We could google hang out the thing and stream it.
Or setup a podcast on blog talk.
I wouldn't mind hosting it.
I have a small vfx studio in my house.
I actually have tons of concepts for a web series but haven't gotten around to doing it because of the lack of like minded individuals with compatible schedules.
I'd propose:
Once a week.
Half hour - 1 hour max
Special guests - game makers, chiptune artists, reviewers, etc. I have the contacts to make this happen.
No more than 3 hosts per episode.
Mention hottest thread topics of the week
Mention upcoming games we are drooling for.
Discuss the eBay situation. What's flooding the bay? What's impossible to find.
Highlight best pickups of the week
Game focus, we can freestyle discuss a game, genre, system or game series.
Stuff like that.