He's talking about this. I get it to work for most cases, but when you add in ':' or other characters, it gets confused.

Ah, yes, thanks for helping to clarify that, ctracy87.
The search isn't the best at the moment - I find it best to use the quick search at the top right to see if something is in the database. Typing in partial titles work for me. Like just typing in "Metal Gear" or something like that and hitting the enter key afterwards to get all results. Unfortunately, typing in "Metal Gear legacy" won't net you anything currently

so my best suggestion would be to type in partial or at least parts of the title that go together (i.e. "metal gear legacy" won't find you anything but "legacy collection" will).
If you have a fairly common title, it should most likely already be in the database somewhere.
Sorry for the frustrations! We hope to bring improvements to you soon.