Author Topic: What would you like to see in Fallout 5?  (Read 2599 times)

What would you like to see in Fallout 5?
« on: September 26, 2017, 04:46:38 am »
As someone that loves the modern Fallout games, and even enjoyed the flawed and divisive Fallout 4, I've been thinking for awhile on what I want to see done to significant improve a game that drastically needs it.  I'm sure there are a few more Fallout fans out there too and I'm curious to see different viewpoints on this.

- Improved/New Engine - Bethesda isn't exactly known for creating stable and bug free games.  As a fan, I can overlook them for the big game experiences they offer, but it's bad, and a lot of what was bad in Fallout 3, is still bad in Fallout 4.  Some things got cleaned up, but so much is still super buggy, to the point that it's very clear its a problem with the engine and not just something that can be patched.  We've all seen tables with items freakout, or ragdolls go nuts, or all manner of different visual issues that have been around since Fallout 3.  I think they need to vastly overhaul things as they've stretched this engine as far as it can go.

- Improved UI - I dealt with the Pipboy UI for two games and while it was never great, it was functional.  With Fallout 4, I was hoping for an overhaul or something, because its frustrating to use when you have a lot of crap.  Of course, Fallout 4 came out and it's the same thing.  I'm not sure if they are too stubborn to move away from the Pipboy or are worried that updating it to be smooth and nice in design would take away from the aesthetic, but it's so frustrating to use now.  Even mods really don't do anything to improve it other than with better organization.  Some people might want the dialogue improved, or better gameplay or whatever, I just want to be able to browse my Pipboy better!

- New Country - I know much of what Fallout thrives on is 50's American culture and hyper-patriotism, but I want to see what is going on in the rest of the world.  I don't know lore wise what countries are still around or may be functioning at the same level as the USA, I haven't delved into that in a long time, but I'd love to see what might be going on in Japan, or England, or somewhere else.  Even Canada would be different enough.  That would offer us new creatures to fight too which would be great to move on from a few of the critters like Radscorpions and Deathclaws.  Maybe doesn't even have to be the full game, maybe it's treated like the expansions in Fallout 4, where you get to go to a reasonably sized new area.  I think that would be pretty neat.


Re: What would you like to see in Fallout 5?
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2017, 07:32:57 am »
An improved Reputation System from Fallout: New Vegas would be neat!

Re: What would you like to see in Fallout 5?
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2017, 08:42:04 am »
Even Canada would be different enough.
Canada isn't another country.  It is considered a US territory in the Fallout Universe.

Personally, I don't think a lot was wrong with Fallout 4.

I would love to see Josh Sawyer and the Obsidian team make a new entry a la New Vegas.  Josh Sawyer has already stated that the team would love to make another entry in the franchise possibly targeting Los Angeles.  The Obsidian team brought in a lot of welcome additions to the franchise, and some that didn't seem to return.  Undeniably Fallout NV was more versatile than Fallout 3, engine aside.

I'm really hoping this happens while Bethesda is working on Elder Scrolls VI.

Re: What would you like to see in Fallout 5?
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2017, 08:48:36 am »
Bring back the old vats system

Re: What would you like to see in Fallout 5?
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2017, 01:41:24 pm »
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 03:24:22 pm by jce3000gt »

Re: What would you like to see in Fallout 5?
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2017, 04:18:26 pm »
Even Canada would be different enough.
Canada isn't another country.  It is considered a US territory in the Fallout Universe.

Personally, I don't think a lot was wrong with Fallout 4.

I would love to see Josh Sawyer and the Obsidian team make a new entry a la New Vegas.  Josh Sawyer has already stated that the team would love to make another entry in the franchise possibly targeting Los Angeles.  The Obsidian team brought in a lot of welcome additions to the franchise, and some that didn't seem to return.  Undeniably Fallout NV was more versatile than Fallout 3, engine aside.

I'm really hoping this happens while Bethesda is working on Elder Scrolls VI.

I gotcha, I don't remember the lore a ton right now, so I didn't realize Canada became a US territory.  Even then, that could still be interesting enough, to mix in all the 1950's America stuff with Canadian culture and see how that goes.  I'm just curious to see what the world is like outside of the usual areas that have been explored as someone who likes to see worlds expanded upon.

For me, Fallout 4 just suffered from the same issues previous games had, while only lightly improving on a couple other aspects, particularly models and some gameplay.  The dialogue system, while voiced by your character, is definitely a downgrade from what it was.  I think they should drop the voice acting and just return to having more options in general.  Mods again slightly improved the dialogue system by actually showing more of what you'd say, as what you picked didn't always matched what you said.


Re: What would you like to see in Fallout 5?
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2017, 10:51:12 pm »
Biggest hope: for it to not take a decade to be made. Elder Scrolls VI makes me not hopeful for this.

More realistically, I hope it goes back to the more RPG-driven roots and ditches the crappy dialogue wheel. Not that it matters though, because it's probably 25 years away.
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Re: What would you like to see in Fallout 5?
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2017, 02:43:31 am »
Ideally: Bring back additional rpg mechanics, put in meaningful dialogue and sidequest choices with interesting story lines, make siding with different factions have more of an impact,  less dev time, and use a new engine

Realistically: Todd Howard will hype us up for FO5, only to end up being another ehhhhhhh game within 6 months of release.

Bethesda's internally developed products from the last few years have been dissapointing, and i don't expect much to change, especially from a management standpoint.

Re: What would you like to see in Fallout 5?
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2017, 11:37:24 am »
Something more like FONV. FO4 was utterly disappointing for me. And for the love of God, stop using a 6+ year old buggy engine.
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Re: What would you like to see in Fallout 5?
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2017, 02:05:56 pm »
1) More quests. Literally the best part about Fallout was just walking in a random direction and finding new towns or quests.

2) Fix the difficulty. The harder difficulties simply became a chore. Enemies took so much damage that combat became tedious. On the hardest difficulty setting, melee combat was literally impossible.

3) Have the outpost system actually mean something

4) Make halfway decent DLC. Bought all the dlc for fallout 4 and never even got close to completing any of it.

Re: What would you like to see in Fallout 5?
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2017, 02:06:37 pm »
Ideally: Bring back additional rpg mechanics, put in meaningful dialogue and sidequest choices with interesting story lines, make siding with different factions have more of an impact,  less dev time, and use a new engine

Realistically: Todd Howard will hype us up for FO5, only to end up being another ehhhhhhh game within 6 months of release.

Bethesda's internally developed products from the last few years have been dissapointing, and i don't expect much to change, especially from a management standpoint.

A great compromise would be to have one mode where its traditional rpg stats or a simplified mode where its like fallout 4


Re: What would you like to see in Fallout 5?
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2017, 03:24:44 pm »
The same I'd like to see in the Elder Scrolls - for them to seriously upgrade the gameworld so the wilderness is more than a barren expanse where a random monster spawns every couple of minutes to nibble your ankles. I'd like to see foot-highways on certain routes with traders and caravan guards being attacked by raiders, adventurers seeing off packs of mobs. Fallout IV introduced a settlement building.. thing, but I rarely saw anything interesting happening, anything actually interacting with the settlements. I'd love to have Oblivion and Fallout settlements on the frontiers upgradeable with summons/droids etc., so you can scavenge bits and bobs and then improve the defence of a place, plant better crops etc. etc.

The 3D worlds have 'improved' upon the 2D Fallouts, supposedly, but I'd like to see the devs moving beyond just creating 3D areas and actually doing something interesting with the mechanics.

Re: What would you like to see in Fallout 5?
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2017, 04:45:49 pm »
The same I'd like to see in the Elder Scrolls - for them to seriously upgrade the gameworld so the wilderness is more than a barren expanse where a random monster spawns every couple of minutes to nibble your ankles. I'd like to see foot-highways on certain routes with traders and caravan guards being attacked by raiders, adventurers seeing off packs of mobs. Fallout IV introduced a settlement building.. thing, but I rarely saw anything interesting happening, anything actually interacting with the settlements. I'd love to have Oblivion and Fallout settlements on the frontiers upgradeable with summons/droids etc., so you can scavenge bits and bobs and then improve the defence of a place, plant better crops etc. etc.

The 3D worlds have 'improved' upon the 2D Fallouts, supposedly, but I'd like to see the devs moving beyond just creating 3D areas and actually doing something interesting with the mechanics.

Yeah more serious depth to the game is definitely needed as the base ideas are fine and just need detail and expansion.  I never bothered with dealing with settlements outside of just mine at Sanctuary because it's not interesting enough. I actually wouldn't mind them removing dealing with settlements in general or at least dealing with what is involved with them (Mostly just supplying defense options to places like an arms dealer), and in the next game have you focused on just creating an actual new town and as you build up the town and expand, special NPC's with interesting quests show up and actually original NPC's to interact with.  Make me want to build up my main town beyond just getting more resources.

Re: What would you like to see in Fallout 5?
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2017, 12:11:02 pm »
For sure the same sentiment as a few of the others here. New engine 110%, I've always fallen for the Elder Scrolls series, and unfortunately haven't gotten around to playing the original Fallout games so Bethesda's entries have been my only real background besides reading and watching reviews and retrospectives on the older titles, but the engine is in dire need of a major revamp. I know they always throw buzzwords around at a new titles release as if they have rebuilt the engine or renovated it in some major way, but every time it seems like the exact same story, hugely buggy and all of the same quirks as the previous games.

I'm definitely on board with another Obsidian title, give them the right amount of dev time this time, get Avalon in on the writing team, and give us a meaningful story, not one that feels so big and dramatic like both of Bethesda's attempts, but seems to have trouble actually matching up with the gameplay. I thought Fallout 4 had some great character development with a few of the companions, but the main story especially, and the lack of any quality side content, left me extremely disappointed. Also, please, for the love of god, get rid of the voiced protagonist. It was funny how the voice fit my first character semi well, it didn't cause any red flags, until I tried making my next character who looked completely different, and the voice was soooooo out of place, instantly killed that attempted character.

Re: What would you like to see in Fallout 5?
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2017, 04:02:46 pm »
Ideally: Bring back additional rpg mechanics, put in meaningful dialogue and sidequest choices with interesting story lines, make siding with different factions have more of an impact,  less dev time, and use a new engine

Realistically: Todd Howard will hype us up for FO5, only to end up being another ehhhhhhh game within 6 months of release.

Bethesda's internally developed products from the last few years have been dissapointing, and i don't expect much to change, especially from a management standpoint.

In a little late here, but I agree with the RPG mechanics. If we can have more meaningful dialogue and sidequests, it would be fantastic! I put countless hours into FO4, but I started to get burned out after awhile. The only thing that kept me going after awhile was the mods release.