INB4 Xbox sucks, it's a really good deal, so bugger off.
Most stores are doing a buy an xbox get a free game.
Gamestop and Best Buy have $229.99 models that will come with 1-2 (or more games) plus you get a free game of your choice (valued $59.99 or less) So you can get the Quantum Break 500GB Xbox One + Forza Horizon 3 for about $240. ($229.99 + tax)
Amazon has $299.99 models (The S models) and you get ANY game free (as long as it is sold and shipped by So you can get the 500GB Minecraft Xbox One S + Forza Horizon 3 Ultimate Edition for about $300. ($299.99 + $99.99 - $99.99 - $20 + tax),28zu0 amazon, only select models seem to work. I only tested with the Minecraft bundle. It does NOT work with any of the Minecraft 2 game bundles.