Author Topic: Am I depressed or is E3 sucking so far?  (Read 4047 times)


Re: Am I depressed or is E3 sucking so far?
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2018, 11:15:13 am »
Damn, someone sounds triggered.

Just so we're all on the same proverbial page, "weeb" is that stupid term used and invented by stupid people that is usually thrown around when a game that someone dislikes/doesn't play comes from Japan, yes? My guess is you haven't even touched Tales of Vesperia. Shame.

I'm glad I have such high standards.

Re: Am I depressed or is E3 sucking so far?
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2018, 11:30:40 am »
I'm glad I have such high standards.
The game is literally ten years old.


Re: Am I depressed or is E3 sucking so far?
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2018, 11:55:34 am »

Something being "literally ten years old" doesn't mean a there's a hit in quality when the game still plays exceptionally well. This port is going to include the PlayStation 3 content that was never localized beyond Japan. This port is going to let those that didn't own a 360  play it on one three modern consoles. This port is of a highly regarded, highly praised game in the series.


Re: Am I depressed or is E3 sucking so far?
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2018, 02:47:55 pm »
The Tales of Vesperia port was enough for me to mark this E3 a winner.
A weeab game from 10 years ago makes E3 a winner?

I wish I had such low standards.

That was seriously uncalled for.

The Vesperia port or "Weeb game from 10 years ago" as you put it, has a ton of additional features, two new playable characters, new events, abilities, skits and items that were unavailable overseas. A significant amount of story was also added, something only Japan got that fans were passionate about for years. So passionate, that an English fan translation taking 5 years for the PS3 version of the game was created by those fans. Played it, loved it.

If you don't particularly care for the game or its fan base, that's all fine and well as we're gamers with different tastes, but inviting members to have a discussion with you then literally insulting them for having a different take on the matter is pretty low.

The question was "Am I depressed or is E3 sucking so far?" not "E3 was pretty terrible so can you agree with me please?"

Maybe you are depressed.


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Re: Am I depressed or is E3 sucking so far?
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2018, 04:12:38 pm »
I mostly agree with you. Microsoft of all the companies, has actually been the only conference that I'd say was good.
I also felt this I'm glad Microsoft was good but was expecting Sony to be good also I was very disappointed in Sony this year. Im also excited about Tailes of Vesperia such a amazing game.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2018, 04:18:43 pm by wartoy »

Re: Am I depressed or is E3 sucking so far?
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2018, 04:47:04 pm »
I mostly agree with you. Microsoft of all the companies, has actually been the only conference that I'd say was good.
I also felt this I'm glad Microsoft was good but was expecting Sony to be good also I was very disappointed in Sony this year. Im also excited about Tailes of Vesperia such a amazing game.

I actually really liked Sony's showcase, but thought the format was terrible. I really miss when they used to do actual conferences and not stupid showcases. Sony definitely didn't have the quantity of games that MS had, but they certainly were higher quality announcements overall and most were exclusive.

Re: Am I depressed or is E3 sucking so far?
« Reply #21 on: June 12, 2018, 04:50:46 pm »
Just so we're all on the same proverbial page, "weeb" is that stupid term used and invented by stupid people that is usually thrown around when a game that someone dislikes/doesn't play comes from Japan, yes?

Partially. The main definition of weeb/weeaboo is a person who shows an almost unhealthy obsession with Japanese shows and culture. A great visual example would be people that naruto run everywhere.

In any case, I'm also quite excited over the vesperia port. It was a pleasant surprise that came completely out of left field. I got the 100% completion for the 360 and this is a great reason to play this game again, especially with the formerly region locked content.


Re: Am I depressed or is E3 sucking so far?
« Reply #22 on: June 12, 2018, 04:53:37 pm »
Just so we're all on the same proverbial page, "weeb" is that stupid term used and invented by stupid people that is usually thrown around when a game that someone dislikes/doesn't play comes from Japan, yes?

Partially. The main definition of weeb/weeaboo is a person who shows an almost unhealthy obsession with Japanese shows and culture. A great visual example would be people that naruto run everywhere.

In any case, I'm also quite excited over the vesperia port. It was a pleasant surprise that came completely out of left field. I got the 100% completion for the 360 and this is a great reason to play this game again, especially with the formerly region locked content.

I was mainly being facetious in order to shut down and call out seether's trollish antics.

It's nice to see others "with such low standards" excited as I am about Tales of Vesperia. Nicely done on getting 100% on that; some of those achievements were tough.


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Re: Am I depressed or is E3 sucking so far?
« Reply #23 on: June 12, 2018, 05:09:25 pm »
I mostly agree with you. Microsoft of all the companies, has actually been the only conference that I'd say was good.
I also felt this I'm glad Microsoft was good but was expecting Sony to be good also I was very disappointed in Sony this year. Im also excited about Tailes of Vesperia such a amazing game.

I actually really liked Sony's showcase, but thought the format was terrible. I really miss when they used to do actual conferences and not stupid showcases. Sony definitely didn't have the quantity of games that MS had, but they certainly were higher quality announcements overall and most were exclusive.
I can understand your opinion but still feel Microsoft gave me more with halo,gears,gears tactics,forza,ori,crackdown3 and battletoads
« Last Edit: June 12, 2018, 05:18:39 pm by wartoy »

Re: Am I depressed or is E3 sucking so far?
« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2018, 12:46:46 am »
I liked what I saw at E3 this year. Granted I will admit last year I was in a phase where I wasnt giving too much shit about what was going in on gaming so if there was anything that was shown last year that was shown this year then I can say I was made aware of. Alot of what I expected was there and the new stuff I saw looks great. I did cream my pants seeing the trailer for RE2 Remake which while a remake of a 20 year old game, I love this game so Im excited. I wasnt going into it with high expectations with the exception of for whatever reason I thought Bloodborne 2 might be a thing but it wasnt but that did not hindered my enjoyment for what was announced. Again my expectations were evenly leveled and at the end of the day, it delivered.

Re: Am I depressed or is E3 sucking so far?
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2018, 08:11:55 am »
I feel like the conference was... fine.  Every game that got the spotlight looked good in its own way, but there also were not any huge announcements.  Most of the reveals were of expected games and didn't do much more than a flyover.

I think Microsoft had the best presentation overall, surprisingly.

Nothing was bad, per se, just a lack of surprises overall.  But most games that had any real amount of time spent on them looked good to great.

Re: Am I depressed or is E3 sucking so far?
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2018, 08:58:38 am »
I wasn't under the same impression as the OP. I thought this E3 was one of the best ever. Microsoft killed it and the rest of the presentations were pretty good too. I'm very pleased with the games we're getting over the next year or two that were shown on E3.

Re: Am I depressed or is E3 sucking so far?
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2018, 11:17:04 pm »
What's to get depressed about? We're getting a re-release of Metal Wolf Chaos!


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Re: Am I depressed or is E3 sucking so far?
« Reply #28 on: June 14, 2018, 03:19:28 am »
I got what I expected from E3.

MS and Sony are in a holding pattern until they announce new hardware next year, so they won't overplay their hand. It was the same in 2012.

The MS conference was amazing, but everything that interested me was third party apart from FH4. I think I'll be skipping this gen with MS at this rate. Such a shame, because I loved my X360 with a passion.

Sony actually had a lot of interesting content, but my god was the presentation poor!

Nintendo disappointed me the most. I am getting a Switch (maybe today if I can get out of work for a bit!) for Octopath Traveller, and was hoping for a lot more. I'm rubbish at fighting games so 20 minutes of Smash didn't work for me.

Ubisoft and Bethesda were interesting, but I thought Square Enix didn't really need their own slot.

By the way, if getting excited for Tales of Vesperia make me a weeb, I'm the biggest weeb on the planet!

First post btw...hello!  :)


Re: Am I depressed or is E3 sucking so far?
« Reply #29 on: June 14, 2018, 09:03:46 am »
First post btw...hello!  :)

Welcome to the site!