My husband and I are both techies, and we both rely on our smartphones for more than we should. But when we go out for dinner, I'm amazed at how many couples will not even speak to each other throughout the entire meal, because they are too busy staring at their phones or texting! We never pull our phones out when we are in a restaurant together (ok, maybe at fast food once in a while, but meh) as we are there to enjoy a nice meal and each other's company.
But I digress. My little thing that annoys the hell out of me is basic spelling and grammar and the lack of it in today's culture. I'm not asking for academic paper quality, I would just rather not see any numbers in the middle of my words (NE1 wanna meet l8tr?) or texting in a written paragraph. And I get extremely frustrated when I see the incorrect forms of to and too, their, there, and they're, here, and hear, etc.
I know that I've taken typing classes and that it's just as easy for me to spell things out than to try to figure out how to abbreviate, and that for others that may not be the case. I also know that everyone has typos once in a while, and I have no problem with a slip-up from a generally literate person. But when I have a Facebook message along the lines of "I seen u at the mall, y u no w8 4 me?" I may possibly be removing a friend from my list.