I belonged to a book club a few years ago before I moved from Ohio. It was called "Reading Between the Wines." It was fun. Each month one person would pick a book for us to read. At the end of the month, we'd get together and talk about it whilst indulging in alcohol.
I like this idea, but I can see some problems with it. Book clubs are easy to coordinate since books tend to be easier to finish. No "getting stuck" at certain parts. People talk about them after they've completed them. Also, they are easier to finish than games. Books are easy to find since nearly every book out there is in e-reader format nowadays. They didn't really interfere with our daily routines and agendas. They weren't pricey.
With video games, everyone here has a really diverse collection and even more diverse tastes. I guess what I'm getting at is that I think this is a neat idea, but it might be really hard to pull off. We tried it once or twice on an RPG board on GameFAQs, and it was met with some success. Eventually, others dropped out because they wanted to play something else.