Author Topic: Most BS thing in video games  (Read 3993 times)


Most BS thing in video games
« on: July 07, 2018, 03:28:10 pm »
What is the most bull-you-know-what thing in video games you’ve had to deal with? Is it an enemy that is completely unfair, or a game mechanic, knockback etc. etc. you catch my drift. Heck it could be anything, an annoying character or just one particular thing that was just silly.

For me most of the time it’s a luck stat in video games. Castlevania: Harmony of Despair is notorious for the amount of grinding needed to get the good gear.


Re: Most BS thing in video games
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2018, 04:14:48 pm »
Quicktime Events in cutscenes are one of the worst things.

Re: Most BS thing in video games
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2018, 05:23:15 pm »
1: I don't like it when CPU clowns keep kicking your ass in a fighting game, it's just seems stupid to me. Even when I beat them I'm still angry at the game, and it really ruins the experience for me.

2: Also I don't like it when video games need to be beaten by using a hidden mechanic or order. I hate when a glitch gets in my way and I can't play the game as a result

3: I hate when games crash
« Last Edit: July 07, 2018, 05:25:04 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: Most BS thing in video games
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2018, 06:15:57 pm »
Yeah, I have to go with cheapo fighting game AI.
It made me so mad when I got beat by things like impossibly quick reactions, artificially inflated attack power, and not playing by the rules (like Guile instantly throwing a Sonic Boom without charging).

Re: Most BS thing in video games
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2018, 06:16:16 pm »
Respawning enemies
Quick time events
Unskipable cutscenes
Inability to save
Rubber banding


Re: Most BS thing in video games
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2018, 06:48:36 pm »
I've never had a problem with quick time events.

What I do have a problem with are escort missions where the one you are escorting is extremely weak (defensively or offensively) or suffers from poor AI, or both. Thankfully developers understand the pitfalls of escort missions fairly well these days.

Also, respawning enemies. Not a problem if its done correctly. Also, all cutscenes should be skippable if the player chooses to do so.

Any game that has a stealth mechanic that immediately becomes worthless once you've been spotted, i.e. it's impossible to go back to stealth and every enemy knows where you are.


Re: Most BS thing in video games
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2018, 09:41:12 pm »
More specific to a single game than a general problem with games, but the enemy spawners from Rune Factory: Oceans are easily the most bullshit thing I've ever had to deal with in a game.

You'll be in many situations where you'll be trapped in a room in a dungeon and in order to progress you need to clear the room. There will be monster spawners in that room, normally more than one, and as long as they're there enemies will endlessly spawn. So fighting the enemies is entirely pointless, you should be focusing all of your attacks on the spawners.
Problem is, every time an enemy attacks you you're knocked down for a few seconds which interrupts your attacks. As well as that, the game has no dodge, so essentially if an enemy within melee range tries to hit you, it will. As well as that using healing items (food, potions etc) takes a few seconds while you go through the eating/drinking animation, and if you're hit/knocked down while using it, it's interrupted. As well as that, enemy spawners take a lot of hits to destroy.

So what does all this add up to? You'll be standing in front of an enemy spawner and smashing square because that's all you can feasibly do. Within a few seconds you'll have dozens of enemies in a big crowd around you continuously knocking you down, knocking you down, knocking you down. You'll be able to get one or two hits inbetween each knockdown where you can hit the monster spawner before enemies hit you again. Now you've been hit so much that you're low on health and about to die, and because you're surrounded by enemies you can't run away to use a health item elsewhere, so you have to use it and pray to the gods above that no enemies hit you while you're trying to use it. If they do, you have to wait a few seconds for your dude to stand up then try again, and repeat this process until either you successfully use this healing item or you die.

Repeat this several times per floor per dungeon and you basically have the entire mid-to-endgame experience of Rune Factory: Oceans in a nutshell. It is not a fun game. And to add insult to injury when you finally get through all that shit and beat the game and get to the postgame which if you're into that sort of game is where everything you're playing the damn game for is, the game's localisation just melts into shit and the voice lines are full of editing errors where you can hear the voice actors talking to the director, the text is full of typos, the voice lines and text often don't match, notes the localisation team left for themselves in the dialogue boxes to come back to later are left in, and other things I can't remember.
In postgame I finally got to marry the character I'd been going for since the start of the game and if you marry that character their voice line that they use every time you greet them becomes one where the sound byte begins with the voice actress talking to the director in her normal voice and preparing for her line. "Okay. *mhm* (pause) "Hello, what is it?""
This game came out 7 years ago and there has not been a single patch addressing any of this since. It's like they knew how bullshit the game was and assumed no-one would get that far so they didn't bother finishing the localisation.

This has been a tangent but I'm mad. Game sucks. Don't buy it.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2018, 09:47:49 pm by pizzasafari »


Re: Most BS thing in video games
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2018, 12:35:18 am »
As someone who likes to explore in games and find all the collectibles and secrets, I find it frustrating when the path branches between a secret area and the continuation with the main part of the game and taking the latter path leads you to a new area and a point of no return where you can't easily return to the secret you missed.

This is especially annoying in first time playthroughs where you don't know the game and can't anticipate where those places will be. Obviously on subsequent playthroughs you know ahead of time.

Re: Most BS thing in video games
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2018, 12:38:27 am »
For me, the most BS thing in games is when a part of it is hidden or a puzzle is made and the only way to find/solve it is so obtuse that there is little to no conceivable way a person could figure it out unless they had a guide or wasted so much time trying every little thing. Doubly so if it has the potential to be permanently missable.

There's even a massive trope page about it:


Re: Most BS thing in video games
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2018, 10:21:17 am »
Slow starts.
Overly complex mechanics which aren't explained well.
Forcing open world, and hurting storytelling with it.
Useless side missions (which don't give good rewards nor interesting lore to the world, but are just there to fill up space).
Clunky combat.
Bad enemy AI.
Bad team AI.
Cut scenes/tutorials that can't be skipped.

So, basically Tales of Zestiria.


Re: Most BS thing in video games
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2018, 10:24:30 am »
As someone who likes to explore in games and find all the collectibles and secrets, I find it frustrating when the path branches between a secret area and the continuation with the main part of the game and taking the latter path leads you to a new area and a point of no return where you can't easily return to the secret you missed.

This is especially annoying in first time playthroughs where you don't know the game and can't anticipate where those places will be. Obviously on subsequent playthroughs you know ahead of time.

Knight's Contract on the PS3/360 is exactly like this. I need to go back to it and give it another go, gave up very quickly, but you get locked out of going back to explore places just like you've laid out.

Re: Most BS thing in video games
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2018, 11:36:25 am »
Getting pinned into a corner by an enemy so you can't escape. It's so fucking infuriating like in Castlevania when a boss pins you against a wall, and they just stand on top of you and you take damage just touching them so you're pretty much fucked.


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Re: Most BS thing in video games
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2018, 02:37:44 pm »
I just want to say every time someone said quick time events and/or weak escorts above I thought Resident Evil 4 every time!  Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed that one but the name, "Leon!" has been ruined for me.

As for my contribution I'm going with games that claim to be something they are not.  Now this is very subjective.  A good example of what I mean would be like how the US MegaMan2 label coveys nothing about how the game really is.  That's something Nintendo considered from day one of the NES and why their black label launch games show a picture of the in game graphics right on the cart. 

Re: Most BS thing in video games
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2018, 05:54:45 pm »
Poor localization.

Localization can be a difficult and in many cases the translators must totally understand the whole game to understand context of what's going on.  I would be pissed if I bought a game that was advertised to support my native language only to find out the translation is totally shit.

This tends to be an issue with smaller developers and publishing houses who have to outsource localization, but its not unheard of for even big publishers to fumble from time to time. Like the time the Spanish version of Elder Scrolls Oblivion where the word train, as in: to train or training, was translated as locomotive.  I had the pleasure of working a game where our Korean translation called shotgun slugs, snails. Imagine shooting snails from your shotgun?

Re: Most BS thing in video games
« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2018, 07:39:16 pm »
Forced stealth in non-stealth games. I HATE stealth in video games with a passion and being forced to sneak around in a game just kills the pacing for me, and therefore my enjoyment of the game. Probably the most infamous example of this was Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2; you are established and being this unstoppable badass that can take down medieval gundams essentially, but around these guys that look like derped Juggernauts, nope! This partially ruined the game for me, which is a shame because the first Lords of Shadow was incredibly underrated.