Author Topic: Wrestling Thread!  (Read 116737 times)

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #195 on: December 13, 2015, 08:21:28 pm »
Lucha Dragons vs New Day vs Uso's - This is actually a really fun match.  Lots of good spots with interesting ladder uses.  I think they realized they needed something pretty fun right away.  I don't think Lucha's will take it, I think either New Day will retain or Uso's might get it.  I feel Uso's, just because I think we could use something refreshing.  I won't spoil the win if anyone is waiting to watch afterwards.  Man, that spot with Kalisto from the top of the ladder onto the horizontal ladder was sick.  Real awesome.

Rusev vs Ryback - Hard to top that starting match, but this was alright.  Usual kind of match for these guys.  I don't really care for the "Lana's Hurt" gimmick, but it works well enough to help put over Rusev as the heel he's supposed to be.  Hoping this is a come back for Rusev after all the months of lame shit they put him through.

Swagger vs Del Rio - I don't really have any connection for this match.  Swagger and Del Rio were before I got back into wrestling, so I've barely seen anything with them.  Lots of chair chucking and chair smashing lol Makes for some good hits at least. Solid match, it felt very intense.  You can feel it when they do things right so that you can tell when two guys really hate each other (kayfabe).

Extreme vs Wyatts - All this "Extreme" build up just for them to get destroyed by the Wyatts.  Lame. Some alright spots here and there, but it ended up being just disappointing.  Great idea, lets bring Rhyno up to the main show and have him get knocked out first, not even getting his signature in.  Dreamer wasn't much either.  Eh. Not terrible, but it had potential to be a lot more exciting I think.

Ambrose vs Owens - Better than I thought and being the one of two normal matches so far, it did well.  Might want to change that avatar and signature lol

Flair vs Paige - It was alright.  It's kind of a sad compliment to say it wasn't awful lol

Romans vs Sheamus - Not a good start to a match, when "Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks" starts chanting by a large portion of the audience.  It's not wonder Raw has garbage ratings, no one wants this fight.  Initially I didn't think Romans would win, but I think he might.  I think they have to make up for their failure by giving Roman the win, even if not everyone wants it, but this was just a dumb feud to make.

This is a solid match, but it shows how much they will have to do make up for things, when the audience will chant for anything but you.

And they screwed it up.  They are gonna give it to Sheamus all in the favor of this League of Nations bullcrap.  Way to go.  No wonder the ratings for WWE are shit.  The match was fine, but this was some garbage.  It doesn't even make sense.  Where's the Uso's and Ambrose to come out and help out when the very obvious run-in from Del Rio and Rusev is going to happen.  All this talk of "family", but apparently Roman's family doesn't give a shit about him to watch his back.  WWE creative writing at its worst.  This ONLY works if Reigns goes heel.  This is his turning point.  Not gonna happen though.  He's supposed to be the next Cena.

They might actually be doing it that Roman has snapped.  This might be the only way to salvage this...I can't imagine though that they make this work.  He'll go back to being the same 'ole Roman.  Roman from now on must be nuts .  He has to be on a rampage.

Not a terrible show like I thought it could be.  Some good matches here and there.  The only "eh" match was Rusev vs Ryback, clearly the filler match.  I'd even say that Charlotte vs Paige was better, just because it had purpose.  At least NXT London is coming up.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2015, 11:03:42 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #196 on: December 14, 2015, 11:25:09 am »
We seriously need a delete button just for this kind of situations.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 11:28:06 am by doafan »

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #197 on: December 14, 2015, 11:26:41 am »
Ambrose vs Owens - Better than I thought and being the one of two normal matches so far, it did well.  Might want to change that avatar and signature lol

Hell no  >:(

It seems that my predictions suck so here are my comments and am gonna give some Spoilers so you have been warned ...

* Lucha Dragons: have to admit that this was the best match of the event and really don't understand why they put this one first but anyway even when my team didn't won the belts they did an awesome job with the ladders, has been a long time since the last time that Edge and Christian use them so well, kinda disapointed with the result and am pretty sure that the New Day will be wearing them for a long time.
* Ryback:: Even when I didn't wanted ended up watching the match and really don't know why if I was playing some hordes at  Gears of War 3, the match was boring as hell and really can't believe that the writers are still making Ryback a complete moron with all the Lana's "injuries", I saw this match with my wife and even she was yelling because of this nonsense.
* Alberto del Rio: What can I say this was one of the two matches that I actually predicted well, since nobody interfered and that he won by itself guess that Alberto is gonna retain the belt for some time, I do admit that he is not my favorite wrestler and that is kinda ironic that a Mexican is holding the US Championship.
* Team ECW: simply bullshit, was expecting more from Tommy and Rhino even when he has won some extra weight his performance was simply poor and am not saying because that he is fat he was bad, he had this weight and was a badass at ROH when he was part of the SCUM team, dunno if it was because of the stupid P-G but the ECW practically did nothing, my wife said that they lost because Bubba took to damn much time in put the fire into the table.
* Kevin Owens: not what I expected and am talking about the performance of Owens and the result of the match, my wife said that she totally didn't want to miss this one cause am right now a Kevin's fan, she even post the results of the match at her Facebook account, damn it I still gonna purchase his action figure as my Christmas gift.
* Charlotte: didn't saw this one, but my wife said that Charlotte won because she cheated with the help of Rick Flair.
* Roman Reigns: saw this one with my little girl and my wife where I'll remember forever the reaction of my girl, was expecting to see her scared but the was yelling and jumping at the bed every damn second about the match just gotta say that totally love Reigns reaction after the match and now I want to see how the authority is going to act.

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #198 on: December 14, 2015, 03:29:59 pm »
* Roman Reigns: saw this one with my little girl and my wife where I'll remember forever the reaction of my girl, was expecting to see her scared but the was yelling and jumping at the bed every damn second about the match just gotta say that totally love Reigns reaction after the match and now I want to see how the authority is going to act.

If it turns out to be just another nothing feud with no pay off, no serious drama, with Roman not going on a rampage or going nuts, that whole ending will be wasted.  Someone I saw on twitter made a good point that he should go heel, kick Ambrose and the Uso's ass for not helping him out again when he needed them, or blow them off and go on a one man rampage with his sights set on the Royal Rumble for some big come back.

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #199 on: December 15, 2015, 04:37:08 am »
Vincent McMahon may be a big part of the companies issues, but seeing him back on the show, as it's apparently been a year since his last live appearance, but far more many years for me, it's nostalgic.  He may not be as imposing as he once was, but he's still got that voice that sounds like he's gargling concrete lol

Roman went back to being same 'old Roman, but with a little more fight into him.  He should've come out like he was the goddamn Terminator.  McMahon can still sell a bit though.  He almost got into it with Roman and I almost wanted to see it, even though I knew it wasn't going to happen and that it wouldn't be anything lol Ah, nostalgia...

Also I hate when they do the same exact show after a PPV, but it's way better.  This Extreme vs Wyatts battle is way better than last nights.  No eliminations.  Everyone is hitting spots.  There was a hilarious moment where Harper smacks Bubba with a kendo stick, with Bubba on the floor, Harper on the Matt.  Harper smacks Bubba, gets mad and chucks the stick down, it bounces up and over the ropes, and Bubba catches it in a surprise, running back in to smack Harper with it lol Also who thought it would be a great to build up "Team Extreme", so that they just get wrecked twice in a row?  Dreamer isn't really anything, but Rhyno shouldn't be making his way out of NXT just to get stomped both times.

Geez, that end for Raw.  Actually a good fight, probably better the night before with Roman and Sheamus, you could feel it being a real brawl, they got Vince worked into it, and Reigns comes out as champion.  My guess now is that the McMahon's are on a Reign rampage, using the League of Nations like attack dogs to make his life hell.  I have to wonder if they are making this their turning point to try and make things better.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2015, 06:11:20 am by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #200 on: December 15, 2015, 05:05:37 pm »
Damn and I was hoping that he became a heel anyway guess that the writers really didn't knew what to do with the story or they totally messed up that even the old Vince has to come to the rescue, gonna be watching very closely the next shows to see more 8)

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #201 on: December 15, 2015, 05:42:08 pm »
Damn and I was hoping that he became a heel anyway guess that the writers really didn't knew what to do with the story or they totally messed up that even the old Vince has to come to the rescue, gonna be watching very closely the next shows to see more 8)

If they weren't going to go heel, having him go full anti-authority, beating down the McMahons to turn up the heat more, and letting him actually win for once without scumming it out again, isn't too bad.  But yeah, we'll have to wait and see.  They have a lot more work to go as better writing has to happen across the full range of wrestlers.  Kinda hoping that is what is going on.  Rusev/Ziggler/Lana triangle? Gone! That weird Meximerica thing with Rio and Coulter? Gone!  Here's hoping.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #202 on: December 21, 2015, 11:52:31 am »
Previous tonight's Raw show it will be the Slammy Awards event at “Suplex City”, Minnesota where I do have to admit that really don't give a shit about the awards but am a lot interested in the show cause at the Target Center web page they are announcing the dark match between Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt and Kevin Owens, it will be fucking excellent if Owens started a friendship with the Family, haven't seen him in a team for sometime and what a better team than this one but the main fight of tonight can change if at last moment they put Reigns vs Sheamus which I really don't want to see and happen  ::)

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #203 on: December 21, 2015, 01:03:21 pm »
If any of you are old-school wrestling fans:

The WWE Network just added a CRAPLOAD of classic stuff including all the WWF Attitude Era Raws, all the WCW Nitros from the beginning in late 1995 until spring 1998. And even a bunch of NWA Wrestling, AWA, and Mid-South stuff.

It was enough to make me re-up my subscription again after not having it for a while.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #204 on: December 21, 2015, 01:13:44 pm »
Am old-school but if they don't add the WCW/ECW Invasion stuff am not in  :P

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #205 on: December 21, 2015, 01:24:06 pm »
Am old-school but if they don't add the WCW/ECW Invasion stuff am not in  :P

They do have the Raws from that era, and always had the PPVs.

Although you aren't missing much. It was a weak invasion since most of the big-name WCW stars weren't a part of it. Scott Steiner, Booker T, and DDP were best we got. And they completely misused DDP and Steiner.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #206 on: December 21, 2015, 01:31:17 pm »
It might not be big thing at that moment but for me it was fucking epic, used to see Eddie Guerrero when he was part of the WCW and seeing him at WWF was so fucking epic, if am not wrong still have the VHS tapes where I used to record the shows at my parents home, damn guess that will clean the VHS just to remember those amazing moments  :'(

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #207 on: December 21, 2015, 01:43:48 pm »
It might not be big thing at that moment but for me it was fucking epic, used to see Eddie Guerrero when he was part of the WCW and seeing him at WWF was so fucking epic, if am not wrong still have the VHS tapes where I used to record the shows at my parents home, damn guess that will clean the VHS just to remember those amazing moments  :'(

Eddie showed up in WWF a few years before the Invasion ever happened, in The Radicalz along with Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, and Chris Beniot. That was exciting. Especially since Beniot had just won the WCW World Heavyweight Championship literally right before jumping ship to WWF. Man, that was some must-see wrestling back then, wish it was half as good today.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #208 on: December 21, 2015, 02:09:43 pm »
Totally agree with you, Eddie's is my favorite wrestler I used to see him and Art Barr (Love Machine) wrestling here in my city, after Latino Heat passed away there was no wrestler that really impressed me until Kevin Steen arrived, am kinda obsessed with how he wrestle but am not talking about his fights in the WWE or NXT, am talking about his matches at CZW, PWG and the best for me at ROH, damn love the teaming and the feuding that he used to had with El Generico (it kinda remember me the attitude era) and even when I saw what Owens did to Sami when he won the NXT Championship did not beat the original idea, it's a shame that the WWE wants to make money of this

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #209 on: December 22, 2015, 01:24:34 am »
The Slammy's aren't too bad when you realize that it's the only awards show that is likely to have people getting jumped, such as Owens coming out when Neville won for breakout star lol

Though what the hell is with them constantly sandbagging the ECW team?  They teased a fire table not long ago, nothing happened.  Dudley's tonight were gonna table someone, they get stomped.  It's like a battle of wanting to push Wyatt's, because it's a good team with crap motivations, but they also want to do something with the "Extreme" guys, but they don't know what to do with them in any way other than getting mostly just stomped by the Wyatts.