If you had said arcade MACHINE instead of Cabinet, the unanimously unwavering answer would absolutely be The Addams Family Pinball. Since you said cabinet then it would have to be the sit-down cabinet of Night Striker for pure nostalgia.

There's so many others that I would love to own if money was no issue and space was no object. I worked in an arcade for a few years in my youth during the apparent heyday of arcade cabinets.
This one is a close second, The Virtua Racing deluxe sit-down cabinet

Galaxy Force II


Super Monaco GP

Neo-Geo "Big Red" 6-Slot MVS

and the last pictured one would be a Baby Pac-Man

Other cabs I'd love to own...Virtua On head to head cabinets, Simpsons/Turtles/Turtles II/Sunsetriders 4-player cabs, Street Fighter Alpha/2/3/III/DI/TS cabs. Mortal Kombat I/II. DK/DKJr./Popeye/Mario Bros. Pac-Man/Ms. Pac-Man (with Turbo), Joust, Mappy, Flicky, Pengo, Atomic Punk, Kangaroo, Paperboy, Toobin', APB, 4-player Gauntlet, 3-player Rampage, Cruisin' USA sit down (gotta pick the school bus), Tron, Deadly Discs of Tron (the weird "sit-down" cab), Star Wars Arcade (the 1983 one, sit down), Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, Rastan, Black Tiger, Turbo Force, Mercs, Gradius/Life Force, Raiden I/II, Bubble Bobble, various other cabs I can't think of at the moment and erm... a dedicated cabinet for my Haunted Castle PCB?