Author Topic: vgcollect forum Auction State of Decay 2 - Ultimate Edition - Xbox One Pre-Order  (Read 4799 times)


Auction State of Decay 2 - Ultimate Edition - Xbox One Pre-Order DayOneDelivery

Release date   May 18, 2018

          Donald Stafford
        State of Decay 2 - Ultimate Edition - Xbox One Pre-Order


Starting Bid amount:
                                1 random physical console working order game equals 1 point

           03 April. 2018 9:00pm PST

         May 13, 2018 9:00pm PST 
1. State of Decay 2 - Ultimate Edition format is physical only
2. I want people to pay for this auction with actual games, instead of PayPal or money! :D   That means you bid with any working order console game.   
All working order games for consoles are eligible for bidding.
copies of NHL '94 sega cd, Pac-Man on Atari 2600 and so on!

3.The winner will be Messaged and provided tracking

4. winner send your bided games.
my shipping:

inb4 lock.  I'll give you 1 point.


I'll throw down 3 functional games.


This type of listing is not allowed. As Foxhack put in the market rules, you need to have a picture of the item to prove that you own it, and stock photos are not allowed. This thread also locked.

Removed OP's address from first post. This site is indexed by search engines. If someone wants to know your shipping address, they can ask in PM. It is recommended that you do not post personal information into the public forum, this would include a mailing address or email address.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2018, 12:10:34 pm by tripredacus »