Author Topic: Ever do something lame?  (Read 1396 times)


Ever do something lame?
« on: May 02, 2013, 06:15:52 am »

I just sat on my pair of Gunnar Optiks.  Man, do I feel stupid.  Luckily I didn't "plop" down onto my computer chair like I normally do.  Otherwise it would have been worse than bending back one of the arms that came apart. 

The funny part?  They actually fit better now than they did 30 minutes ago. 



Re: Ever do something lame?
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2013, 07:26:18 am »
Define lame. 

Working on your wife's computer just to static short it and fry the mobo.  I forgot I wasn't grounded.

Forgetting to remove the anti-static point from an Xbox 360 laser unit.  Then remembering after it's in, trying to remove while in the drive ruining the unit.

Dropping a $200 dollar MP3 player, that you received as a birthday gift.  Had for 3 days, into a toilet.
Before any ask.  Yes, I dove in after it.  No, it didn't survive.


Re: Ever do something lame?
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2013, 09:07:14 am »
Define lame. 

Working on your wife's computer just to static short it and fry the mobo.  I forgot I wasn't grounded.

Forgetting to remove the anti-static point from an Xbox 360 laser unit.  Then remembering after it's in, trying to remove while in the drive ruining the unit.

Dropping a $200 dollar MP3 player, that you received as a birthday gift.  Had for 3 days, into a toilet.
Before any ask.  Yes, I dove in after it.  No, it didn't survive.


You're alive though, right?  That's all that matters. 

Still, that is a bummer that we sometimes forget to do things like 'watch where we sit' or even dropping an MP3 player into a toilet and then fishing it out. 

Material things can be replaced.  Us human beings, impossible to replace once we're gone. 

I'll add to what you stated....

I dropped my brand new pager into a toilet as I was taking a piss (it was 1996 and it was one of those snazzy Motorola types that you could read from the side. Plus it had the Timex "Indiglo" style backlight. so cool....).  As it dropped and started sinking to the bottom, I couldn't stop mid-stream so I just finished as fast as I could.  The reason why I dropped it was because I got a vibrating audible page that somehow shook itself loose from the belt clip, which I liked to have located near my front pants pocket.  Imagine the buzzing/beeping noise coupled with a stream of warm liquid over it and then the buzzing/beeping noise being muffled by the constant descent to the bottom of the toilet bowl. 

Did it survive?  Miraculously, yes.  But only after I washed it and let it dry in the sun for a couple of days at the windowsill.

I would define that instance as lame.  I never told my dad what happened.   :-X


PRO Supporter

Re: Ever do something lame?
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2013, 09:07:28 am »
By default, while it's impossible for a perfect being (such as myself) to do anything "lame;D

Once or twice...I've unintentionally *Permanently* deleted (w/o back-ups) ~100 hour save files of both Oblivion (PS3) & Radiata Stories (PS2) by not paying attention to what I was clicking-on/confirming -and- when my launch PS3's HD crashed...I, again, lost a good amount of (un)backed-up data :(

Now, I'm a *Frequent* saver -and- (through PS+) back-up all important save data to the 'Cloud', automatically - while I'm sleeping *every*. damned. day  :o
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


PRO Supporter

Re: Ever do something lame?
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2013, 11:11:26 am »
Never, I'm awesome 24/7.  ;)


Re: Ever do something lame?
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2013, 11:23:28 am »
Yep, I collect video games.  :P
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: Ever do something lame?
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2013, 01:36:59 pm »
I misplace my lose cartridges all the time. Just the other day, as I was compiling my collection on the site, I seemed to have lost my NFL '95 Genesis cart.  :-\


  • Guest
Re: Ever do something lame?
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2013, 01:55:26 pm »
Getting ready for a DJ gig years back, and I had a big stack of CDs sitting on the coffee table while I was working out a playlist. I put on a particular track, started getting really into it and kinda throwing my head around... and promptly smacked my face into the stack of CDs. Cut above my eyelid, below it, a HUGE yellow and black eye, and several CDs with cracked covers, courtesy of my face.

Darwin Award, right there.

Re: Ever do something lame?
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2013, 02:18:51 pm »
I'm bad at making back-ups as well. I write music on computers. I had about 100 songs/ ideas on my laptop (not to mention the 80+ GB's of samples and plugins). And then one day my hard drive failed. If you have ever used a computer for writing/recording music, you know it is a great investment in time. You'd think I would be smart enough to save my precious time to that snazzy new 1TB external hard drive I had just bought for that very purpose. Unfortunately, I'm also lazy, which often yields lame results.

WAIT! A glimmer of hope!
Ran a program to recover lost files.
They all showed up!
Open the most recent file I was working on.
Open another.
Tried one last time before throwing the drive out of the window!
(I swear the program said that)
Sent the hard drive smooth sailing out of my bedroom window.
It's still there. (Maybe I should leave it there for archaeologists to find)
Didn't even mention the $60 I wasted by taking it to the computer guy to "look" at it.
"Gotta buy a new one." he said.
"Well I could have, If I didn't waste my money paying you." I replied.


Anyway, check out my music  ;) (link is in signature)
Then you can write in this thread about how I duped you into believing that my music wasn't lame!
« Last Edit: May 02, 2013, 02:21:22 pm by torvez »
I make music.
I'm really cool, you should tell your friends about me :P