Author Topic: Collector, Gamer or Reseller. Which do you consider yourself the most of?  (Read 8155 times)

I'd say I am 70 percent Gamer, 30 percent collector.  Mostly because the amount I collect isn't really abnormal among other collectors but the amount I play might be pretty excessive at times. Most of us have a little of all 3. I was just curious which term would you say more defines you.  :)


Hard choice for me. I only buy games I like and want to play. I've also beaten the vast majority of my games so I guess I would throw myself in the category of gamer/casual collector.


75% collector, 24.95% gamer, 0.05% reseller/trader.  I love my games but don't get that much time to play them. I do have some dupes due to my collecting, so I didn't want to say that I was a 0% seller/trader. A lot of the selling/trading I do is more to help out another collector rather than for profit :)
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


33% each. As of last year my hobby became self-financed as I don't use my money anymore (virtually speaking). I bought lots, keep what I want flip the rest and voila. If you don't do it this way, LOOKS TO ME you are investing, and investing hard earned money in plastic cartridges or shiny CDs is pathetic, because IN MY opinion there are multitude other ways to make money efficiently or pay for your kids studies. Of course all I said won't matter if you are rich, or love it paying for stuffs you WANT as opposed to stuffs you NEED. I say that because most my hauls for my most desirable titles were from idiots who needed cash to pay due bills, so lame how some people can't sort out priorities in life. So being a reseller/flipper is good and no one should be ashamed of.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2016, 10:59:41 pm by thedarkpersian »


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I am a gamer first, but also consider myself a collector.
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I am probably more of a collector than a gamer, simply because for a long time I have purchased games way faster than I can play them. With that said, I am in this hobby because I LOVE video games and love playing them. Every game in is my collection because I have the intention of playing it someday, even if that is 40-years down the road. I would be lying if I said I didn't resell, but I often do it in order to pay for the expenses of this hobby or to get enough money to purchase a game off ebay that I will likely never run into in the wild and/or is very expensive. Finding Earthbound for $5, selling it for $200, and then using that $200 to buy Misadventures of Tron Bonne is like finding it for $5 since that is how much money I am out when all is said and done (minus ebay fees, which aren't that bad). But this is simply a means to an end for me.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2019, 11:33:00 am by bikingjahuty »


100% Gamer


75% collector, 24.95% gamer, 0.05% reseller/trader.  I love my games but don't get that much time to play them. I do have some dupes due to my collecting, so I didn't want to say that I was a 0% seller/trader. A lot of the selling/trading I do is more to help out another collector rather than for profit :)

This pretty much is me anymore. Its hard to get time to play with a full time + OT job and 2 kids plus a motorcycle.

Probably mostly a collector, but i do get around to playing games once in a while, it's just hard when im  busy most of the time and too tired to do much other than lay and watch a show or something. But i only collect what i intend to play. :P


33% each. As of last year my hobby became self-financed as I don't use my money anymore (virtually speaking). I bought lots, keep what I want flip the rest and voila. If you don't do it this way, LOOKS TO ME you are investing, and investing hard earned money in plastic cartridges or shiny CDs is pathetic, because IN MY opinion there are multitude other ways to make money efficiently or pay for your kids studies. Of course all I said won't matter if you are rich, or love it paying for stuffs you WANT as opposed to stuffs you NEED. I say that because most my hauls for my most desirable titles were from idiots who needed cash to pay due bills, so lame how some people can't sort out priorities in life. So being a reseller/flipper is good and no one should be ashamed of.

Same here I also don't use money outside of the hobby of buying and flipping lots since almost the very beginning. In my beginning years After seeing how expensive gamecube games were and refusing to pay 50 - 60 euro's for a fire emblem path of radiance at the time (way more expensive now) I started to look for cheaper deals and started to get games for free while making some. Only after paying full price 25 each for 2 games I called it quits and started to buy lots and finding deals unfortunately I managed to get those very games for free in better shape and came across them many times  >:(

I'd say I'm 40% gamer and 30 / 30 % collector and reseller.

It all depends what one collects, if one collects anything goes It's way easier to find something for a cheap price or if one can be satisfied with some filler titles wich are always cheap. Sure a walk in a thrift store can do wonders, But don't expect to find titles such as castlevania, zelda etc for those prices. The chances are there but very small and especially for older games the boxes will probably be in lesser condition.

If your a cart only collector there is still a chance to get stuff for cheap but if one collects cib and the better games for a low than one is pretty much forced to buy lots unless you want to pay good money for the better titles in excellent shape. If your a 100% gamer I would go the emulator road it's basicly free and same gameplay. There are good games wich are cheap but overall the better games go for nice amounts. Also the affordable titles such as mario (snes nes) even though so common are pretty expensive when cib.

If you want to pay full or decent prices for the better games wich are way to expensive I'd say be my guest  ;)

Your Stylish Sword Master!


I would say 75% gamer, 24% collector, 1% reseller. I just have never rrally gotten into reselling things yet, though I have a couple of times. I'm still trying to build my collection! ;D
Currently Playing:
Persona 4 Golden (Switch), The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D (3DS)

My music collection | My Backloggery


For me it should be 90% gamer and 10% collector if I still were single, yeah right because a freaking almost 40 years single would be pathetic but if I were it guess that will be 90% gamer and 90% collector, bills, services really took most of my cash and it's one of the main reasons why my collection haven't became what I want  >:(

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


I'll say 90% gamer, 9.99% collector and .01% reseller. When I buy a game, best believe that it will get played. Usually to completion. That said, there are certain franchises I just love to collect for even if the game won't get as much time as something else.

And of course, there is the rare instance I sell a dupe or something.

80% Gamer, 15% Collector, and maybe 5% Reseller/Trader.  I find stuff at thrift shops sometimes and I use that to sell or trade for other games I want since I don't have tons of extra cash for gaming.  Eventually that resell/trade will dwindle when I can afford to have a bigger collection of games.

50/50 gamer and collector. I don't really resell unless its part of my collection I no longer use or play. In other words I don't buy things to resell, better to leave them for those who can enjoy them.