I want to save up for a PS4 for my new place but I keep looking at these 4k ultra hd tvs and how pretty they look ...although I have a 30" standard for old skool games, a 55" 1080p for 360, ps3, etc, I'm so wanting the 4k for even newer stuff......too much technology
If it helps you any 4k tv's are pretty much a waste of money. The tv litterally displays at a resolution that is higher than that of the human eye. the tv is around 8.3 mega pixels and the human eye tops out roughly at 7.6 mega pixels in a 2-4 degree field in the exact center of your vision. Any farther out from that 2-4 degrees drops the resolution by a large portion.
Dropping Knowledge Bombs!
also for those of you who dont know that 2-4 degree field of your best vision roughly equates to if you placed an average length spoon/fork at the end of your nose and placed a quarter/half dollar at the end of the spoon. (it varies from person to person and utensil to utensil)
Honestly if I were you 90snostalga and I wanted to buy a tv I would buy one of those curved tv's. It just seems like more of the image gets to your eye in the way nature intended than not, making your viewing experience more immersive.
Also if you'd like to know the brain can percieve at between 50 and 80fps. (for a fluid video only 46 fps is necisary to trick the brain to think its a moving image with no lag) The average person can percieve roughly 60-65 (which is why high end tv's display at this) but we are extreamly sensative to change and can notice a single frame of lag in 90 fps.
So in summary anything higher than ~7 mega-pixels with anything higher than 60fps with 0 frames of lag is what i would consider a waste of money.