Author Topic: Wrestling Thread!  (Read 113320 times)

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #345 on: April 20, 2016, 11:20:10 pm »
Was randomly thinking about The Bullet Club and Shield ideas and maybe it is something that could work.  Reigns has to lose the belt.  There's no point where he will be over and people will like him.  He will be booed nonstop at every event.  There is no story line where he will be cheered as the good guy and put him over and even turning him heel won't better anything, that'll just keep the booes going nonstop.  So at Payback, have Styles win the belt, maybe begrudgingly with help from Gallows and Anderson.  This sends Roman out of the way for awhile.  Have him off for a month.  Now we have the new Bullet Club. 

At the next event, which I think is Extreme Rules, have both Rollins and Reigns come back, maybe to help out Ambrose.  It's a shaky alliance with Rollins, but maybe it's done out of necessity than whatever they were before (I don't know much about the Shield actually).  Now we get some stuff with Shield vs Bullet Club.  Then out of nowhere, Balor busts in, helping out Bullet Club.  This gives them a 4th guy as now Balor is part of the roster.  That could lead to the Shield looking to gain a new member, bringing some proper faction stuff back to WWE that isn't dumb combinations like with the League of Nations (I'm fine with all those guys single, but they were such a lame heel team lol).  This could work...

Reigns just needs to go for now.  He's been champion 3 times in less than a year.  STAHP IT.  Reigns is not top tier.


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #346 on: April 21, 2016, 01:48:09 am »
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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #347 on: April 21, 2016, 02:15:31 am »
Terrible news. Chyna died.

Geez, 45.  That's rough.  I use to like her back when she wrestled, but I know she had a hard time afterwards.  Sucks to see someone go so young. RIP.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #348 on: April 21, 2016, 02:20:39 pm »
What the fuck, how the hell did she die ? anyway really hope that she may Rest in Peace, I will never forget those moments when she was Eddie's "little girl" about those times when she was with the asshole of HHH well let's say that they weren't my favorites, why ....

* Reminder that she was just some female body builder HHH found.
* Reminder that HHH brought her into the business and made her and started dating her.
* Reminder that HHH dumped her like a piece of shit for Stephanie in order to advance his career.
* Reminder that HHH cheated on her before that.
* Reminder that HHH used his new power with the blessing of Vince to shun her from WWE because he couldn't face her after doing such a shitty thing to her.
* Reminder that despite being one of the most popular female wrestlers, they wont even acknowledge she died and even if they did, it would just be some fake bullshit forced memorial thing for ratings because they obviously didn't give a shit about her while she was alive.

... so fuck HHH and Stephanie McMahon and talking about this last one her tweet about China's dead is more false than anything, they even got the nerves that they posted her death at the WWE page :

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #349 on: April 22, 2016, 11:41:53 pm »
Oh man, it might be happening, but apparently due to what we will likely see on NXT next week, Finn Balor will be coming to the main show quicker than I thought.  There's a tease that we could see Balor on RAW on Monday.  This could lead to a Bullet/Balor Club thing happening with Anderson and Gallows.  Still not sure if Styles will play into it in the same way, but it would make for some awesome faction stuff to do this.

I am slightly concerned about the state of NXT though.  Recently we've had a lot of folks moving up such as Baron Corbin, Crews, Amore & Cassidy, Vaudevillains, and if Balor goes, that's another big one.  Doesn't leave a lot of folks for NXT on the male side it seems.  Samoa Joe is there, but I doubt he'll be there for too much longer.  Nakamura is huge, but I'm unsure how long he'll stay there too.  Austin Aries I understand is a big name, but much like Nakamura, how long till he moves on?  I don't watch NXT intently, but I can't say I've seen anyone really fitting the bill to fill the gaps of these guys that have been there for awhile.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2016, 11:47:34 pm by kamikazekeeg »


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #350 on: April 23, 2016, 10:22:43 am »
Why the hell hasn't Samoa Joe gone to the main roster yet? He was a bigger star than any of the rest of the NXT guys before he joined.


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #351 on: April 23, 2016, 06:49:30 pm »


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #352 on: April 23, 2016, 11:52:04 pm »
Why the hell hasn't Samoa Joe gone to the main roster yet? He was a bigger star than any of the rest of the NXT guys before he joined.

Not sure exactly.  He's kinda top dog right now and might stay there for abit just till they get some better guys.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #353 on: April 30, 2016, 02:18:39 pm »
Next Sunday, May 1st.  I know cause I'll miss it due to a concert I'm going to lol

The day is almost here unfortunately there will be no pizza and wings this time anyway two more matches were scheduled for the event ...

* Kalisto (c) vs. Ryback: Singles match for the WWE United States Championship
* Dolph Ziggler vs. Baron Corbin: Singles match

 ... being honest I really don't care about these two, hope that they are part of the Kickoff, from the whole event I only want to see three of them, am expecting to see AJ. Styles as the new champ which it sound pretty ridiculous but dreaming is free, for the second one I want Amore and Cassidy (really hope to see Carmella with them) to be the main contenders and for the last one don't have to say that expect to see a great match between Steen vs. El Generico, what ?, this match is a rip off of those that had place at Ring of Honor but still is my main one, just before I leave the office was checking the WWE page and the WWE's Nee Era! part took mi attention, it means that PG Era is finally over ?, will came back this next Monday to leave my comments about this event cause don't like to be on Internet at home  ;D

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #354 on: May 01, 2016, 04:49:15 pm »
I'll be watching the show tonight since I'm staying home from the second day of the music festival and I'll toss out my views, though right now, I want to throw out my predictions/guesses.

Kalisto vs Ryback: US Championship - I think Ryback wins it.  I've read a little recently for something that makes a lot of sense, but since Ryback is going heel and they really are treating the belt like it's crap (Two kickoff shows in a row? It's a god damn belt! Treat it right!), so I say we see Ryback win it.  And as much as I don't care for Cena, I see him coming back to fight it off Ryback in probably a lame match, but it leads to Cena doing his open call for the belt which does allow for a lot of people to come at it.

Ziggler vs Corbin - Pointless feud, but I think Corbin will win it because they want to push their new guy as a beast.

Enzo & Cass vs Vaudevillains - This was another event I read about, where it's Vaudevillains winning, just to lose to New Day, but I am gonna say Enzo and Cass because they are great and I want a championship bout between them and New Day.  They are easily some of the funniest people out there.  Even if they likely lose, it would be an awesome match.

Zayn vs Owens - This could be a lot of fun and honestly, I'm for it either way on the winner.  It's a win-win situation lol

Ambrose vs Jericho - Just let Ambrose win, I don't care about Jericho anymore.

Miz vs Cesaro: IC Championship - Cesaro should totally win.  The win Miz got from Ryder was really freaking stupid and Cesaro is cool, so just let it happen.

Charlotte vs Natalya - Charlotte probably wins it.  I'm still annoyed she won it how she did at Wrestlemania and I wouldn't be surprised if it's still not a clean win for Charlotte with some sort of intervention, even with Bret Hart in Natalya's corner.  I do have a small feeling that Natalya could take the belt, mostly because I think they just wanted to give the new belt to Charlotte first as a thing because she's a Flair.  She's mostly a boring a heel champion so it would be nice for them to give it to Natalya.

Roman Reigns vs AJ Styles - Sadly I feel it'll be a Reigns win.  I think they'll embrace the hate they'll continue to get, but I can't imagine it'll ever work for them.  He's a babyface getting booed harder than Cena ever has and Cena gets a good mixture of cheers to balance out his boo's.  Reigns really doesn't.  I don't know if it's too early for a Styles win.  I want him to win, he's awesome.  If they did do it, I think it would give them a really huge positive boost.  This is one where it has the possibility to go in interesting ways, but I feel like it'll go two specific ways...Reigns looks like he'll win, Gallows & Anderson come out, then the Uso's, they fight it out, but somehow Styles gets DQ'd or Reigns does, making it so Reigns wins or loses, but no belt change.  The other is they come out, and during Uso's coming out, Styles gets distracted and taken out, making it so Reigns win.  Styles winning is an extremely low chance sadly.

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #355 on: May 01, 2016, 07:58:36 pm »
Now lets see where my guesses went...

Ziggler vs Corbin - Accidentally missed this (Thought the kickoff was at 8, not the main show lol), but apparently Ziggler won.  Kind of a nothing thing, so I don't care that I got it wrong lol

Kalisto vs Ryback - Holy crap, Kalisto was going nuts with this lol Like this is some of the best I've seen him do.  WAY better than Wrestlemania.  I thought this was gonna be nothing.  Very high energy, crazy back and forth. AND KALISTO WON! Jesus, this freaking match was short, but insane lol  I'm super glad I was wrong about this match XD

Fuck, Enzo got hurt legit real bad. Head smashed into the bottom rope and floor as he tried to go under.  No joke, serious stuff, looks like he practically was knocked out and maybe hurt. They eventually brought the camera away when it was shown to be serious and they moved onto a Sami and Kevin backstory bit while they prepare to move on.

Owens vs Zayne - Bit rough to go to this after Enzo, but they gave their all for this match, very great spots with Owens winning.  I'm cool with that.

Enzo is moving and talking in an update.  Good sign, at the worst he might've just got a concussion.

Cesaro vs Miz - I hate shenanigan wins, but it was a good match still, even if Miz won.

Ambose vs Jericho - Ambrose won which is cool.  Solid match.

Charlotte vs Natalya - Of course shenanigans, but dumb shenanigans.  Charlotte won, whatever.

Shane and Stephanie are both running Raw...I'm sure this will end up being pointless lol I expect the main event with Reigns vs Styles to be just as much as a dud lol

Styles vs Reigns - I came into the match late and I know I give Roman shit, but I mostly give his push crap, not him personally.  He's not a bad wrestler, if limited I think, but he was really bringing it here.  No joke, way more intense than Wrestlemania.  I'm still annoyed Reigns won, but I can't fault the match.  It was some pretty serious back and forth.  Styles and Reigns went nuts.  Their rematch is already set for Extreme Rules towards the end of the month.  Kinda hoping that Seth Rollins returns by then and they work it into a no DQ, no count-out, three way fight for the belt.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 10:59:45 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #356 on: May 02, 2016, 02:55:35 pm »
It was a fucking pain in the ass to see this event, why ?, because five minutes before it started I turned off the Xbox and changed to the channel just to have a damn black screen, immediately I went to the dinning room just to have the same issue, tested all the TV's at home and none of them had that channel working, called the cable service and the first asshole that took my call told me that they were having a problem that it might gonna be solved in two hours, since I paid the Fox Sports channels just to watch the events I asked to talk with a supervisor who after 10 minutes of waiting him at line told me that those events will not gonna be aired with them, went nuts and immediately registered my email address for the free month of subscription to the WWE Network and started to watch the show at the Xbox just when the Owens vs Sayn was almost ending:

Ziggler vs Corbin: didn't saw this is one and being honest really don't have any interest so will just let it pass.
Kalisto vs Ryback: after reading your comments I'll have to see the kickoff just to see by myself how crazy he went at this match.
Enzo Amore & Colin Cassady vs. The Vaudevillains: was this one part of the kickoff show too ?, am downloading now a copy of the event.
Owens vs Zayne: definitely need to see this one, only saw like five minutes of this match but I do love the results of this one.
Cesaro vs Miz: damn Miz wife sure does have a big pair of ... eyes, my wife was practically telling me with her eyes don't look her boobs, don't you dare to do it, the match was good enough and really loved how Kevin and Sami did their mess at the ring, hope that we can have tonight a four match or at least a team one.
Ambose vs Jericho: at this point the fucking internet started to fail, didn't mentioned before but the cable provider is also the internet provider so saw this match in slow motion and missed like 10 minutes because the service went down for this time, the good thing is that the air cable returned but almost of the end of the match so I need to watch the full match if not tonight just tomorrow morning.
Charlotte vs Natalya: damn Bret looks so fucking old, the match was good enough as always my wife was more jealous of the bodies of the female wrestlers than the fact that I was looking the boobs and the butts of Charlotte and Natalya, lol anyway didn't liked the way that this ended, they practically did a rip off of that match between Hart and Michael had years ago, I demand a rematch.
* McMahon segment: I took this time to go to the bathroom and practically Fap myself after looking the divas match  ;D
Styles vs Reigns: don't like how it ended neither the fact that the match was restarted two times, they are running out of ideas even when they are supposedly trying to get new ones to the company about the performance of the wrestlers have to say that AJ Styles deserve to be the new champion anyway am gonna see it again too.

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #357 on: May 02, 2016, 04:13:51 pm »
Enzo & Cass were the first match of the main show, though it was obviously cut short once Enzo bashed his head and got himself a concussion, though he's out of the hospital now and all good.  Sadly he'll be out for just a short bit to go through all the testing required.  I'm sure the tag team tournament will just forfeit their match and put the Vaudevillains up against New Day for the belt, of which they will lose, and then maybe Enzo & Cass can make a comeback.

The Kalisto vs Ryback match was short, but yeah it was totally on point.  Ryback played the big guy well, did abit more than the usual stuff, but Kalisto was all over the place and it all looked fantastic.  Tons of crazy high flying stuff.  I was impressed and I already liked Kalisto lol

The women's match was pretty lame.  It was alright wrestling, I didn't see a ton that jumped out at me, but doing a knockoff Montreal Screwjob is really stupid.  It was entirely done so they could get Bret up there with Natalya to do the dual Sharpshooter.

I actually liked the double restart of the Styles vs Roman match.  Normally I'm not a big fan of dirty shenanigans, as seen by my utter hate of anything Ric Flair related over these past months, but this was something that was more interesting.  At first I was bummed that Styles "won" to a count-out, and loved Shane coming out to restart.  Then the accidental crotch shot that DQ'd, just to get that reversed, and it turned into one of the better matches I've seen with Reigns in a long while.  Not sure what I'd say his last really good one was.  I still don't like that Styles lost, but it was a lost where I felt that both looked great and Roman really earned that title for once...I still want him to lose it soon though lol


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #358 on: May 03, 2016, 03:24:46 pm »
Totally forgot to leave open the Azureus yesterday so I just got my copy this morning anyway I saw a couple of minutes ago the Enzo concussion and damn it looked painful as hell, really hope that his recovery won't gonna take that much time, we need these two as the next Tag Team Champions as fast as possible, am currently at the office but I'll try to watch as much as I can here and the rest at home.

Did you got a chance to saw yesterday's RAW, wants to know what happened  :-\

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #359 on: May 03, 2016, 03:50:50 pm »
Did you got a chance to saw yesterday's RAW, wants to know what happened  :-\

-Shane & Stephanie are co-running Raw. Stephanie is now trying to be a nice person, and people of course aren't buying it.

-Kevin Owens vs. Cesaro.

-Becky Lynch vs. Emma

-Goldust and R-Truth continued their little girl-fight where they're trying to make each other jealous. Goldust teamed with Fandango to take on R-Truth who teamed with Tyler Breeze. Goldust and R-Truth both tried to act like their tag-team partner.

-Rusev won an over-the-top rope Battle Royale to claim #1 Contendership to the U.S. Title (which Kalisto holds).

-Natalya and Charlotte are continuing their feud, and pulling from the legacy of Flair and Bret Hart. And it's coming off quite well. I'm actually quite interested in a women's division storyline.

-Cass (without the concussed Enzo) teamed-up with New Day to take on The Dudley Boyz and the Vaudevillains and came out on top.

-AJ Styles reuinited with Gallows and Anderson and they took on Roman Reigns and The Usos. Roman Reigns went nuts and tore into them, putting Styles through the announce table.