Author Topic: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased  (Read 42502 times)


March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« on: March 01, 2014, 12:35:13 am »
Had a huge find today, plus got a bunch of cool stuff in the mail this week.
Including another extremely rare system.

- One Piece: Romance Dawn - Limited Edition
(Gamestop exclusive, limited to 16800 copies)

- Electroplankton

- Legend of Prince Valiant (EU)

- Sonic the Hedgehog  :D

- Famicom Family Computer Gun  ;D

Atari 400/800
A friend told me about a local book store having a bunch of old Atari games, not expecting much I stopped by and found a ton of Atari 400/800 games all complete in box and priced at $2 - $3. I pretty much bought everything they had. lol  ;D
- Galaxian
- Defender
- Robotron 2084
- Star Raiders (was inside box with Robotron)
- Pengo
- Jungle Hunt
- Qix
- Pole Position
- E.T. Phone Home
- Caverns of Mars
- Eastern Front 1941
- Typo Attack
- Frogger
- Popeye
- Jumpman Junior
- Atlantis
- Choplifter
- Gorf
- Submarine Commander
- Fun With Art
- Pool 400
- Pitfall
- Pitfall II
- Megamania
- River Raid
- Video Easel (cart only, was inside box with Fun With Art)
- Blue Max (Floppy Disk)
- Juice! (Floppy Disk)
- F-15 Strike Eagle (Floppy Disk)
- Drol (Floppy Disk)
- Sea Dreagon (Floppy Disk)
- Demension X (Floppy Disk)

And last a game system I've been hunting for a long time but it was always over priced. An Epoch Game Pocket Computer
It's like brand new in box, still has that new plastic smell. Has all it's manuals and works great. Most time I see this online people want over $1000 for it. Got it for $65  ;D ;D ;D

« Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 01:04:30 am by theflea »
"Happy game hunting!!!"


Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2014, 01:19:42 am »
Those boxed Atari 400/800 games are nice!
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)


Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2014, 09:50:01 am »
Those boxed Atari 400/800 games are nice!

Agreed. The boxart of Defender is so nice. And the Atari 800 boxes look bigger. It's like having the game on vinyl.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....

Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2014, 10:26:55 am »

Atari 400/800
A friend told me about a local book store having a bunch of old Atari games, not expecting much I stopped by and found a ton of Atari 400/800 games all complete in box and priced at $2 - $3. I pretty much bought everything they had. lol  ;D
- Galaxian
- Defender
- Robotron 2084
- Star Raiders (was inside box with Robotron)
- Pengo
- Jungle Hunt
- Qix
- Pole Position
- E.T. Phone Home
- Caverns of Mars
- Eastern Front 1941
- Typo Attack
- Frogger
- Popeye
- Jumpman Junior
- Atlantis
- Choplifter
- Gorf
- Submarine Commander
- Fun With Art
- Pool 400
- Pitfall
- Pitfall II
- Megamania
- River Raid
- Video Easel (cart only, was inside box with Fun With Art)
- Blue Max (Floppy Disk)
- Juice! (Floppy Disk)
- F-15 Strike Eagle (Floppy Disk)
- Drol (Floppy Disk)
- Sea Dreagon (Floppy Disk)
- Demension X (Floppy Disk)

Wow, super jealous, that's one of my favorite systems to collect for. I have most of those games but none boxed like that. That would be a find of the year for me.


PRO Supporter

Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2014, 11:28:23 am »
Time for a March topic, eh?
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2014, 12:19:14 pm »
Split this at Flea's post. Happy March!
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2014, 12:51:10 pm »
Also... added a couple more games to my PS2 list today: Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone and Hot Shots Golf 3. I'm now sitting at 98 PS2 games!

Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2014, 02:10:37 pm »
Technically I got those games during February, Just by the time I got home from work and took pictures and posted it was after midnight. but meh, whatever.  :P 

When I saw I made a new post for March finds my first reaction was who posting under my name???  :o
"Happy game hunting!!!"


Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2014, 02:36:43 pm »
Haha, whoops.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2014, 02:39:09 pm »
These two are actually from Wednesday:

I thought I already had Agent Under Fire... but I didn't. So that was a surprise. The item on the left is an employee recruitment DVD by Pandemic and Bioware that was given out at GDC 2006. It's pretty short, about five minutes long, but I figured it would be neat to own. Total was $4 for both.

And these are from today:

One of the booths where I pick up CDs for cheap didn't have any CDs... but I got a weird hunch so I figured I'd check out the rest of the place. And there were -tons- of old PC games there! Many were missing the discs, unfortunately, but I managed to pick these two up. I have no interest in Wizardry (I figure I can sell it or... trade it, hint hint) but Dungeon Hack? I bought that for the manual alone. :D I have a budget (Slash Corporation) release of it on CD but it doesn't even have a proper manual. This does, so hell yeah classic D&D. Not pictured: Two brand new copies of Hell: A Cyberpunk Adventure (Mac version) and an official Hint Book for "Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out!" The game box for Larry 6 was there but the discs were missing, so I left it behind. I paid an extra dollar on top of what he asked for the games ($4) to cover it. So $5 total.

They had a -ton- of games there, including several complete boxes for dead MMORPGs from the late 90s and early 2000s! I ignored most of the other games since many had been re-released at places like GOG and Steam... so I figured I'd check the prices when I got home. And when I did I noticed that they all sold for $30 online plus shipping. Goddamn! Who knew old Might and Magic games were worth so much!

I'm going back there tomorrow. Hopefully it doesn't rain and the games are still there. :D


Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2014, 06:16:45 pm »
Went to Gamestop today. Man, are they clearing out 360 even more now. So, many games below $10. I thought about cleaning up. But the big boys I want are still $10 and $15 mostly.

Picked up:
Guitar Hero: World Tour - 2.99
Dance Central - 6.99
Aliens: Colonial Marines - 5.99 (new)

Rhythm is my favorite genre behind racing. So I am honestly excited about Guitar Hero. Excited for Dance Central too. It's not a great deal on the game (I bet it will be uber cheap soon). But I got a nice deal on a kinect on eBay and want to test it out. Aliens, I am excited about due to all the backstory behind it.

Guitar Hero, Kinect games, Colonial Marines.... man, I must have some bad taste in games. Interestingly enough, this is one of the only times the Gamestop people have NOT made fun of my purchases.  ;D
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2014, 06:57:21 pm »
Wow, so many great finds already! Good job guys :)

I finally found Final Fantasy II for the PSP for a price that interested me! And found out at the same time about Tactics Ogre's existence on GBA. Another Atlus game in my collection!  ;D


Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2014, 08:29:08 pm »
I recieved Wizardry Gaiden: Suffering of the Queen in the mail yesterday.  I am excited to play this one as a group of people have released English translations for Gaiden I, II, IV, and are currently working on III.
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)

Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2014, 10:41:36 pm »
Expensive stuff: Garou AES Japanese version, amazing 2d fighter really happy to have it. Muscle Bomber and Libble Rabble for the Marty. Love the system want to get more "legit" games. Love the cases too, haha slightly bigger than the AES cases just to hold a jewel case. I decided to throw Jackal up there too, found it at a thrift store today 3 bucks

Gamecube and Wii U. Pikmin 3 is amazing

360 binge lately, getting cheaper and Im really liking Dead Rising and Lost Planet. Have not opened Fable 3 yet since I haven't beat Fable 2. Looking forward to it

Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2014, 12:51:47 am »
^^^ I always felt like if you owned a NEO GEO AES or MVS you were automatically hardcore.