It's going to be said tho lol. Let's be honest the SNES was everything the NES wasn't, and it did everything the NES didn't, and it did better at that. The NES hoarded all the exclusives as well from the SMS. I feel SMS should of been the rightful winner of that generation if it was given the chance. At the end of the day I feel the NES is nothing more than a overhyped machine fueled by nostalgia, and youtube NES collectors. It also pisses me off to be honest people buying 50 copies of a game to drive up it's value, these folks are not gamers, business men pure, and simple who probably don't even play video games who feed off ill informed collectors at a high price. There should be no association between them. Lets be honest about it.
Of course the SNES is what the NES wasn't it was better. That's how progression works. They made a better NES. Dare I even say they made it "Super"? You can't compare the two. Technology was moving so fast at the time. Is a PS1 as good as the PS2? PS3? No, they took what worked and made it better. Are there games on the PS1 that are better than games on the PS3? I'm sure there are. I don't really know.
I know it's cool to like the SMS right now; but let's all face it, the NES has more good games on it. I like the SMS. I have one hooked up right next to my NES (actually it's below it and to the left, but still the same TV

). The SMS has some good games on it; but just like the NES, it has some shit too. In my opinion and the opinion of many, many others, the NES has better games.
As for the NES being overhyped: Are you serious? More people on this planet know who Mario is than Barak Obama. That is a fact. A ton of massive franchises were born on the NES. Super Mario, Mega Man, Metroid... Do I really need to keep going?
And resellers hoarding stock to raise the price? How is the any fault of the NES? You need to be blaming the people that are willing to pay those high prices. NES collecting started because people loved the system as kids and wanted to get a piece of that back. It just sucks that these speculation assholes saw where a dime could be made and jumped in.
Now, you are entitled to your opinion. You don't have to like the NES. You may think the SMS was developed by God himself and handed down to Sega. I just don't see it. That's why there is more than one system. We can all find something we like.