In this thread, you can leave comments/ideas/etc for the team. You can give us ideas on topics to cover, how to improve the show, things you didn't like, etc. You can also post here if you would like to appear on a show, so we remember to forward you a link so you are able to join us. As of right now, we don't publicly announce what topics we will be covering for an upcoming show. But if you would like to join the show while certain topics are being covered (example: covering certain systems). Post here, and I will make a note of it and try and make sure you get a link to join us. Please remember, even though there is a "main crew". All VGC members are welcome to join us at any time, on any show, as many times as they like. We welcome new faces to the show.
Also, if you have any contacts in the gaming industry in some way. From gaming magazines, to employees for major company's. And you think they would like to be on the show to talk about their work, and do a general one hour show. You can post here and say you have a possible guest. And one of our guys will contact you so we can proceed to get the person on our show!
Thanks guys!
RR Team.