Author Topic: Smashbros Wii U  (Read 4075 times)

Re: Smashbros Wii U
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2014, 04:10:38 am »
A shame it's been said that there is no DLC being worked on for Smash Bros.  Kinda weird to say that these days with how much DLC is abused, but that sorta left things open for seeing some new characters introduced into the game till the next release of the series.  It's a way to refresh a game after everyone has learned all the ins and outs.  Oh well, from the sound of it, Smash already getting rave reviews, the game will be fantastic, but you know, this just means I have to wait for Smash 5 for the possibility of seeing Bayonetta show up lol

I stand by Nintendo 100% in not planning immediate DLC. DLC is the biggest scam in the history of this hobby, at least when abused to the level it is these days. If Nintendo announced next week, hell even next month, hey, we have a character pack available, you'd know they had this from day one and were stalling to release it to milk the customer. I still play Smash 64 and Melee, no DLC mind you, to this day and enjoy them thoroughly just like I did when they first came out. This will be no different.

You are half right lol Yes, DLC can be bad.  Day one DLC is a scam, pre-order stuff that is immediately available, but priced for sale later, things like this can be bad.  But DLC is also great because it injects new content over the next months to keep things fresh.  There's still enjoyment to be had by many games without, but for me, new content gets me excited and that's where DLC is good.

This is where I feel Sakurai was wrong in thinking that people would just say they were cutting content or whatever.  Mewtwo, the only announced character not in the game, won't be out till like Spring.  That's months away.  It's obvious this time is spent making him and time it would take to make new characters would make sense too.  I only feel content might be cut if it's within the first week, maybe month to be pushing it and it depends on the content type.


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Re: Smashbros Wii U
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2014, 07:20:55 pm »
DLC is the last thing on my mind for a game. Besides, Sakurai needs to take a break after this is released he deserves it.

that aside

Re: Smashbros Wii U
« Reply #17 on: November 21, 2014, 05:54:07 am »
Man, getting all the other characters unlocked is gonna be tough.  I think I can manage most of them, but a couple are crazy.  One of them is KO'ing someone in Cruel Smash, something I can't last longer than 10 seconds in.  Getting to level 10 in Crazy Order is abit tough also along with surviving 100 man smash.  I don't even know what to do in Cruel Smash lol

Just as I get to posting that, I managed to find a video that shows how you can lame out Cruel Smash with Kirby doing nothing but up slashing and edge hiding to stay away from attacks lol You are now mine Duck Hunt dog! lol
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 06:24:10 am by kamikazekeeg »


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Re: Smashbros Wii U
« Reply #18 on: November 21, 2014, 06:38:25 am »
Man, getting all the other characters unlocked is gonna be tough.  I think I can manage most of them, but a couple are crazy.  One of them is KO'ing someone in Cruel Smash, something I can't last longer than 10 seconds in.  Getting to level 10 in Crazy Order is abit tough also along with surviving 100 man smash.  I don't even know what to do in Cruel Smash lol

Just as I get to posting that, I managed to find a video that shows how you can lame out Cruel Smash with Kirby doing nothing but up slashing and edge hiding to stay away from attacks lol You are now mine Duck Hunt dog! lol

Or you could do 100 smash matches,  1 stock suicide and they'll be unlocked in no time

Re: Smashbros Wii U
« Reply #19 on: November 21, 2014, 07:01:37 am »
Man, getting all the other characters unlocked is gonna be tough.  I think I can manage most of them, but a couple are crazy.  One of them is KO'ing someone in Cruel Smash, something I can't last longer than 10 seconds in.  Getting to level 10 in Crazy Order is abit tough also along with surviving 100 man smash.  I don't even know what to do in Cruel Smash lol

Just as I get to posting that, I managed to find a video that shows how you can lame out Cruel Smash with Kirby doing nothing but up slashing and edge hiding to stay away from attacks lol You are now mine Duck Hunt dog! lol

Or you could do 100 smash matches,  1 stock suicide and they'll be unlocked in no time

That's an option too lol I did manage to beat 100 man and Cruel Smash by cheaping them both out.  The rest shouldn't be too hard other than 10 rounds of Crazy Orders.  Starts to get abit rough at the 7th round.

Re: Smashbros Wii U
« Reply #20 on: November 23, 2014, 12:01:09 pm »
While I obviously knew that Smash WiiU would be a different game than the 3DS version, i did not expect the gameplay mechanics to be as different as they are. For one the difficulty of the AI has increased significantly; a level 5 character in WiiU Smash is equal in difficulty to a 7 in the 3DS version. Probably the most interesting (and slightly frustrating) change is how the characters handle. Part of this is definitely the use of the Gamecube controller over the gamepad on the 3DS, but I've noticed that my mains just handle different in weird ways. I feel like I've become better with pikachu as a result, however I've been struggling the get the hang of my other main, Zero Suit Samus in Smash WiiU. Funny enough, I'm finding I'm a lot better with certain other characters in Smash WiiU than I am in the 3DS version such as Fox, Falco, and Shulk. It's too soon to tell, but I might have to change my mains up between the 3DS and WiiU versions, although it would make me sad not to main ZSS, I LOVE HER  :'(


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Re: Smashbros Wii U
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2014, 09:22:55 am »
A shame it's been said that there is no DLC being worked on for Smash Bros.  Kinda weird to say that these days with how much DLC is abused, but that sorta left things open for seeing some new characters introduced into the game till the next release of the series.  It's a way to refresh a game after everyone has learned all the ins and outs.  Oh well, from the sound of it, Smash already getting rave reviews, the game will be fantastic, but you know, this just means I have to wait for Smash 5 for the possibility of seeing Bayonetta show up lol

I stand by Nintendo 100% in not planning immediate DLC. DLC is the biggest scam in the history of this hobby, at least when abused to the level it is these days. If Nintendo announced next week, hell even next month, hey, we have a character pack available, you'd know they had this from day one and were stalling to release it to milk the customer. I still play Smash 64 and Melee, no DLC mind you, to this day and enjoy them thoroughly just like I did when they first came out. This will be no different.

Agreed.  The DLC for Mario Kart 8 is DLC done the right way.  For $12, it expands the game by 50% by adding 16 new tracks! It also adds a few new racers, new karts, and some new parts too.  Not only that, the new tracks allow the devs to stray from the Mario Kart universe and add other Nintendo properties.  I'm certain the next Mario cart release is going to be Mario Smash Kart, bringing in all the Big N franchises.

I'm glad they're spacing it out, because it breathes new life into Mario Kart when it hits.  I had put down Mario Kart 8 for a few months leading up to DLC pack #1, but have renewed my interest in it with this new content.  The same will happen again when the second DLC pack is released.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2014, 09:25:43 am by blipcs76 »


Re: Smashbros Wii U
« Reply #22 on: November 24, 2014, 11:26:57 am »
I saw the Sm4sh Bundle on Amazon yesterday for the original price $99. I go back 4-5 hour its completely gone and people are selling it for $170+.... I'm know that the Game Controller Adapter played a part in it.
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"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)


Re: Smashbros Wii U
« Reply #23 on: November 24, 2014, 11:59:23 am »
I saw the Sm4sh Bundle on Amazon yesterday for the original price $99. I go back 4-5 hour its completely gone and people are selling it for $170+.... I'm know that the Game Controller Adapter played a part in it.
From what I heard, Nintendo made a pretty limited supply of adapters for the bundles, as well as the standalone $20 release, so those sold out quickly and people are going to try to get as much as they can by reselling those right now. Hopefully Nintendo will made more adapters to meet demand so that its not as hard to get as it is right now.

Re: Smashbros Wii U
« Reply #24 on: November 25, 2014, 11:01:33 am »
Anyone have tips for defeating one Cruel fighter so I can unlock the Duck Hunt Stage? Those buggers are nasty.


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Re: Smashbros Wii U
« Reply #25 on: November 25, 2014, 12:53:38 pm »
Anyone have tips for defeating one Cruel fighter so I can unlock the Duck Hunt Stage? Those buggers are nasty.

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Re: Smashbros Wii U
« Reply #26 on: November 25, 2014, 08:15:34 pm »
Anyone have tips for defeating one Cruel fighter so I can unlock the Duck Hunt Stage? Those buggers are nasty.

For the direct link

You basically just jump around the edge the whole time, slowly racking up damage till you can launch people once they are in the red with a power hit.

Re: Smashbros Wii U
« Reply #27 on: November 25, 2014, 11:22:26 pm »
Anyone have tips for defeating one Cruel fighter so I can unlock the Duck Hunt Stage? Those buggers are nasty.

For the direct link

You basically just jump around the edge the whole time, slowly racking up damage till you can launch people once they are in the red with a power hit.

I ended up doing it with yoshi. Float around the edge and ground pound.

Re: Smashbros Wii U
« Reply #28 on: February 14, 2015, 07:48:13 pm »
While nothing about this is truly confirmed, the rumor mill spun up today with screenshots and some footage of Rayman possibly being DLC character material in Smash.  Not a shocking possibility since Rayman has a trophy in game.  While I'm not really that interested in Rayman, I never really got into those games, this does lend to the possibly of more happening if it turns out to be true.  For me, I want this to happen, just so there's the possibility that Shovel Knight or Bayonetta could show up as characters lol


Re: Smashbros Wii U
« Reply #29 on: February 15, 2015, 02:06:43 pm »
While nothing about this is truly confirmed, the rumor mill spun up today with screenshots and some footage of Rayman possibly being DLC character material in Smash.  Not a shocking possibility since Rayman has a trophy in game.  While I'm not really that interested in Rayman, I never really got into those games, this does lend to the possibly of more happening if it turns out to be true.  For me, I want this to happen, just so there's the possibility that Shovel Knight or Bayonetta could show up as characters lol

Looks like this has been confirmed fake. A guy showed a video of how he made it. Ubisoft also said that they will be releasing a statement next week about the rumor.

That being said, I would love to see some DLC characters. Bayonetta would be cool, but I have always wanted Simon Belmont in it. I know it aint going to happen, but its a character I would love to see it the game. Maybe bring back some old characters from past games like Snake, Lucas and poor poor Ice Climbers.

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