Author Topic: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?  (Read 362702 times)


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1320 on: February 20, 2018, 03:47:28 am »

I went in knowing very little about this film, expecting the standard X-men fare and my wife to be dribbling over Hugh Jackman. It's rare these days to be surprised by a Marvel movie, but my god this is a departure from the norm.

I would describe it as a hyper-violent, story-driven film noir. Yes there are special effects galore as normal, but they take a firm second billing to the acting, direction and script.

This is Hugh Jackman's and Patrick Stewart's last outing in theses roles and they are incredible. Then you have an extraordinary performance by Dafne Keen at the centre of it all. I really hope they base a few movies around her character.

I don't know how I let this movie pass me by, it really is excellent.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1321 on: February 20, 2018, 05:09:32 am »

Without making this too long-winded, the live action Fullmetal Alchemist is the example you can show of trying too hard to recreate something, but not changing enough to make it work in a new format.  It's essentially hours of the anime, condensed into two hours.  So as you would expect, it's the cliff notes version of the anime, but because it can't dwell on anything long enough, there's no impact to most of the story.  They don't even introduce characters that should be seen at this point in the story, or cut them out entirely from the plot.  So they do change things, but won't change enough to make it work, so it's essentially not faithful, but also not new enough as they do alter the plot.

I say it's wasted potential, because there's pretty good CG here.  Very few times did I feel that the effects didn't work, outside of one hilarious moment with Gluttony later in the movie that feels like it was unfinished.  Some of the characters even match pretty well, though some just look like cosplay such as Hawkeye or Edward, or you have characters that look nothing like the original such as Tucker and Winry.

I just don't know who this is for.  It's not for the fans, because it doesn't recreate the story well enough and it changes too much, while not making it better, so fans have no reason to care.  And I don't think the movie is good enough on its own for someone to just watch and enjoy as the first part in what I assume is a trilogy.  I'd never recommend this to someone, I'd tell them to just go watch the English dub of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood.


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1322 on: February 20, 2018, 10:28:07 am »
I went and saw Black Panther. 

After I saw all the build up to it, I was a little leery thinking that this was going to be real preachy.  It wasn't.  Marvel has done it again!  Such a fun movie to watch and enjoy.  The visuals were incredible.  The fights were fast and exciting.  The story is a little predictable, but that's ok.  SPOILER: The good guys win.

I really think you need to see this one in the theater.  It's a good for sure!


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1323 on: February 20, 2018, 12:55:46 pm »

What an awful zombie movie and stain on the series. Watched it the other night, free on TubiTV.

Remember how they karate kicked zombies in House of the Dead? Well, they boxed zombies in this one. Zombies went down from normal gunshots (wtf). And they had a very bad, B version of Resident Evil's Nemesis, that went down quick.

The other ones in the series are comedies on purpose. This is cheesy in all the wrong ways.

Avoid this one. Stick to the early entries in the series


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1324 on: February 20, 2018, 12:59:27 pm »

(Watched Wrath of the Dragon, not Fusion.)

Not a bad Dragonball Z movie. Has all your favorite DBZ team members get a moment in the spotlight, has an interesting villain, and feels like it's just the right length.


My only gripe is that after all that focus on the mystical ocarina and sword, it just ended up being Goku's SSJ 3 form that defeats the dragon. Why all the build-up if they're just going to go with the usual Dragonball finish?
« Last Edit: February 20, 2018, 01:02:39 pm by burningdoom »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1325 on: February 24, 2018, 01:41:07 am »

Initially was marathon'ing all six seasons as I picked up Season 6 on Blu-ray earlier in January, but stopped after Monster Hunter World showed up.  Finally finished it all and I still think this show is great.  It's ridiculous, but well done, and I really enjoy all the jokes they do related to comics, old cartoons, movies, and whatever else they come up with.

It is annoying though that the series has so much downtime to it.  Up to Season 4, it was only 2 years between seasons and there were at least a dozen episodes.  After that, it was 3 years between seasons and under 10.  Season 7 isn't happening till the end of the year, making it another almost 3 years of downtime, but I heard it's renewed for Season 8 also, meaning we could see a quicker turnaround.  I should probably be happy it still exists at all, as another Adult Swim show, Metalocalypse, was ended before it's final season.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1326 on: February 28, 2018, 06:22:40 am »

This is the kind of show you'd watch back before streaming was a thing, and there was nothing else on, so you just left the channel on and let it go.  Of course being that I watched the whole first season, something had to have at least be watchable...And there sort of is I guess? lol It's not a a particularly good show, B-movie schlock that Syfy is known for, and it's made by The Asylum, the company that makes knock-off movies and those trash Sharknado films.  It's generally better than that stuff I've found though.

The show really only gets unwatchable when it is trying to be serious.  Relationship garbage that comes out of nowhere or makes little sense and it just feels like knock off Walking Dead.  When it's getting silly or over the top, that's when its dumb fun.  I've seen some recent pictures of the series since it's like 4 seasons in, and it looks like it gets extra dumb, so I'm kinda interested to keep watching.  Funny enough, almost interested in watching this more than Walking Dead, especially after I had a spoiler of something that happened during the mid season that turned me off the show.  I was already sorta losing interest, but seeing where it's going, I'm just sorta moving on from it.


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1327 on: March 01, 2018, 07:03:46 am »

Mrs Arkaneer and I decided to give this a go on Saturday night. We were both exhausted and wanted something non-taxing to watch.

I expected it to be truly appalling given the reviews, but it really wasn't truth be told. I think if your Tom Cruise, you're going to get slammed if you make a mediocre film these days.

Let me be clear, it's not good either...the script and story were laughable in places. But it had the special effects and the chase sequences and stunts you would expect in this kind of film.

I'd give it a 5/10.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1328 on: March 02, 2018, 05:35:26 am »
Second season of Z Nation.  Still that mixed bag of watchable, but never being more than cheesy b-movie grade quality.  Weird pacing in some episodes, trying to be all cinematic feeling, impactful, drama-filled with slow motion and no music moments.  Rarely feels like it works, makes some scenes feel really drag.  One or two scenes I thought were okay.  I think the show is still only watchable when it's trying to be ridiculous. 

Some pretty cheap/lazy moments in it, like in one episode scene, where they visit Roswell, and they are coming into the town, you can straight up see cars in the background driving between some houses, which was something they didn't edit out, or in the same episode, they try to play off city lights in the background as being a part of the episode, but it's clearly just them not wanting to edit them out.  I know this isn't a production company of high quality, but come on... lol

Second season overall was abit better though.  The increasingly apocalyptic feel helps it keep it feeling less like like a Walking Dead knock off.  From pictures I've seen, they go full Mad Max, so I'm interested in getting to that if it happens within the episodes available on Netflix.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1329 on: March 05, 2018, 12:17:06 am »

Back in 1999 or so my mom had some Hollywood entertainment magazine that I'm sure in now defunct, but there was a 4 or 5 page article about this emerging form of entertainment in the west called Anime. In this article it talked about some of the most iconic and well known anime such as Ghost in the Shell, Salor Moon, Akira, and several others, and oddly another one called Genocyber. I would have never made note of it if it weren't for a really cool image of the demonic-like mech creature featured in this 5-episode OVA series kneeling in a really cool picture. I stared at this image all the time, wanting so bad to actually watch this cool looking anime, but unfortunately I was never able to find it at any of the local rental stores or at places like Sam Goody or Suncoast. It wouldn't be until many years later thanks to some random youtuber who posted the whole series online where I got to watch the whole series. Despite this anime being a huge inspiration for me to dive deep into the genre, creating a life long love of anime, Genocyber did not meet the expectations I had of it.

Fast forward about a month ago and I found the entire series on dvd for about a fourth of what it goes for on ebay (it's fairly pricey) and could not resist buying it. Seeing how I bought it, I felt the need to rewatch all 5 episodes again and I'm really happy I did.

Genocyber is in incredibly original, violent, thought provoking and visually impressive anime series about a girl who has been created to tap into another dimension of power despite her being little more than your average young girl in every other way. The carnage, cruelty, and savagery of the world around her combined with her powers turns her into a literal monster who essentially destroys the world and nearly all of civilization. The world building, concept and many of the ideas in Genocyber are excellent, but it's too bad that this anime fails in its direction and execution throughout the entire series.

There are many jumps in the plot that could have and should have been more fleshed out to explain certain things and establish some of what happens in the next scene. On top of that the story telling often requires a lot from the viewer to put the pieces together, which I do not get the impression was done by design, but rather a failure on the production staff's part. While I am unsure about the quality of Genocyber's japanese voice acting cast, the English dub might be the worst voice acting in an anime I've ever seen, with maybe a couple performances being passable at best.

However, despite all this I really enjoyed Genocyber and found it very inspirational on many different levels. If you can find this one or it happens to still be on youtube I definitely recommend watching it. Just be warned that it is not for the faint of heart or someone who doesn't want to use their brain a lot to make sense of some of the plot and story.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2018, 12:20:42 am by bikingjahuty »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1330 on: March 06, 2018, 01:10:30 am »

I have carried a lot of nostalgia for Blue Sub 6 since watching it on Toonami when it premiered back in 2000. However, it wasn't until tonight that I rewatched this series in full (it's only 4-episodes), and possibly more than any other show this one showed me how powerful and misleading nostalgia can be.

When I watched this show I was more into Anime than I ever have been; anything Anime related I desired to watch. Many times I'd rent random anime from Hollywood Video or Blockbuster just to get my fix, and it is because of this I think that my perception of many of the shows and movies I watched at the time were a bit skewed. In other words, I was willing to overlook flaws in quality due to how badly I wanted to enjoy the genre, which I did, but sometimes I wonder if the often ultra stylized nature of many anime distracted me from things such as the story, characters and even the production quality.

Blue Sub 6 is a shining example of this; it is highly stylized and the action is done at a raid pace, giving you little room to process the story. The story, the writing and characters suffer the most, which in the end would have essential to make this anime more memorable than a staple of the golden years of Toonami. On its own, Blue Sub is little more than a lot of outdated CG, unlikable and overly edgy characters, and a story that makes little sense at times when it needs to the most. Overall, I really didn't enjoy this one and often my nostalgia was the only thing keeping me from not wanting to watch more despite it only being four 30-minute episodes long. My experience with Blue Sub 6 makes me wonder how dramatically different my perception of other anime I watched around that time will be upon rewatching them with a much more mature and less enthusiastic point of view. We will soon see as I plan of watching a few others in the near future.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1331 on: March 06, 2018, 03:13:48 pm »

I seen the new IT just about a week ago.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.  :)

I also seen cars 3 :D.   I cried about 2-3 times throughout the corse of it.  I deem it the best cars movie yet.  I have loved them all so I might be biased but it was an amazing movie and yet another home run from Pixar.  Highly reccomend.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1332 on: March 06, 2018, 08:18:25 pm »

Had a freebie for the theater, and I usually use these for movies I'm gonna skip in theater and maybe watch on video when its out.  I believe I did this for Arrival (Also I think I did it for the new Ghostbusters movie...I regret even going to that for free), so it kinda turned into a "Scifi Freebie" lol

This movie was interesting.  I had only seen the trailer once or twice, never a different trailer as I felt like it's one of those movies you need to see as little as possible.  I won't say too much about it, but I overall liked it.  Feels a bit middle loaded personally, but there's a complete enough story here as sometimes I kinda hate when scifi movies lean too much towards "Well what do YOU think happened?!".  There's some of that, its meant to get you thinking at times, but that's not the sole focus.

I think what I like most is the setting.  I'm a sucker for post-apocalyptic settings, it's always been interesting to me and factors into some of my favorite games and enjoyment of zombie games too.  It's not technically one, but much of the time spent in this weird place has that feeling to it.  If you like more serious scifi, you'll probably like this.  The trailer and poster give it more of an actiony feel and it isn't that.  It's not Aliens, or like those space survival movies where it turns out Mars has some sort of life form picking everyone off.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2018, 08:21:59 pm by kamikazekeeg »


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1333 on: March 07, 2018, 02:34:55 am »

Finally saw this since it was released on DVD today...loved it!

Best Thor movie, yet.

At first, the humor felt to be a little much, but once the story got going, the action more than made up for it and the humor was welcomed.

This was like some of the best Marvel cosmic stories. And if this is the warm-up for Infinity War, I can't wait to see what Marvel has in store for us next month!


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1334 on: March 08, 2018, 08:13:25 pm »

Finally saw this since it was released on DVD today...loved it!

Best Thor movie, yet.

At first, the humor felt to be a little much, but once the story got going, the action more than made up for it and the humor was welcomed.

This was like some of the best Marvel cosmic stories. And if this is the warm-up for Infinity War, I can't wait to see what Marvel has in store for us next month!

I have very few complaints about this movie and they're mostly cosmetic ones. I understand why Korg couldn't look like he does in the comics because of the rights issues they had at the time but I kinda wish the Grandmaster looked more like he did in the comics and not Jeff Goldblum in a weird outfit. They could at least gave him a white wig and somewhat blue skin.  :P

When I went to pick up the Blu-ray for Thor from Best Buy on Tuesday, I spied a copy of Tales from Earthsea on Blu-ray sitting on an endcap. I've tried to keep up with the Ghibli releases on Blu-ray and quickly found out (much to the dismay of my wallet) that Disney has re-released the Ghibli collection. What was supposed to be a quick trip to get Thor turned into buying that as well as Kiki's Delivery Service, The Cat Returns, My Neighbors The Yamadas, Porco Rosso, and Tales from Earthsea. I *MIGHT* splurge some of my tax return on the rest of the set just to have a nice uniform looking collection even though I have the earlier releases already.  :o