Today is the big day, vgcollect turns 5 years old today, and as I mentioned earlier, we are holding a little contest with some pretty cool prizes to say thanks to everyone who has made vgcollect more successful than any of us imagined it would be.
First, some rules:
One guess per user.
Post your guess in this thread only.
No editing of guess post, edited posts will be disqualified.
Staff and their family members are not eligible to play.
User must have registered account prior to January 20, 2016.
In the event of a tie, there will be a bonus round to settle the tie.
Contest closes at midnight PST on January 27, 2016 (One week from today).
1st place: Any game related thing you want, up to $60.00. Just tell us what you want, we'll buy it and have it shipped to you.
2nd place: A $20.00 GameStop gift card. Or if you'd prefer a different store, we will do what we can.
3rd place: A one year pro subscription to
The contest:
Whoever guesses the correct number of games (or comes closest) in this picture wins. Pretty straightforward.