Author Topic: 3DS virtual console and more stuff  (Read 678 times)

3DS virtual console and more stuff
« on: April 21, 2013, 09:11:53 am »
i have a few problems with the database
1. there is a category for 3DS virtual console games and a category for 3DS e shop games, but some 3DS VC games say they are e shop games and i know it doesn't sound like a problem but i like my games categorized
2. there is no category for smartphone games, well i don't really like smartphone games, but i still think these games should be here, i know smartphones aren't gaming systems, but neither are personal computers
3. there are wrong virtual console pictures, well i don't like NES boxart on VC games, i have a tip, go to search for the game name and there are pictures ready to copy, hope i helped increase the database's reliability
anyway i think that is it don't hate the site, it is just stuff that should be improved, hope someone will help