ?, not trying to tell you how you should make your own decisions but since you already wanted some opinions here is mine so please don't take it the wrong way, also remember that my primary language is the Spanish one, you want to quit fighting games because one of them has took a lot of your time and you have ignored a lot of them here's where you can take it as bad my opinion, quiting just for this at least for me is like quitting all women because you can have one, maybe have used a bad reference but why don't you try first to ignore this kind of titles for a while and see if some time later you can recover that excitement you used to have.

Being a gamer is not to focus just in one style of games, fighting ones are my favorites too but this doesn't mean that am always playing them, I'll play almost every title if it is good, RPG, Platformer, Shooter, Puzzles even Sports when I totally hate them, so my recommendation here is to change these genre for a while and see if this works to you, if not there always a second option or plan but quiting at least for me it's definitely the last choice and a extreme one, can't imagine doing this.

Well, if I were kidding, I wouldn't have asked for opinions on here. Am I right?

And I never started with women since, well, I don't fancy women. I'm not sure what analogy you were trying to go with there. XD

At any rate: I'm not considering dropping the genre since Guilty Gear has taken so much of my time. I'm considering dropping the genre because of the time sink it takes to get decent at my favorite game in the genre. Does that make sense? Other fighting series like Street Fighter or King of Fighters don't interest me because the characters are drab and most of the games lack personality. I know there are other great 2D fighters out there, but either their scene is too scarce or it'd be another time sink.

Guilty Gear has indeed taken a lot of my time because I find the setting, characters and mechanics so intriguing. But, in order to enjoy the game to its fullest I need to practice and spend time in the lab and find matches online and so on.

RPGs are my favorite genre, but I have other games to play when those get dull. I'm just thinking that the only fighting series I like shouldn't be one of those anymore since I lack the drive to dig my heels and practice until my fingers bleed.

EDIT: Woo, lord have mercy. That came off more harsh than I intended. Totally not my M.O.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2015, 06:27:52 pm by kashell »


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #7283 on: June 03, 2015, 05:05:20 pm »
Now I am not a fan of fighting games at all, and as your friend Kash, I am only looking out for you. I say just take a break from all fighting games and go play something else. Different series, different genres, etc. But don't get rid of, sell, or give away any of your fighting games just yet. I say wait 6 months, and if you still feel the urge just to rid of them, than do it.

You are viewing this from an emotional stand point it seems, and nothing good comes from making big decisions while emotional. Be it angry, frustrated, etc. Because if you get rid of them all now... What happens in a year when you get the itch to play a fighting game, and everything is gone? Means you have to rebuy, and that would be a waste.

That is my 2 cents.... Wait 6 months before you decided to purge your collection of fighting games.
VGCs Unofficial Podcast! Be sure to sub and listen in.

Add Me: fighterpilot562 (PSN, XBL, WiiU, Steam, Origin, Steam, Twitch)



Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #7284 on: June 03, 2015, 11:12:21 pm »
I get sick of genres. I just play something else for a while.

That's why I have very little time on my current selection of fighting games yet I had hundreds of hours clocked on fighting games back when I was younger.

Don't sell your stuff, you'll regret it. Just put it aside and come back later.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #7285 on: June 04, 2015, 12:34:41 am »
Not sure if anyone else has checked it out, but for a little while I had been searching for a good gaming magazine to subscribe to. I stumbled across Nintendo Force and thought it looked good and was also a very reasonable price. I just got my first issue and it's amazing. It comes with two posters that aren't actually attached so I won't feel bad ripping them out if I actually want to put them up and the articles within are very well done. Highly recommended if anyone if looking for a reasonably priced gaming magazine. Downside is that it's bi-monthly where I would love to see it come out every month. If anyone else is subscribed, I'd love to hear your opinion on it!

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #7286 on: June 04, 2015, 03:38:21 am »
Good Old Games ( is doing their summer sale with new games on sale every 12-hours. Bought Duke Nukem 3D for about a buck earlier today, and System Shock 2 for only $1.50. Lots of other great titles up right now too. Check it out fellow PC gamers.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #7287 on: June 04, 2015, 09:13:32 am »
Thanks for all of the insight, everyone. I'm still going back and forth. Sometimes I curse my heritage...I swear that people in Asia have the "I'm awesome at fighting games gene" and it makes it that much harder for us to keep up. XD

In other news, I'm still loving the hell out of Atelier Shallie.

In more news, the review for Luminous Arc 2 is up but I can't post it on here now since I'm at work.

And in more other news, my birthday is in two days! <3 Who else has a June birthday on here?


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #7288 on: June 04, 2015, 09:47:31 am »
At any rate: I'm not considering dropping the genre since Guilty Gear has taken so much of my time. I'm considering dropping the genre because of the time sink it takes to get decent at my favorite game in the genre. Does that make sense? Other fighting series like Street Fighter or King of Fighters don't interest me because the characters are drab and most of the games lack personality. I know there are other great 2D fighters out there, but either their scene is too scarce or it'd be another time sink.

Whatever you do just don't sell your titles, trust me for personal experiences I can say that this will be the worst thing that you can ever made and then when you are more relaxed you will regret it, about the KOF series don't have the same opinion that you, at least not for the first years, the innovation at that time of those awesome crossovers was fucking amazing, then SNK totally blew up the series, I admit that, guess that have a lot of good memories because I used to play all the times at the arcades and always was a pleasure to kick somebody's ass, nothing beats the joy of seeing your opponent knocked out  8)

And in more other news, my birthday is in two days! <3 Who else has a June birthday on here?

My mother's birthday is this next 6th of June so don't expect me to be here, will be eating cake  ;D

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #7289 on: June 04, 2015, 01:27:26 pm »
Thanks for all of the insight, everyone. I'm still going back and forth. Sometimes I curse my heritage...I swear that people in Asia have the "I'm awesome at fighting games gene" and it makes it that much harder for us to keep up. XD

In other news, I'm still loving the hell out of Atelier Shallie.

In more news, the review for Luminous Arc 2 is up but I can't post it on here now since I'm at work.

And in more other news, my birthday is in two days! <3 Who else has a June birthday on here?
My birthday is on the 19th! Yay June babies! /highfive
Currently Playing: The Witcher