Author Topic: Recently completed/finished  (Read 222030 times)


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #720 on: April 16, 2015, 12:53:36 pm »
So I kompleted the story mode for MK X. I enjoyed it. The game is pretty damned awesome, all things konsidered.


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #721 on: April 16, 2015, 02:51:24 pm »
After struggling with stupid glitched trophies for a few hours, I've 100% completed Home on the PS4. I thought the game was alright on my first playthrough, but after having to play through several times more than I should have because the trophies were bugged I can't stand this game anymore. It's a cheap game even when it isn't on sale, but do yourself a favor and just don't bother with it. I just wish I wasn't so stubborn that I didn't feel like I needed to get all the trophies so I would've quit playing instead of wasting an afternoon of my time. >:( To think, I could've used those 3 hours to play something good instead...

Abe's 2015 Completion List
1. Far Cry 4 (PS4)
2. Halo 3 (Xbox360)
3. Senran Kagura Burst (3DS)
4. The Swapper (PS4)
5. inFAMOUS: First Light (PS4)
6. Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus (PS Vita)
7. Mega Man X2 (PS2)
8. Home (PS4)
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #722 on: April 16, 2015, 10:00:39 pm »
#7 for the year is done:

INCREDIBLE game. Much better than I expected. I have the two storyline DLCs, achievements and races / favors left to do now.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 10:03:49 pm by foxhack »


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #723 on: April 16, 2015, 10:01:41 pm »
#8 for the year is done:

INCREDIBLE game. Much better than I expected. I have the two storyline DLCs, achievements and races / favors left to do now.
Yeah that game was really good. I loved it!
Currently Playing: The Witcher


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #724 on: April 17, 2015, 12:21:18 am »
BurningDoom's 2015 Beaten Games List:
1.Strikers 1945 (PS1)
2. Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (DS)
3. Monster in my Pocket (NES)
4. Shovel Knight (Wii U)
5. Super Mario 3D World (Wii U)
6. Hyrule Warriors (Wii U)
7. New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U)
8. Arcade Hits Pack: Gunblade NY & LA Machine Guns (Wii)
9. Rock Band: Metal Track Pack (PS2)
10. Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation (DS)
11. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Wii U)
12. King's Field: The Ancient City (PS2)
13. NES Remix (Wii U)
14. NES Remix 2 (Wii U)
15. The Legend of Zelda - 2nd Quest (NES)

16. Red Dead Redemption (XBox 360)

The main-storyline has been completed, at least. There's so much to do on this game, I could play for months on end and still not finish everything, I'm sure.

I won't go into this too, much since I've already talked about it a lot on here. I'll just say I thought it was an incredible game, and now it's time to dive into Undead Nightmare!


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #725 on: April 18, 2015, 06:40:23 pm »
Two more games (sorta):

8.1 - Sleeping Dogs: Zodiac Tournament (April 17)
A short event driven DLC where you star in a homage to 1960s and 70s martial arts films. Kinda short, but worth playing. All items found and story beat.

8.2 - Sleeping Dogs: Nightmare in North Point (April 18)
An... imaginary story? Jiang Shi invade North Point and it's up to you to save it. Filled with lots of welcome humor. All achievements obtained (mostly stupid grindy ones, too.)

Yes, I am counting the game's DLC packs as a single game since they're short-ish in length. Up next is Year of the Snake.


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #726 on: April 19, 2015, 05:23:24 pm »
I just tried the PC version of The Room (nothing related to the cult movie ;) ) and beat it after approximately 5 hours.  I was really in the mood for a good puzzle game, and it hit the spot perfectly.

So nice to play shorter games sometimes... It's a good feeling to know that they're not sitting around half-finished.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #727 on: April 19, 2015, 06:07:58 pm »
8.3 done.

Sleeping Dogs: Year of the Snake [2015-04-19]
Pretty short and I'm so glad I don't have to get all gold stars on grinding stuff to get an achievement for this - particularly because one of them can only be done by using a weapon that only shows up in a single stage that cannot be replayed. Bleh.

On to game nine... whatever that'll be.

ETA 4/20 Blaze It Edition
All Sleeping Dogs achievements done!
« Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 04:05:20 pm by foxhack »

Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #728 on: April 23, 2015, 11:28:09 am »
The Walking Dead (Telltale) for the Vita.  Finished it over the weekend.


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #729 on: April 24, 2015, 10:29:36 am »
It took me three attempts but I finally finished Contra III - The Alien War at normal mode, didn't remember this game being so hard, my little daughter was scared at some parts of the game because she was with me at those moments, the final boss from level 3 was the most, she almost leaved the room when she saw it and I don't know why since she already has chainsawed some locust in the Gears of War 3

Anyway as soon as I finish Super Mario RPG will try the Hard Mode.

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #730 on: April 24, 2015, 04:14:10 pm »
I just tried the PC version of The Room (nothing related to the cult movie ;) )

Oh man, a video game adaptation of The Room atrocity treasure of cinema would be amazing.  Think of all the gameplay mechanics one could do like "push 'x' to lob football" and... and... hmm...

Currently Playing: Rocket League (PS4), Fire Emblem Fates, The Witness (PS4), Puzzle & Dragons (Mobile)


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #731 on: April 24, 2015, 06:36:12 pm »
#9 (by accident):

Yar's Revenge.

Yeah, this thing. It's... really, really, really weird. It's an on rails shooter, but it just feels so... off. Also the game doesn't explain squat. And about half the damn story got cut out from the game. Still fun, but I'm glad I got it for free. Steam says it took me two hours to complete. O_o


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #732 on: April 26, 2015, 05:51:53 pm »
Code of Princess for 3DS. It's pretty good, although the main campaign is pretty short and the meat is in the extra quests and free play mode.


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #733 on: April 29, 2015, 05:53:34 pm »
#10 (again, by accident):

Default Dan - It's a Mario clone but all the things you'd think would help you actually kill you. I basically completed the light path, and a dark path opened. So I'm done with the main campaign other than achievements. o_O


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #734 on: April 30, 2015, 12:58:57 am »
BurningDoom's 2015 Beaten Games List:
1.Strikers 1945 (PS1)
2. Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (DS)
3. Monster in my Pocket (NES)
4. Shovel Knight (Wii U)
5. Super Mario 3D World (Wii U)
6. Hyrule Warriors (Wii U)
7. New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U)
8. Arcade Hits Pack: Gunblade NY & LA Machine Guns (Wii)
9. Rock Band: Metal Track Pack (PS2)
10. Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation (DS)
11. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Wii U)
12. King's Field: The Ancient City (PS2)
13. NES Remix (Wii U)
14. NES Remix 2 (Wii U)
15. The Legend of Zelda - 2nd Quest (NES)

16. Red Dead Redemption (XBox 360)

The main-storyline has been completed, at least. There's so much to do on this game, I could play for months on end and still not finish everything, I'm sure.

I won't go into this too, much since I've already talked about it a lot on here. I'll just say I thought it was an incredible game, and now it's time to dive into Undead Nightmare!

Not gonna count it as a separate entry, but I also beat Undead Nightmare a few days back. Beat the main-storyline and freed every town. Definitely a different, but still fun, experience. Not only the setting and atmosphere, the but zombies also make you use completely different tactics while fighting. Great way to change things up.