Author Topic: Games that were poorly received but were actually good  (Read 9573 times)

Re: Games that were poorly received but were actually good
« Reply #30 on: November 05, 2014, 10:47:22 am »
I've been playing Metroid: Other M and it's actually quite good! I talked a little bit about this in the "What are you playing?" thread, but I'm still surprised at all the hate it gets.

The reason it got so much hate is because Team Ninja absolutely destroyed Samus as a character.
Watch this video.


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Re: Games that were poorly received but were actually good
« Reply #31 on: November 05, 2014, 01:31:40 pm »
Wait, Red Star was poorly received? Why?! The game is excellent! It successfully mashes a beat-em up and run-n-gun into one solid game!

A handful of decent scores, but most basically regarded it as a C-grade "repetitive button masher" sort of game... which is hilarious, because doing that in the game would get you killed ASAP.

Re: Games that were poorly received but were actually good
« Reply #32 on: November 16, 2014, 05:36:56 pm »
right now i can think of two.. Ps2 Blood will Tell. (one of my friends got it before i could and all of them criticized the game soooo much i almost pass it as crap. but then i started reading about it and got interested in it.

the other was Ps1 Blood omen legacy of kain. same thing.. one of my friends got it before me and he was so mad with the game i saw him throw it out of the car. i almost pass it.. but then i saw a review with a full plot inside and i got super curious with it.


I really liked Legacy of Kain, but man those loading times were brutal. Exit the zone, enter a building, even changing or using an item, come on!!! Still managed to complete it back in the day, was hoping the PS2 or emmulator would of sped up the loading times though. "Coffee guy!!!" I think...


Re: Games that were poorly received but were actually good
« Reply #33 on: November 16, 2014, 05:57:24 pm »
I also mention that many shmups get terrible reviews back in the day save for a spare few( Ikaruga, Radiant Silvergun, Sine Mora...) probably due to the fact that many reviewers knock down the game's score because it only lasts half hour when they credit feed through the game in majority of cases, or say that its too difficult when they don't use certain game mechanics. One example is Giga Wing, which got like a 4/10 from Gamespot, and 35% from Dreamcast magazine. The reviewer of the Dreamcast magazine review says the game is impossible to clear without dying, while failing to notice the reflect mechanic during his whole playthrough of the game, and then says that the infinite continues make the game too easy and short, along with the fact that its a 2D game. The game is pretty fun and it sucks that many of these reviewers didn't take the time to truly understand the game's mechanics and notice its replayability.

Review from Dreamcast magazine here:

Re: Games that were poorly received but were actually good
« Reply #34 on: November 22, 2014, 02:36:55 pm »
I really enjoyed Lost Planet 2. I'll admit the game had very serious flaws like terrible level design and an incomprehensible story. But the boss battles and co-op focus were SO much fun.

Re: Games that were poorly received but were actually good
« Reply #35 on: January 18, 2015, 03:18:05 pm »
Opoona Koei Rpg Wii


Re: Games that were poorly received but were actually good
« Reply #36 on: January 23, 2015, 10:10:50 am »
I actually thought Alien Colonial Marines was a good game. I KNOW you are trolling.  Really though, I completed the game but it sucked.  The story that completely ignores the fact that Hadley's Hope colony was obliterated in a thermonuclear explosion was bad enough.  The aliens tiptoeing around in the sewers was worse.  Hicks explaining his miraculous survival with no acid burns by stating "It's classified" made me throw my controller down in disgust. 
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Re: Games that were poorly received but were actually good
« Reply #37 on: January 23, 2015, 03:14:00 pm »
Mortal Kombat Gold, nothing wrong with it, people were upset it wasn't a new game, but the game wasn't just a port of Mk4, it had better physics, graphics, additional characters, a better camera, and much better audio and voice.

Singularity is another one, i don't know what people were expecting another timeshift? (which was terrible btw) so not sure about that one either.

Megaman 8 is another, it's technically-objective wise, the best and most modern Megaman game we have gotten and will probably get for the foreseeable future despite it being basically more of the same game with a few coding and voice(debatable) issues (and also very easy)

Last would be Crash Wrath of Cortex, it was basically an expanded Crash 3 with more varied levels, better graphics and controls, and tons of bonuses. load times varied by system so should have never been the general concern, more of the same is nonsense, and I see no repetition either. At least not one some reviewers imply.


Re: Games that were poorly received but were actually good
« Reply #38 on: January 23, 2015, 03:16:43 pm »
Mortal Kombat Gold, nothing wrong with it, people were upset it wasn't a new game, but the game wasn't just a port of Mk4, it had better physics, graphics, additional characters, a better camera, and much better audio and voice.

Singularity is another one, i don't know what people were expecting another timeshift? (which was terrible btw) so not sure about that one either.

Megaman 8 is another, it's technically-objective wise, the best and most modern Megaman game we have gotten and will probably get for the foreseeable future despite it being basically more of the same game with a few coding and voice(debatable) issues (and also very easy)

Last would be Crash Wrath of Cortex, it was basically an expanded Crash 3 with more varied levels, better graphics and controls, and tons of bonuses. load times varied by system so should have never been the general concern, more of the same is nonsense, and I see no repetition either. At least not one some reviewers imply.

I loved Singularity.  The game was well laid-out, had some fun ways to kill enemies and warping time to construct/deconstruct things was pretty neat.  It was a solid, good game but nothing mind blowing.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
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Re: Games that were poorly received but were actually good
« Reply #39 on: January 23, 2015, 04:35:18 pm »
Mortal Kombat Gold, nothing wrong with it, people were upset it wasn't a new game, but the game wasn't just a port of Mk4, it had better physics, graphics, additional characters, a better camera, and much better audio and voice.

Singularity is another one, i don't know what people were expecting another timeshift? (which was terrible btw) so not sure about that one either.

Megaman 8 is another, it's technically-objective wise, the best and most modern Megaman game we have gotten and will probably get for the foreseeable future despite it being basically more of the same game with a few coding and voice(debatable) issues (and also very easy)

Last would be Crash Wrath of Cortex, it was basically an expanded Crash 3 with more varied levels, better graphics and controls, and tons of bonuses. load times varied by system so should have never been the general concern, more of the same is nonsense, and I see no repetition either. At least not one some reviewers imply.

I loved Singularity.  The game was well laid-out, had some fun ways to kill enemies and warping time to construct/deconstruct things was pretty neat.  It was a solid, good game but nothing mind blowing.

Never said it was mind blowing, just saying that the amount of uh, dislike it got for the design, and the concept was just weird. Good controls, nice plot, good fun. I know some reviewers retracted some scores though. It did come out at the time of peaking Call of Duty fever (and clones) so that may be why it had so many mixed feelings.

Maybe we'll get a sequel since COD is on a downward death spiral.


Re: Games that were poorly received but were actually good
« Reply #40 on: January 27, 2015, 12:03:04 pm »
I wasn't criticizing your comment with the "mind blowing" statement.  LOL.  I was just agreeing it was a good game that got panned at worst and overlooked at best. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us

Re: Games that were poorly received but were actually good
« Reply #41 on: January 27, 2015, 06:54:45 pm »
Mad World was good, but there could be more weapons to kill with, more ways to kill as well. The World Ends With You. Can't think of anything else. The World Ends With You was preceived as
Colton Kelsey


Re: Games that were poorly received but were actually good
« Reply #42 on: February 04, 2015, 03:55:35 pm »
I've always been interested in the Rayman franchise, I've heard great things about Rayman Origins, and I really enjoyed Legends.  Meanwhile, I finally managed to 'finish' Rayman 2 out of the 2,000 ports of the game I got my hands on. 

Rayman has always had a comedy theme about it, not necessarily taking itself too seriously.  That continued through to Rayman 3...

Does anyone have any opinions on Rayman 3?


Re: Games that were poorly received but were actually good
« Reply #43 on: February 04, 2015, 04:02:02 pm »
I've always been interested in the Rayman franchise, I've heard great things about Rayman Origins, and I really enjoyed Legends.  Meanwhile, I finally managed to 'finish' Rayman 2 out of the 2,000 ports of the game I got my hands on. 

Rayman has always had a comedy theme about it, not necessarily taking itself too seriously.  That continued through to Rayman 3...

Does anyone have any opinions on Rayman 3?

Black sheep of the franchise imo - I didn't enjoy it at all. They tried to get "edgier" with the characters which just plain didn't fit, plus they gave them real voices which was weird. As if that wasn't bad enough, they got John Leguizamo - one of the most obnoxious comedians there is IMO - to voice Globox. I couldn't finish the game.  :-X
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if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
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desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


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Re: Games that were poorly received but were actually good
« Reply #44 on: February 09, 2015, 01:52:17 pm »
I never had played Rayman 3, yet. But after playing Rayman 2, I was glad that the series returned to it's 2D roots with Rayman Origins. Not that Rayman 2 was bad, it was good for a 3D platformer. But he's much better in 2D form.