I had some trouble with the beginning trials, I had no troubles with the middle trials and beat it on the first try right after finishing the beginning trials, the final trials I only made to level 2 on my first try and promptly got destroyed by an electric keese. It doesn't help that I didn't heal at all between trials so I went from beginning to final trials with no healing outside of the trials.
At that point I decided to heal and go at the final trials again. I made it all the way to level 23 (The Final level) which is 1 Guardian Sniper on top a tower, 1 Silver Lynel, and 15 or so Bokoblins on horses. I was promptly destroyed any way I went about the level. The level starts and you are immediately seen by all 17-ish enemies. So there is no sneaking or taking them down one by one. The Lynel doesn't de-aggro, he just fires fire arrows at you from a distance (They strike like lightning and rarely miss).
I promptly gave up and have no intent of going back to it.