Author Topic: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?  (Read 291980 times)

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1965 on: July 09, 2021, 10:17:56 am »
My favorite Spongebob joke is from the movie.

"Mr. Krabs, what was your motivation for opening a new Krusy Krab right next to the old one?"
"... money."


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1966 on: July 11, 2021, 03:42:53 am »
- Answering to pzeke.

Yeah, I have.
The anime was also pretty popular in Latam.

I like it and the dub was wonderful but I think it get boring after the status quo is pretty obvious, and they unfortunately couldn't finish the anime, the manga ending is... fine.
Shampoo best girl, though.

- Answering to @weirdfeline

It was truly a good movie, fun jokes and the morale message is actually great and kinda unique.

The second one was good, too.
I remember laughing a lot with the family in the theater.
I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot, I need no reason to be kind, after everything I have gone through I found a little peace.


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1967 on: July 11, 2021, 01:10:48 pm »
Don't Breathe - I like Stephen Lang, but this movie overstayed its welcome. But hey, turkey baster filled with man juice, because why nut. Coincidentally, today is Stephen Lang's birthday.

Brightburn - Movie felt redundant - the idea of an "evil Superman" has been done already and the movie didn't really bring anything new to the table. The kid seemed cold and aloof from the beginning, even though the movie—spoilers, maybe—tries to make it clear the ship had something to do with his sudden psychotic break. I appreciate the fact the movie doesn't waste too much time getting right to the point, but it could've been a lot better.

Aquaman - After having seen bits and pieces on YouTube, I finally saw this one and I really liked it; it's quite colorful in many respects. I did feel like a cat attracted to a shiny object almost every time Mera's freaking wig was on screen.

- Answering to pzeke.

Yeah, I have.
The anime was also pretty popular in Latam.

I like it and the dub was wonderful but I think it get boring after the status quo is pretty obvious, and they unfortunately couldn't finish the anime, the manga ending is... fine.
Shampoo best girl, though.

I never finished it; I watched a good number of episodes because there was a local kids show at the time that aired the series. I remember liking it, but I've never bothered to take the time to finish it...or read the manga for that matter.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1968 on: July 11, 2021, 07:49:07 pm »
Black Widow reminded me of The Winter Soldier, but not quite as tonally consistent.  The trademark Marvel snarkiness felt out of place here, or was at least a little overused.

In the Heights - Very energetic and fun, but a little too drawn out.

My Octopus Teacher - Beautiful, fascinating, and engaging.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2021, 09:03:29 pm by Cartagia »


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1969 on: July 13, 2021, 08:16:26 am »
Been playing catch up on an anime backlog. It's mainly late 80s/early 90s stuff. I've finished:

Wizardry 1

I'm glad I finally watched these. They're cheesy yet still well animated. Up next is Rhea Gall Force.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1970 on: July 13, 2021, 09:50:59 pm »
Barb and Star Go to Vista del Mar - So utterly bizarre and hilarious.  If you have even a passing interest in seeing it don't spoil yourself.

Tomorrow Never Dies - Aged pretty well, despite being clunky in spots.  It's got Michelle Yeoh and turns into a Hong Kong action flick for 5-10 minutes, so its generally worth it for that.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2021, 01:41:30 pm by Cartagia »


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1971 on: July 15, 2021, 06:24:35 pm »
Kingsman: The Secret Service and Kingsman: The Golden Circle - Nice action flicks. Over the top, especially the second one, but very enjoyable.

Ready Player One - It was a good time waster, and I liked most of the references, but it's nothing special if I'm being honest.

Ender's Game - Meh.

Straight Outta Compton - Excellent fanfic.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1972 on: July 15, 2021, 09:37:26 pm »
The World is Not Enough - It's so close to being really good, but there's just too much left-over Moore DNA. Brosnan and Marceau elevate the material, while the infamous Dr. Christmas Jones herself drags it down.

Die Another Day - Starts incredibly strong but then continues to degenerate once it hits Cuba and introduces Halle Berry. She does her best, but the writing for her is atrocious. It just gets weirder and worse as it goes on. The action is strong until the ice palace setpiece. God help it, it tries, and tries too much. Had it just stuck with the story that the first 1/3 or so was telling it could have been something. Alas, it ends with a totally overblown, poorly executed finale. Overall, it was somehow better and worse than I remembered.  Awful CG and early 2000s aesthetics drag it down whenever it tries to pull itself up.

GoldenEye - Best Brosnan Bond in a walk. There's more tension in the pen clicking scene than any of his other outings.  Biggest misstep is probably that weird car chase after the cold open. Choreographed just fine, but just feels out of place.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2021, 08:40:59 am by Cartagia »


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1973 on: July 18, 2021, 11:42:01 am »

I got to see the new Space Jam movie A New Legacy.

 It has quite a few curious references both important and only notable if you look closely at the background.

 The movie does have a lot of scenes, "no one acts like that in real life" but that's fine with me, and the movie's message is cliche but ... hey, I like it.

 In any case, I liked the movie, and I admit that some cameos did make me nostalgic.

I want to watch the new James Bond movie.
I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot, I need no reason to be kind, after everything I have gone through I found a little peace.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1974 on: July 18, 2021, 06:10:20 pm »
I also watched Space Jam: A New Legacy. I think I liked it. It would be much better with any other NBA player though because LeBron is easily the worst part of this movie.

I was pretty impressed with the CGI. It looked very expensive to make. Obviously it's not a very serious movie so I enjoyed all the references throughout the movie.

First movie is still better. Michael Jordan is much more likable and the first one feels much more like a Looney Tunes movie than the new one does.


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1975 on: July 22, 2021, 01:32:37 am »
I watched Mortal Kombat Legends Scorpion's Revenge.

It was fine, but I also think it's barely a Scorpion movie and feels more like a bridge for more movies, that's possible considering the sequel is coming soon.

The movie has a bunch of oddities for both the plot and animation, for the plot is mostly stupid decisions and stuff that the writer of the movie didn't consider with the characters from the universe but I assume they just wanted to make things the most clear possible for new fans and not guys like me that has been playing this franchise since the first game.

The animation is pretty good sometimes but it also has hilarious moments like obviously choppy animation or other comically stuff, but I actually like it, I want to believe some stuff is a reference to the exaggerations from the games.

I don't have big opinions for the gore, nowadays almost any "adult" show includes so there nothing new here, what's actually interesting is that sometimes the animation has some close-ups like the classic X-Ray/Fatal Krush from the latest games.

Anyway, I liked it, I can say that at the very least it felt likeable and well written unlike most stories from the games (NetherRealm Studios), so when it finished I actually felt like it worth burning the time with it.

Yeah, it was fine.
I hope the sequel won't make me feel I wasted the time, though.
I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot, I need no reason to be kind, after everything I have gone through I found a little peace.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1976 on: July 23, 2021, 05:48:51 pm »
Late last night I accomplished something I've been attempting to do off and on for 22-years. I FINALLY finished Dragon Ball Z. Watching all 271 episodes was a total bear which I technically started as soon as I fell head over heals in love with the show in 1998 when I first watched it at a friends house. However, I got out of anime and DBZ before the series was fully localized in the US, and as a result I never finished the Cell Games Saga and had seen virtually none of the series after the Martial Arts Tournament at the beginning of the Buu Saga. But I began rewatching the series fro the very beginning in 2010 thanks to Funamation releasing the season box sets for cheap. I then proceeded to binge watch 40-50 episodes here and there over the past 11-years until I finally finished last night. Here are my thoughts on the series as a whole.

Saiyan Saga: I love this season and find it incredibly interesting and exciting still. There also isn't the excessive filler found later in the series either. The battle of Earth's warriors against Vegita and Nappa is beyond epic, especially when Goku joins the battle. This really set the series up to be amazing and started a story arch that would end at the end of the Frieza Saga. Grade: A-

Namek and Ginyu Saga: While not as awesome as the Sagas Saiyan Saga or the Frieza Saga that followed it, it's still an excellent season. I loved the struggle that Gohan, Picallo and Krillin faced against Frieza's henchmen, as well as their interaction with the Nameks. It did feel like an eternity before Goku arrived to help them, but when he did I mostly enjoyed their battles with the Ginyu Force. More than anything I feel like this Saga sets the stage for the best saga in the entire franchise by far. Grade: B

Frieza Saga: This Saga blew my mind as an adolescent and still does to this day. This was the best the show ever got. Frieza is an awesome villain and was the first and best example of a seemingly impossible foe that there was no way of defeating. Well almost. Goku's transformation into a Super Saiyan was one of the most memorable cartoon moments I've ever seen, and the battle that ensues between him and Frieza was incredible. I am a firm believer that the series should have ended after this Saga since it wrapped up so perfectly with no need to mess the with it. It wrapped up the original story arch that started with the beginning of the series; the good guys were all alive and well on earth again, the most evil force in the Universe had been defeated, and Goku ascended to a level of power that people had assumed was a legend prior. It was the perfect point to end the series and certainly the last Saga I really, really enjoyed. Of course though, with a super popular anime comes people wanting to milk all the money they can out of it until the show becomes a shadow of its former self. Unfortunately DBZ was no exception. Grade: A

Garlic Jr. Saga: This is consistently the worst Saga in the series. It literally adds nothing to the story in terms of characters or plot, and is extremely forgettable overall. I love The Dead Zone movie, but this saga is complete garbage. Grade: F

Trunks and Android Saga: This Saga starts out very promising even though of course they had to bring back Frieza. I mostly liked this Saga until around the point where Android 16, 17, and 18 come in. I feel like this was the point the shows use of filler became shameless and there were literally several episodes in a row where little to nothing of substance happened. Also, I felt like the action taking place was too sporadic, as was any sort of progression of the plot. It was still better than what would follow. Grade: C

Cell Saga: The filler continued on at full force and Cell is more or less Frieza 2.0, except way less interesting. Also, the pacing of this Saga is terrible between the time it takes cell to go through his two imperfect forms to his perfect form. I still liked it more than the Cell Games Saga though. Grade: C-

Cell Games Saga: This Saga undoubtedly has some great parts, but it too was horribly paced. I also found Cell coming back over and over again to be incredibly annoying, and of course it was done simply to crank out more episodes. I didn't hate this Saga, but I found it fairly boring despite it having the potential to be way better. Grade D+

World Martial Arts Tournament Saga and Babadi Sagas: These are actually my favorite post-Frieza Saga seasons. For one theor pretty hilarious, and I also found the show not recycling the plot of the Frieza and Cell Saga refreshing. There was also a ton of mystery involving the Majin warriors, and the eventual reveal of Babadi, Dabura, and them trying to resurrect Buu. Also, the fight between Goku and Majin Vegita was awesome, as was what should have been the completion of Vegita's story arch. More or less after Vegita and Majin Buu's fateful battle, this show became a slow burning dumpster fire though. Grade B-

Buu Saga: This was the most infuriating, slow, drawn out Saga in the entire series by far. Buu outstayed his welcome way beyond what should have happened by transforming and changing countless times. Speaking of transforming, all the Super Saiyan transformations and fusions had really become stale and overused at this point, and while I should have been excited to see SS3 Goku or Vegito, I really wasn't. By the time Goku and Vegita were battling Kid Buu I desperately wanted this show to end. Also, Buu is probably the most uninteresting, most lazily written Villain of all time. He's essentially that kid playing four square who refuses to give up the main square by making up new rules that keep him in the main squire. Sure, the Buu Saga does have its moments, but it honestly exhibits all the worst things about DBZ as a series embodied in a single Saga.  Grade: D

While I still really like the Dragon Ball franchise, specifically DBZ, I am a little disenchanted with the series now. I would have killed to be able to see every DBZ episode back in the late 90s and early 2000s as I obsessed over this show. Unfortunately, my opinion of the show after watching the whole thing is a little worse from the wear. At the very least I still love The Frieza Saga and everything prior to it, but as for the rest of the franchise I doubt I'll ever sit down and watch any of it again, at least most of it.

I've also never finished watching Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball GT, or Dragon Ball Super, although I have read the entire manga series for Dragon Ball and loved it. I'm actually going to try and tackle GT here in the coming weeks and hopefully that show ends up being better than most people say it is. Regardless I feel like its my duty to watch it and the other series as nearly a lifelong Dragon Ball fan.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1977 on: July 23, 2021, 05:52:27 pm »
I've been meaning to rewatch the series myself as it's been so long since I've seen anything that wasn't an abridged version on Youtube lol I actually started a Dragon Ball GT watch as I picked up the series on DVD for real cheap a year or two back, but I got a handful of episodes in and had to stop because's a real rough and boring start.  I'll get back to it eventually though, probably after my One Piece re-watch I'm doing right now, of which I still have 8000 more episodes to watch lol

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1978 on: July 23, 2021, 08:15:16 pm »
I've been meaning to rewatch the series myself as it's been so long since I've seen anything that wasn't an abridged version on Youtube lol I actually started a Dragon Ball GT watch as I picked up the series on DVD for real cheap a year or two back, but I got a handful of episodes in and had to stop because's a real rough and boring start.  I'll get back to it eventually though, probably after my One Piece re-watch I'm doing right now, of which I still have 8000 more episodes to watch lol

I started watching GT today and at least 3 episodes in I'm liking it so far, although I've almost universally heard people say the beginning of the series is pretty bad, so we'll see what happens. it gives me a cool DB/DBZ hybrid feel which is pretty refreshing after finishing the Buu Saga which could not have been more different than Dragon Ball. I also want to get into Super eventually, although this series worries me since it looks like a lot of the same stuff I didn't like about Z. We'll see though.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1979 on: July 23, 2021, 08:34:04 pm »
I started watching GT today and at least 3 episodes in I'm liking it so far, although I've almost universally heard people say the beginning of the series is pretty bad, so we'll see what happens. it gives me a cool DB/DBZ hybrid feel which is pretty refreshing after finishing the Buu Saga which could not have been more different than Dragon Ball. I also want to get into Super eventually, although this series worries me since it looks like a lot of the same stuff I didn't like about Z. We'll see though.

I can understand liking it more after Buu, which definitely dragged on, I dig the kinda DB vibes of the start of GT, I just feel like it was too goofy to start with and I don't think I was in the mood for it at the time.  Super is a big mixed bag, though I would say to make sure to watch the first two newer movies they did, don't watch whatever the first dozen episodes it is, where they retold the movies in the series, just with worse animation, it was a really baffling idea.