Author Topic: Wrestling Thread!  (Read 113331 times)

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #330 on: March 31, 2016, 04:31:26 pm »
Raw this week REALLY felt like the final stop before WrestleMania. Between Shane McMahon putting Taker through a table, the chaos with the IC Title contenstants and the Andre the Giant Battle Royal Contestants, and the back and forth attacks between Reigns and HHH. (BTW, I loved the crazy moment from Ambrose, too.) It was a helluva Raw!

But we still have Smackdown tonight. What are they going to do to top Raw on the actual final stop before WrestleMania? Or is this just going to be a filler episode?

Probably some more stuff with the B-Tiered folks and the final setup for Wrestlemania with them.

Yeah it's super filler stuff.  Lots of rehashing the events of Raw along with prepackaged promos for the big events, primarily Lesnar/Ambrose and HHH/Reigns.  LONG stuff too to fill up time lol
« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 09:49:55 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #331 on: April 01, 2016, 05:48:33 pm »
Getting hyped for NXT Takeover Dallas tonight! I really hope Nakamura gets to keep his fantastic theme lol

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #332 on: April 01, 2016, 10:24:15 pm »
NXT Takeover Dallas

American Alpha vs Dash and Dawnson - Incredibly good match.  I have never watched either of these teams, my NXT knowledge is limited, but god damn there were some great spots.  There was even one botch, that lead to a "You fucked up" chant and then a big "botchamania" chant lol It was handled well though that it didn't sour the match at all.  The ending was a lot of fun with a bunch of near pin flips and counters.  I can't wait for more.

Corbin vs Aries - I know Corbin abit more in this, Aries being one of those big gets like Nakamura I guess.  Should be an interesting fight I hope.  This was a slower match, but had some good spots.  A few looked real rough, such as the second rope drop and the Deep 6 on the floor.  Anything that makes you cringe, but you know it was executed properly, is a good move lol

Zayne vs Nakamura - IT'S HAPPENING.  I knew it wasn't likely he wouldn't get to keep his theme, but at least he gets to keep his crazy style lol Crowd chants are going absolutely nuts lol You'd be hard pressed to find someone as physically stylish as a Nakamura I think.  So much extra movement and lots of taunting.  Crap, missing a few spots cause of connection.  Stahp it! Incredible match that looked like they gave it their all.  I'm so happy with this, despite the player running crappy for me lol The King of Strong Style!

Asuka vs Bailey - This was the other match I was super excited for.  Asuka, much like Nakamura, has a lot of great character and style.  Bailey is great as the ultimate babyface too.  She might be considered too goofy and silly, but it works, especially since she's a good wrestler.  Just a genuinely good match, and it didn't have some crazy finish thing, actually a pretty regular finish, but I'm cool with that.  They all can't be crazy nuts lol

Samoa Joe vs Finn Balor
- I expect another good match here, which means Takeover Dallas is just gonna be incredible.  Don't know why Balor has a chainsaw, but....WHY NOT?!  Oh damn, Finn opened up Joe like a geyser!.  Can't tell where, but it wasn't even a minute into the match and he is covered lol  Looks like a cheek cut or below the eye.  This is bad, this might be one of the worst gushers I've seen in a while.  Intense start. I wonder if this will end early because of the cut.  Looks like they'll keep it going and man that is intense with him just face bathed in gore lol I wonder if they'll try to hurry the match up because of this.  Despite the stops on this one, it was a great match.  They knew they had to keep it intense ebcause of the delays.

This whole event was fantastic.  Not a single bad match and most of them were great.  I only put Corbin and Aries at the bottom because it wasn't one I was super interested in and the starting tag team match was just a flurry of moments.  It's hilarious to think that what is consider the "main show" of Wrestlemania, now has to compete against its little brother lol  Sure, Wrestlemania has the flair and size, but straight up quality wrestling? I doubt we'll see anything on the same level as this.

*Hall of Fame Edit*
New Day continuing to be some of the funnest guys the WWE has.

John Cena's time away from WWE did no favors for him as he came back to so many boos at the Hall of the Fame of all places lol I really hope his teasing was for this and not Wrestlemania tomorrow, because we don't need any more booing there.  Those will all be for Reigns if he wins the belt lol
« Last Edit: April 02, 2016, 10:29:59 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #333 on: April 03, 2016, 05:17:59 pm »
Ending up live blogging the whole thing and it got kinda messy, so I'm rewriting things to better work out feelings from Wrestlemania.

Kalisto vs Ryback - Fairly innoffensive match.  Nothing exciting, but both looked good for what it was and Kalisto came out in a fantastic dragon outfit.  Downside of the match was that the stadium had issues with scanning tickets, so most of the audience wasn't even in the theater.  It had to be only like 1/3rd full and it looked kinda bad because of it, but it was just the pre-show.

10 Diva Tag Match - Basically a nothing match.  A couple spots here and there, nothing special.  Kinda cool to see Lana acting like a wrestler, but she only did two kicks.  Nice to see Brie get her stuff out and to have Nikki come out in full gear and a neck brace to celebrate with her, possibly for the last time for either of them.

FILLER - Lita announced that the belt is now the "Women's Championship" and matches the main one, just in white/red instead of black.  It's a good move.

Dudleys vs Uso's - Another kinda nothing match.  It was fine, nothing special, and not even the reversal of the Dudley's going through the tables is interesting.  I don't know what they are doing with the Dudley's anymore.

IC Ladder Match - This was a super fun match.  Lots of great spots and probably more fun than the last two ladder matches because there was more going on in general.  I think the only spot I remember from the IC belt match last year was Ambrose thrown through the ladder.  Surprising win on this one, but I don't know the wrestler well enough to care other than I would've like Zayn to get it or KO to keep it for abit.

AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho - It's the same as every other time they fought, so it was alright.  Jericho winning is dumb I think, because it just buries Styles and it makes no sense with all the heat Jericho was getting with the build up to Mania. I hope they are done fighting.  This is the worst feud.

New Day vs League - New Day coming out of a box of giant Booty-O's, dressed like Saiyans from Dragonball Z.  No joke.  This is amazing lol Match was alright, a few good spots, with a League win, but it wasn't for the belts, so it's not a big deal, but the League is being buried so hard.  How hard? Why they are being buried so hard, that for no real reason Mick Foley, Shawn Michaels (Who looks in fighting shape), and Stone Cold come out for a beat down, stomping the League 3 on 3 after New Day pulls one of the four out, and then do all their moves.  It was honestly a lot of fun, but it so buries them.  I don't care about the League any ways, so it's great.  Rusev and Xavier do amazing selling for the stunner.

Just look at this selling! Xavier also sold it well, with more arm flailing, but Rusev killed it.

Lesnar vs Ambrose - I was interested in this, and while it was kinda the beat down I expected, it was honestly kinda meaningless.  All the buildup and Lesnar just beats Ambrose out legit after a million suplexes. I like both, but I think Ambrose should've won.  Lesnar having one loss every so often doesn't ruin him and this would've propelled Ambrose.

Charlotte, Becky, Sasha - Shockingly good match, no joke.  I might even say better than Asuka and Bailey at Takeover, though they had much harder hits I thought.  Overall it was very high energy, they tried a lot, did a lot, and it felt like they were going for it.  Then they ruin it by having Ric Flair interfere, making Charlotte once agains cheat to win the new belt, because fuck you, that's why.  This shit was old weeks ago, but to have it on Mania? Dammit WWE.

Shane vs Undertaker - This was what I expected, but it was still pretty incredible at points.  I wanted Shane to win so much, because it would lead to hopefully interesting story.  And his jump off the top of that huge cell was INSANE.  Highlight of the night for sure as they gave it there all and I thought it was pretty good.

Rumble - This was weird, but alright.  Like they had Diamond Dallas Page, Tatanka, and freaking Shaquille O'Neal in this.  Shaq went out quick and was kinda dumb to have, but whatever.  DDP was cool to have for abit and Tatanka for novelty sake.  I thought Kane had this, but out of nowhere, it was a clean win for Baron Corbin from NXT! I guess he'll be coming up soon to the main roster.  I'm cool with that.  He's a good tall guy that builds heat well.

FILLER - No band this time, thank god, just a quick bit of Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders dancing to Thunderstruck for like two minutes.  Meh.  Then the Rock comes out and does his thing for abit till the Wyatts interrupt.  I thought that finally they were gonna do something for them to build heat.  I mean they even were gonna make it a legit match! But Rock pins Rowan in 6 seconds and then gets ready for a beat down...OH THEN CENA APPEARS, BECAUSE FUCK YOU, THAT'S WHY! Once again they bury the Wyatts.  Despite building them up as this destructive force.  They are constantly wrecked.  It's even worse here because they are jobbed out by a guy who maybe wrestles once a year, if that, and he didn't even wrestle, he just hit his signatures.  I love the Rock, but this was terrible.  Most still hate Cena too, nothings changed.

HHH vs Reigns - This match exemplifies everything that is wrong with WWE right now.  Despite building up this hilarious intro with Stephanie, trying to garner ultra level heat for HHH, it doesn't work because Roman comes out to nearly theme defeaning BOOO's.  The largest boo's I've ever heard.  They spent much of this match mic'ing out what they can to hide the boo's.  Roman wins after a boring match (which makes things worst, is that it wasn't even a good match), and the boo's explode again, just to be mic'd out so they can fake the disdain the crowd has for Roman.

Overall - With this Wrestlemania, I can say I've learned this.  WWE hates us.  Obviously so.  You don't want Becky and Sasha to win, setting a new stage for the women's division? Screw you, cheat win for Charlotte.  You are loving New Day? League win in a handicapped 3 on 4 match.  Can't get enough of Styles? Screw you, Jericho hates you all too and he won.  Ambrose maybe hitting that next level of awesomeness for you with all this build up? Screw you, Lesnar is the beast, he can't be beaten other than through cheating.  Want Shane to win so that some big interesting change could happen to WWE? Screw you, Vince always wins in the end.  Reigns is booed more than anyone else in the entire event and clearly no one wants as the face of the company or as the champion again, let alone three time champion in 6 months? Screw you, we'll do what we want and we want our new Cena, even if you hate him more than Cena now.

It's so frustrating when there was a lot of good going on, but it was like so much of this Wrestlemania was just a big middle finger from Vince to people.  Maybe Raw will be interesting today, but holy crap, WWE can't not overcome their problems.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 05:48:42 am by kamikazekeeg »


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #334 on: April 04, 2016, 04:03:07 pm »
Sooooo disappointed that Shane lost. SOOOOO disappointed.

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #335 on: April 04, 2016, 04:40:48 pm »
Sooooo disappointed that Shane lost. SOOOOO disappointed.

I am too, though man what craziness that was.  It should've been the main event.


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #336 on: April 04, 2016, 04:44:46 pm »
Sooooo disappointed that Shane lost. SOOOOO disappointed.

I am too, though man what craziness that was.  It should've been the main event.

For sure. It sucked to be Reigns and HHH following that up.


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #337 on: April 04, 2016, 04:44:53 pm »
Pretty good Hall of Fame! Who else watched it?

The Fabulous Freebirds were great! Michael Hayes should still be a manager, an announcer, something to put that talent to use. Freaking hilarious after they did they're entrance dance, and the crowd is chanting "Freebirds rock! Freebirds rock!"; Michael Hayes finally gets to the mic and exasperates: "Freebirds need oxygen." lol

Ric Flair seemed like the perfect choice to induct Sting, until it actually happened. He totally tried to steal the spotlight and talked about all kinds of stuff that had NOTHING to do with Sting...hey Ric, you were already inducted...twice.

What did you guys think?

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #338 on: April 04, 2016, 04:58:39 pm »
Pretty good Hall of Fame! Who else watched it?

The Fabulous Freebirds were great! Michael Hayes should still be a manager, an announcer, something to put that talent to use. Freaking hilarious after they did they're entrance dance, and the crowd is chanting "Freebirds rock! Freebirds rock!"; Michael Hayes finally gets to the mic and exasperates: "Freebirds need oxygen." lol

Ric Flair seemed like the perfect choice to induct Sting, until it actually happened. He totally tried to steal the spotlight and talked about all kinds of stuff that had NOTHING to do with Sting...hey Ric, you were already inducted...twice.

What did you guys think?

I generally liked it, but yeah, Flair kinda ruined two events this weekend lol

« Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 05:07:27 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #339 on: April 04, 2016, 09:58:14 pm »
Holy shit.  There were very few things that people were gonna like from last night.  Zack Ryder got huge pops when he came out on RAW, but they waste all that goodwill on some nonsense involving Ryder's dad and Miz's wife, that lead to Ryder losing the belt after only a day.  WWE, DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE DOING?!

Shane's match didn't mean anything, since Vince gave RAW to Shane, just for tonight.  There's now a fatal four way match tonight with KO, Styles, Jericho, and Zayn, I think to make them contenders for the belt.  At this point, I fully expect Reigns to lose after just getting the belt and somehow HHH wins it again.  That's how bad WWE is at booking things right now lol

Also, apparently a whole bunch of NXT is coming up to RAW.  We already had Zayne, Corbin is there, apparently Apollo Crews is coming after only a few months in NXT, and now The Vaude Villains will be on Smackdown. I thought we'd see the two jersey dudes also and Bailey is likely coming too.  I could see why NXT is hiring more big names like Aries, Nakamura, and that Bobby Roode guy is coming, plus those two other guys that are former bullet club.

So no remath for Becky and Sasha with Charlotte, but Natalie is gonna get a thing going with Charlotte in a Flair vs Hart proxy feud? Kay.

And now Uso's vs Dudley again in a table match, the thing that Dudleys said they didn't want to do, but constantly do.  WHAT IS THIS BOOKING.  Bubba seemed like he was no selling a spot or two, in a bad way.  Hrmmm...

Speaking of Enzo and Cass, the two guys I thought of before, here they are, totally ignoring the Dudleys as they come in.  Love that lol Great smack talk from them and I guess Dudleys are done feuding with the Uso's and now will start a feud with the newcomers.  Sure.  Why not.

While I'm disappointed that KO knocked Zayn out beforehand for this fatal 4 way, we instead get us the return of Cesaro! Cool to have him back.  Sucks that Jericho is still in a match with Styles, I'm totally digging seeing Styles and Cesaro duke it out.  This is what people want.  Make sure Jericho never fights Styles again lol  This is a pretty good match.  And Styles is #1 contender beating Jericho! Hopefully this is the end of this dumb feud and Styles going onto better things.  Here's your face (styles) vs heel (reigns) match lol
« Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 11:09:07 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #340 on: April 06, 2016, 11:43:59 am »
Being honest really didn't want to post my impressions of Wrestlemania cause I was almost sleeping when was watching the event except at the beginning, can't believe they started with the Intercontinental Championship but anyway Owens losing his belt was ok cause Zack Ryder really deserved the belt, the match was good enough also seeing Kevin applying the Pumphandle Neckbreaker was fucking excellent to bad that this past Raw Miz is the new IC champion, seriously.

The New Day made it again with those costumes specially that Goku Woods and seeing three legends at the ring after the match was awesome, the match was good enough to keep me all the time in front of the TV, that Stunner to Xavier and the face of his team mates was pure perfection, was expecting to be this excited with the Lesnar / Dean match but being totally honest was expecting a lot more, this one was the second match that I was expecting and leaved me totally disappointed, really don't want to talk more about this one.

About the Undertaker vs. Shane match really can't said what was wrong with this one, maybe that I was expecting a lot more specially from Shane but the worst part was after the event when they announced that it was the last match for the Dead Man, they made a "huge" entrance for HHH and practically nothing to the Taker, about the last match won't say anything only that the people wasn't happy with the result of it, talking about Raw that It was supposed to be the best Raw of the year seeing Reings practically offering the belt to everybody was lame, really want it for Owens but after reading some articles it appears if they are correct AJ Styles will be the next champ, will read more about this and will post the idea or the story that might happen.

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #341 on: April 20, 2016, 06:29:02 pm »
Well it seems that that the web page from wrestling that am following is doing things right cause Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson attacked Reigns this past Monday when AJ Stylez was talking with the champ, the page claim that they will form The Bullet Club again to help the phenomenal to get the belt and maybe, The Shield will be reunited again, to be quite honest I really have a lot of doubts about this last part but the idea of the first team being reunited again it has sense, really want them to be back.

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #342 on: April 20, 2016, 06:51:10 pm »
Well it seems that that the web page from wrestling that am following is doing things right cause Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson attacked Reigns this past Monday when AJ Stylez was talking with the champ, the page claim that they will form The Bullet Club again to help the phenomenal to get the belt and maybe, The Shield will be reunited again, to be quite honest I really have a lot of doubts about this last part but the idea of the first team being reunited again it has sense, really want them to be back.

I'm a little unsure of what they plan to do.  Styles is a face, so joining to reform the Bullet Club or whatever they call it, would seem a tad weird with Gallows and Anderson as heels, though maybe we see Bullet Club stuff happen once Balor shows up.  I'm worried their intervention could lead to DQ nonsense for the belt at Payback, of which I don't really think Reigns will lose it.  As hated as he is, I think they want to try and build more heel heat for him by letting him keep it for awhile and Styles is probably still too new to get the belt I'd guess.  Though I still hope for the best with Styles winning.

Though it would be nice for a good guy to win the belt though...I just looked, and a good guy hasn't held the belt since Cena in June 2014, and the last time it was held by someone that was well liked, it was Bryans in April 2014.  That's 2 years.  I guess technically people like Lesnar, but he's certainly no face.

Also, in abit of twitter nonsense, Jericho is trashing Nakamura, possibly hinting at an initial rivalry between them when Nakamura comes to the main show, and now I'm picturing the horror of multiple Jericho vs Nakamura matches.  It'll be Styles vs Jericho all over again.  Jericho isn't bad, he's just kinda boring and he's a lame heel.  I don't want this to happen.  How long till Jericho retires? lol
« Last Edit: April 20, 2016, 06:58:24 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #343 on: April 20, 2016, 07:12:03 pm »
Damn I just noticed that Payback is this Sunday and still don't know anything about the battles of this event, am kinda immersed with the two DVD's of Kevin Steen: Ascension to the Top that haven't seen any RAW and SmackDown this past two weeks, am taking my time watching and replaying his matches at Ring of Honor, didn't knew that he even had a match with Bryan Danielson  :o

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #344 on: April 20, 2016, 07:18:58 pm »
Damn I just noticed that Payback is this Sunday and still don't know anything about the battles of this event, am kinda immersed with the two DVD's of Kevin Steen: Ascension to the Top that haven't seen any RAW and SmackDown this past two weeks, am taking my time watching and replaying his matches at Ring of Honor, didn't knew that he even had a match with Bryan Danielson  :o

Next Sunday, May 1st.  I know cause I'll miss it due to a concert I'm going to lol

The current matches for it are...

Reigns vs Styles for the WWE Championship
Miz vs Cesaro for IC Belt
Ambrose vs Jericho
Zayn vs Owens
Charlotte w/Rick vs Natalya w/Bret Hart for WWE Women's Belt
Amore and Cassidy vs Vaudevillains for #1 contenders against New Day.

I'm expecting Reigns to win, but would love for Styles to get it.  I'm hoping for Cesaro to win because he's cool and Miz is annoying and how he won it was dumb.  Of course Ambrose to win against Jericho.  This might be the only match I'm kinda expecting to be great, and I'm cool with Zayns or Owens winning.  I expect Charlotte keeps the belt, because why not.  And I want Amore and Cassidy to win, because they are a lot of fun.  I'd totally want them to win against New Day also.  Freshens up New Day and then Amore and Cassidy get some good initial hype.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2016, 07:24:25 pm by kamikazekeeg »