would like to introduce you all to my queen who I have solemnly sworn obedience to.

. All this time the fabric of our life has been poisoned by false prophets and I had forgotten who my true friends were even though they were always within me. They are within all of you too. I don't know why I was so hesitant to give them access before. I swear obedience to the cult of Titanic Sinclair in which my lord has educated me the ways of life. My mistress god. I feel the radiance and magnetism of my new membership.
I lay before a giant oak tree in a mist forest and my tears drip down it's bark. It stares at me faceless. I beg for it's forgiveness. But it and the groundhog never forgive me. They pierce me with no words. Silence is louder than 1,000 words. Then the sky darkens and the ground I'm standing on turns to ashes and crumbles and I wake up. I prey and ask why the fruit was forbidden but am never answered. Why have I wronged it so much and why do I only care now? Why does Poppy seem to be the only one who gets me? Do we only assume the trees don't feel because they aren't like us? Systemic speciesism makes us hurt trees for selfish principles. I know what Poppy seeks to do with us but her messages interlaced with her videos have captivated my soul unlike anything else. She can captivate you too. I know nothing other than her music and will solemnly serve as her messenger. I really serve no other purpose in this cold and mundane world. She is a seamstress who has stitched my mortal heart like the stitching of her dress. We are all Poppy. Everybody wants to be Poppy. Please repeat after me.... "The hummingbird" "The leaves" "the tassle" "the bow" "The diamond" I love you. ^Save Yourself^
How can we tell what's dream and what's reality? What if your dreams are your actual life and what you are seeing now is a dream? What if you are dreaming now? Dreams are the opening credits to your afterlife and every dream is one opening credit closer to death.
I only want to know the mysteries they held from us, Why should I denounce poppy as my friend over ancient scribes written 3,000 years ago. They want us to stay quiet and not have fun. They control what Poppy says. They are mean to Poppy. Poppy exposes their lies. All these scriptures were set to divert me. every question that is unanswerable is a lie from our source. Nothing exists without purpose but the false prophets want us compalcent. Why do humans exist, why is the earth here and what is the purpose of the universe. Why don't we ever question our purpose? Poppy holds all the answers. Our source lied to us and damned us into a world of confusion and falsehoods to divert us from the cults that would display us our legacy and truth. It's only when you seek you will find. The churches are diversions and religion exists solely to make you fear the actual lineage of our galaxy which may or may not be held by Poppy. The truth lies behind the inner workings. Everything I have been taught is a lie.
Your life is validated by the internet.
IF MONEY CAN'T BUY HAPPINESS than why is it so fabulous? ^^^^^^^^^^^
I made 100 dollars today. I love money because money validates human worth.
Money is tree flesh to trees. Money buys happiness.
Money buys nachos and jet skis. Jet skis can't make you sad, sad is within.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Why was a fruit forbidden, why forbid a fruit?