Author Topic: Next Gen Announcement coming?  (Read 13204 times)


Next Gen Announcement coming?
« on: February 01, 2013, 07:53:30 pm »
Sony seems to be teasing a big event for February 20th. It seems like an odd time to announce a console. But the trailer does look like it more than anything (in the fact that it mentions nothing but playstation) (source: Real Giant Bomb). I recently heard rumors that Microsoft is possibly going to announce before E3 as well. What do you think?

UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: Next Gen Announcement coming?
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2013, 08:01:06 pm »
I hope they both announce before E3, because I feel they've been too calm about their 8th gen consoles so far.

It's basically confirmed that the PS4/Orbis/whatever will be announced on the 20th and I just want to see what they'll do. It kinda feels like a do-or-die situation for Sony and I really hope they go all-out and, for once, make nothing but good decisions and actually properly support a console at launch.

... I care less about the 720/Durango/whatever, I kinda feel it'll go more the "ad-filled media center with even more overpriced online" thing more than the 360, all powered by the Kinect and Windows Tablets... But I wouldn't mind being wrong :P


Re: Next Gen Announcement coming?
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2013, 12:01:19 am »
Sony trying to build hype inb4 Microsoft.   ::)

... I care less about the 720/Durango/whatever, I kinda feel it'll go more the "ad-filled media center with even more overpriced online" thing more than the 360, all powered by the Kinect and Windows Tablets...

This - plus an obvious leaning toward digital titles and the new "Smart Glass" feature - is exactly why I won't be buying the next gen Xbox console.  Nothing Microsoft could possibly announce (media and tech-wise) could convince me otherwise.  Perhaps I sound old and crotchety, but I'll stick with what I have, thank you.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 12:06:40 am by ko1ru »


Re: Next Gen Announcement coming?
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2013, 12:31:00 am »
Personally. I'm really pretty meh over the next gen of gaming. Honestly, I'm am pretty close to cancelling my billing on Xbox Live too. I never game on it, rarely download games anymore, and use my PS3 or Wii for Netflix anyway.

But at this point not a whole lot will get me hyped for either system. Hell the only reason I'm leaning toward the Wii U atm, is thanks to this mysterious Monolith title.
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Re: Next Gen Announcement coming?
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2013, 12:49:12 am »
I'm really excited for the Microsoft announcement. If nothing else, because I am really curious about what direction they are going. Is it really going to be very media centric? That's what all the talk is. However, we don't actually know anything. I am very excited to know.

Will I buy it at launch? Probably not. They would have to REALLY wow me with a fantastic launch game. Instead, I plan to buy a Saturn during the nextgen launch weekend. Just deciding whether to go North America or Japan on the console.

But despite not buying consoles at launch, I am very excited to see the announcements. I'm also curious to know how far Microsoft will stray from gaming. To be honest, I owned a wii until about a year ago. That is when I bought my 360. Since then, I have never felt pressured to buy a kinect. I have not had difficulty navigating to the XBLA store without kinect. I have no need to get smart glass (not much really utilizes this anyways). And when I boot my system, the game is the first thing the system highlights. There is truth to the fears that people have about the Xbox. However, I feel there is more doom and gloom talk in consumers than is really there with the Xbox. I think the XBox will still be gaming first by a lot. I have been wrong about a lot of things though.

EDIT: What I'm really excited for is Sega's upcoming surprise announcement that they will release the Dreamcast 2 with Shenmue 3 as a launch title. On top of that bringing back support of the game gear.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 12:50:58 am by sin2beta »
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: Next Gen Announcement coming?
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2013, 01:53:34 am »
sony: i'm not sure what there doing with the ps4 or with the gaming industry in general mainly because i have see so many reports about motion control/multimedia and them not doing so good in the electronics business

microsoft: by the look of things the next xbox is gonna be more gimmicky and family oriented then the wii and wii u with the kinect 2.0/smartglass and even more multimedia features also there is a chance that is will be more expensive and i hope we're wrong about this because i'm sure how the xbox fans will react with this news like this


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Re: Next Gen Announcement coming?
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2013, 05:35:47 pm »
I'm... skeptical about the next-gen. There have been a lot of great games for PS3, 360, and Wii, but on the same token, there's also been a ridiculous amount of effort put into gimmicky controller nonsense, stupid DRM schemes, microtransactions, on-disc DLC, and unnecessary, half-assed MP features. As far as I can tell, publishers and console manufacturers are perfectly content to keep moving things in that direction, unfortunately.

Put simply, my money is going to go to whichever company seems to be the least interested in dicking me over, with all three taking steps to correct past mistakes. Microsoft won't get a pass from me if their hardware is built like crap for the first half of its lifespan, and they spend the other half adding on features that should've been in place from the beginning. Sony won't get a pass if they don't get a better handle on online functionality and launch with a prohibitively expensive price. Nintendo won't get a pass if... well, the Wii U has already failed to measure up to any of my expectations, but that's another topic.

The ridiculous thing is, none of this should be all that hard. A console really doesn't need to offer much more than solid build quality, a comfortable controller that's adaptable to a wide variety of genres, stable, fast online functionality, and a convenient way to charge controllers and expand storage options. It's not rocket surgery! For all the obsession with being "innovative" these days, the answer is the same as it's always been: we want GAMES. Period.

Instead, we get a mountain of bullshit like Smart Glass. If that's how things are going to go across the board, I suspect I'll be sinking a lot of money into dead consoles the next year or two :)


Re: Next Gen Announcement coming?
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2013, 05:50:31 pm »
I was in college and not too into gaming during the last console releases in 2005. Then I was a kid before that. So, I may not remember things appropriately. But is this the most unanticipated looked down upon console release coming up. After about 8 years, I find that strange, but can kind of understand.

On a possibly related note, it also seems to be the most rumor filled.

Do you think attitudes will change a lot once solid information is actually out?
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: Next Gen Announcement coming?
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2013, 05:59:46 pm »
Im not all that interested in 8th gen yet. The WiiU is neat but nothing on it so far is much of a selling point for me. Xbox is just ugh. The new playstation I will eventually buy Im sure but I cant imagine what they could add to make it blow away the PS3 atm. Once its out, stable with a decent line up (the playstation's line up has never failed) Ill get one.

Re: Next Gen Announcement coming?
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2013, 06:28:24 pm »
I'm really excited for the Microsoft announcement. If nothing else, because I am really curious about what direction they are going. Is it really going to be very media centric? That's what all the talk is. However, we don't actually know anything. I am very excited to know.

Will I buy it at launch? Probably not. They would have to REALLY wow me with a fantastic launch game. Instead, I plan to buy a Saturn during the nextgen launch weekend. Just deciding whether to go North America or Japan on the console.

But despite not buying consoles at launch, I am very excited to see the announcements. I'm also curious to know how far Microsoft will stray from gaming. To be honest, I owned a wii until about a year ago. That is when I bought my 360. Since then, I have never felt pressured to buy a kinect. I have not had difficulty navigating to the XBLA store without kinect. I have no need to get smart glass (not much really utilizes this anyways). And when I boot my system, the game is the first thing the system highlights. There is truth to the fears that people have about the Xbox. However, I feel there is more doom and gloom talk in consumers than is really there with the Xbox. I think the XBox will still be gaming first by a lot. I have been wrong about a lot of things though.

EDIT: What I'm really excited for is Sega's upcoming surprise announcement that they will release the Dreamcast 2 with Shenmue 3 as a launch title. On top of that bringing back support of the game gear.

I too am patiently awaiting Sega's next console announcement. I would buy that on blind faith with a $499 price tag.

As far and the next PS goes, I'm sure it'll be the same shit different day from Sony. They lost their interesting exclusives years ago, and they don't have Halo. I will always have the newest Microsoft and Nintendo systems. And again...SEGA if they ever rejoin the market ;)


Re: Next Gen Announcement coming?
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2013, 07:13:53 pm »
What is all this talk of a new Sega system? Does someone have a link to some info? I'm obviously out of the Sega loop.

Re: Next Gen Announcement coming?
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2013, 07:18:56 pm »
What is all this talk of a new Sega system? Does someone have a link to some info? I'm obviously out of the Sega loop.

Hopes and dreams buddy...


Re: Next Gen Announcement coming?
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2013, 07:46:31 pm »
What is all this talk of a new Sega system? Does someone have a link to some info? I'm obviously out of the Sega loop.

Here is a 10 game launch lineup from the article "All I Want For Christmas Is A Dreamcast 2"

In short, it is all hopes and dreams... I have basically accepted Xbox as the SEGA replacement. It is a familiar controller to the dreamcast. It got Shenmue, Panzer Dragoon, JSR, Outrun, etc. Plus, both companies seem to have a love for oversized black hardware (Dreamcast excluded).
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


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Re: Next Gen Announcement coming?
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2013, 07:50:23 pm »
What is all this talk of a new Sega system? Does someone have a link to some info? I'm obviously out of the Sega loop.

Talk that's been said for 10 years with no real concrete evidence.


Re: Next Gen Announcement coming?
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2013, 03:34:59 pm »
... If that's how things are going to go across the board, I suspect I'll be sinking a lot of money into dead consoles ...

This is exactly what I'll be doing.  Obviously both companies will have to make their case to me, the consumer, before I make a concrete decision, but I'm willing to bet that the current generation of consoles is the end of the line for me.  I'll work on filling out libraries for systems I currently own, get older consoles/handhelds I don't own, and even snag a PS3 (once it drops in price) at some point for some of its gems as well.