Author Topic: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?  (Read 6701 times)


Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
« Reply #30 on: June 18, 2016, 12:44:51 am »
Let's see I guess my other hobby would be Anime/Manga. Other than that I watch movies/TV, spend time with my family/significant other Etc.


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Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
« Reply #31 on: June 18, 2016, 10:10:15 am »
Is porn really a hobby? I mean, a lot of us watch it, sure. But do you give it the same kind of attention that you give your video game collection or sports interests?

Jokes, man. Jokes

I don't think it was for doafan, lol.


Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
« Reply #32 on: June 18, 2016, 07:47:05 pm »
I have a lot of hobbies (outside of gaming).
Whether it's my 1600+ DVD/Blu Ray collection, my 53 long boxes of comics or cleaning and completely my original MOTU figure line. How do I keep the wife happy with all these hobbies? I do a lot of wheeling and dealing, stick to a budget or cash in my winnings/cards from the Magic the Gathering tournaments. So yeah I'm a giant dork. 


Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
« Reply #33 on: June 19, 2016, 01:26:22 am »
Side hobbies used to include penning comics and playing guitar.  Due to the extremely repetitive nature of my job though that's come to an end.  Anything that requires grasping something like a nib holder or finger intensive activities are out.  I like reading comics, fantasy books.  Listening to music.

Side collections include books.  My wife and I both have a love for fantasy books so we have quite a few and are usually picking up ones where ever we can.  Music cd's I love heavy metal music and always nab cds when I can.  I also have a soft spot for video game soundtracks and have quite a few of those too.

Trading card games.  Mainly Magic: The Gathering.  I buy most of the side products that come out.  Fat packs, gift boxes, Commander decks.  I have all the Archenemy, Planechase decks, Duel Decks too.  Other games include Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragon Ball Z TCG, Yu Yu Hakusho TCG, Pokemon, Gundam M.S. War.  Yeah I'm a sucker for TCG's

Anime DVDs.  Something I was massively into as a teen.  I introduced my wife to it and now she's way into it, more so than I am.  So we have an extensive library of that too.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2016, 01:28:55 am by ffxik »


Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
« Reply #34 on: June 19, 2016, 05:35:20 am »
My most extensive side collection is my anime/video game figures. I usually only buy them around convention time, at booths with good deals or ones I just really want, but it's building up. Next would probably be anime/video game prints/posters/wall scrolls, manga, then I recently found a store that sells a bunch of old anime DVDs so I've been buying those. Have a small-medium collection of Magic and YuGiOh cards.

I'd like to collect more mystery and sci-fi books too, especially Agatha Christie. She's my favorite author yet I've been borrowing from my uncle's collection; I'd like to get my own set. Also get some Kellerman and Star Trek novels soon.

As far as activities go: programming, drawing, learning Japanese, drinking coffee, used to cosplay every year but I was too lazy to make one for the last con. I stay up all night and lurk.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2016, 05:37:40 am by kayevel »
No, really.


Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
« Reply #35 on: June 19, 2016, 09:05:40 am »
Is porn really a hobby? I mean, a lot of us watch it, sure. But do you give it the same kind of attention that you give your video game collection or sports interests?

Jokes, man. Jokes

I don't think it was for doafan, lol.

No ?, damn that's why people need to use the quote system  :P

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy