This year was very good for finds indeed:
Ice Blue Nintendo 64 w/ Ice Blue Controller
BC Fat PS3 60GB
Phantasy Star Online Episodes I+II CIB (Gamecube)
Mario Kart Double Dash Not for Resale
Ultimate Shooting Collection cib-Wii
Ketsui Limited Edition PS3
Trigger Heart Excelica Limited Edition Dreamcast
Gradius Gaiden- PS1
Xenoblade Chronicles-Wii
Kororinpa: Marble Mania- Wii
Marvel vs Capcom 2 (JP)- Dreamcast
Dragon Quest X Part 1(USB Bundle), and Dragon Quest X Part 2- Wii
Bayonetta 2- Wii U
Super Smash Bros Melee+ Super Smash Bros.(N64)
That's what I can think of off the top of my head; I've got to check my collection for more stuff. I will say that it has been a fantastic year for my Gamecube collection. Hell, most of these have been picked up in the last two months: