Ever since the Sonic redesign I've been fairly excited for this movie, however when I started reading early reviews from fans of the film I began getting really hyped for it! I was literally giddy going into this movie, meanwhile I was trying to dampen my expectations since this is not only a movie based off a video game, but also a movie that was dramatically changed due to the initial backlash over Sonic's design, as well as the whole premise of a live action Sonic movie.
After watching the movie I can say that none of that excitement and hype went to waste, and somehow this movie ended up being even better than I thought it would be! I am going to fully admit that some of that has to do with my nearly lifelong love of Sonic, but looking at the movie for what it is, it was definitely the best use of the character in a live action film as you could possibly do. It perfectly captured the essence, personality, and feel of the Sonic character to a T. The same can be said for Jim Carry's portrayal of Dr. Robotnic. Speaking of Jim Carry, this was the most 90s I've seen Jim carry act since, well, the 90s. It was not only refreshing, but also sentimental in a way as it reminded me of roles he played like Ace Ventura, The Riddler, and The Grinch.
The movie's reverence for the 90s cannot be understated. While the Sonic movie takes place in modern times, the feel, plot, and story felt like a movie that was supposed to be made in 1995. For anyone who grew up with movies around that time you'll know exactly what I mean when you watch this film. The movie's very 90s feel certainly added not only to my enjoyment of it, but also to the authentic feel of this movie being about Sonic the Hedgehog, one of the most iconic video game characters from that decade.
Aside from all that, the movie was very cute and funny. I was laughing a lot during this movie, so much so that my face kind of hurt by the end and I felt almost exhausted from that and just smiling the whole time. The other actors in the film were great as well, as was a lot of the non-Sonic humor they integrated into it. This is certainly a movie that kids and adults, even if they have limited or no experience with anything related to Sonic can enjoy. And while I won't spoil it, the post credit scene was incredible! I literally blurted out a pronounced, "HOLY CRAP!" when I saw it.
I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Sonic the Hedgehog, so much so I plan on seeing it at least one more time while it's still in theaters. As a Sonic fan and just someone who generally enjoys lighthearted kids movies from the 90s, this was one of the best films I've seen over the last year, probably since Alita: Battle Angel was in theaters. this movie brought me so much joy and made me feel like an excited kid again watching one of my favorite video game characters in a fun, well done movie. I'm going to give this movie a solid 9/10; it may not be a masterpiece but is definitely one of the best, if not the best video game movie I've ever seen, and certainly a movie that did the character and source material justice.