How about a Delorean that backfires each time you switch gears, and has extra flames shooting out of the exhaust pipe, is hard to steer and one that makes you stink and smell like an auto repair shop with no air freshener. or one that has automatic doors than open and shut at random, and cluck the drivers head. for only the price of $50,000 american 
Wow, that would be truely awful. Are they known to be like that?
I only made that up for the most part to make someone laugh, but in all honestly Deloreans were last manufactured in (1983). I think they do have automatic wing doors that open and shut with a button and I am not sure if they ever are really prone to electrical problems. I do know that a used Delorean can cost up to $100,000 american, according to google now.
My mom just got a new car after her 1995 vehicle. had almost rusted through recently. It still ran but it was over 20 years old and driven an awful lot, and stalled at random. I would think that a delorean car would be expensive to buy and even more expensive to upkeep it.
all older cars are known to have their problems but especially 1980's and 1990's car since I think they are vary hard to upkeep since almost nobody still manufactures new parts for them anymore.
Back when computerized cars were new a lot of things could go wrong with them in fact I think more could go wrong with a Delorean