Author Topic: Question about contributing pictures  (Read 1789 times)

Question about contributing pictures
« on: January 09, 2018, 11:43:44 pm »

I was wondering is it possible to contribute pictures to the site to use in the database? I saw where you can take pics of your collection, but wondered if you can do more than that. I have a large library of PS2 games (over 500+). I noticed some of the games featured, don't have pics of the discs. Is it possible to add those? (Provided they fall in line with the rules of course.)

Re: Question about contributing pictures
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2018, 02:38:38 am »
Of course. It's encouraged in fact.

Just open up the item's page, click on edit this item, and upload the pictures in the appropriate spot.
Pretty much the things to make sure when uploading the images are
1) Make sure the picture is sufficiently high quality and properly cropped
2) Make sure the picture is of that particular item (i.e. don't take a picture of a base game and use it for a cover variant)


Re: Question about contributing pictures
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2018, 09:08:48 am »
For discs, make sure that you scan against a white background. The image used to upload to the site should be JPEG and try to keep the size around 500x500. The site will scale the image dimensions to where 200px is the width. Trying to add a too large of a picture may make the image not show up. Using other formats (like PNG) can cause the image to appear black. Also when scanning a disc, make sure that the title/writing is level. We do not want pictures of discs that are titled or upside down.

Also, do not add watermarks. If you see another picture in the database with a watermark on it, report it so we can remove or get it replaced.

OH: the site does not support the orientation meta tag, so make sure your image is actually correct as sideways pictures will get rejected on edits.

Re: Question about contributing pictures
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2018, 08:19:27 pm »
Thanks. I'll give it a go.

Re: Question about contributing pictures
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2018, 02:48:20 pm »
Please see the first Style Guide section regarding images.,22.0.html

Re: Question about contributing pictures
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2018, 07:09:26 pm »
Please see the first Style Guide section regarding images.,22.0.html

For discs, make sure that you scan against a white background. The image used to upload to the site should be JPEG and try to keep the size around 500x500. The site will scale the image dimensions to where 200px is the width. Trying to add a too large of a picture may make the image not show up. Using other formats (like PNG) can cause the image to appear black. Also when scanning a disc, make sure that the title/writing is level. We do not want pictures of discs that are titled or upside down.

Also, do not add watermarks. If you see another picture in the database with a watermark on it, report it so we can remove or get it replaced.

OH: the site does not support the orientation meta tag, so make sure your image is actually correct as sideways pictures will get rejected on edits.

the style guide conflicts with what is mentioned above:

* Images should be as high-res as possible, and without extra blank space on the sides.
* Images must have a width greater than 200px and must be in JPG or PNG format. Files must be smaller than 2MB.

Are PNG accepted or not? should we provide high-res images or not?
If everything is being scaled down to 500x500 then why bother submitting anything better?

It would be nice to clear this up, to make it easier to submit.


Re: Question about contributing pictures
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2018, 10:09:03 am »
The PNG and filesize issues (may be) a recent "bug fix" related issue, because we find the following to be true:

1. Using a PNG sometimes works, or sometimes shows up as a single black image.
2. Using a very large image sometimes work, or sometimes results in creating 1-3 blank entries.

So currently, it is our general recommendation to not submit super huge images or use PNG, until the developers can fix the issues that causes these two problems.

This does not seem to apply to Gallery images, or at least I have not heard of any problems with that.

That 500px remark is just my own, when I am editing images that is the size I often will work with, between 400-500px width.