I'd be pretty damned happy to see a new Fallout in the vein of New Vegas handed off to a different dev.
I'm taking next week off like always, so I'll be sitting around watching all week long.
I'm hoping to see some stuff on Fire Emblem Warriors and the new Switch FE title.
I'd love to see something about Smash for Switch.
Obviously looking forward to whatever Nintendo shows off in general for the Switch.
Looking forward to Bethesda's E3 show, they wouldn't be doing one if they didn't have something planned. Usually, Bethesda doesn't announce stuff unless it is coming soon, read as in the next year.
Quake Champions obviously will be shown, but I feel like this isn't dedicating all of id's time, so maybe we'll see something Doom related?
Maybe we'll finally get some info on BattleCry?
I'm expecting something from Tango Gameworks and MachineGames. Maybe a new Evil Within or Wolfenstein? Maybe exactly what I want a Fallout spinoff again.
Definitely going to hear about Morrowind or other ESO stuff.
Maybe some Fallout 4 VR info?
I don't expect anything Elder Scrolls or Fallout directly from Bethesda. Not this soon. It's possible that we could hear something about ES6, but I just don't expect anything about it before the VGAs.
Ubisoft will probably pleasantly surprise me, but I'm already looking forward to Far Cry 5.
EA will fall on its face like every year. I'm glad to hear NFS is bringing back the pause button (allegedly), but that's not enough to recover.
MS and Sony will have tons to show I'm sure, but I'm not super impressed with anything coming from either company in the near future other than maybe Days Gone.