Back to School Pak Box Art
Back to School Pak Box Art
Back to School Pak Box Art


Back to School Pak

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Atari
Developer(s): Atari
Platform: Atari 2600 [NA]
Genre: Classic
Rating: None
Item Number: PRO812
Barcode: NA
Release Date: 1978
Description: This package contains Basic Programming, Brain Games, and a set of Keyboard Controllers, originally sold at a value price. There is a large yellow outer box that contains the two games and controllers inside, each in their own generic white box. Some of these white boxes also showed up at Federated Electronics, an electronics outlet store that Atari purchased in the 1980's.
Box Text: NA
Date User Field Value
10-14-2012 exonerator Cart/Disc/Media Art new
10-14-2012 exonerator Back Box Art new
10-14-2012 exonerator Front Box Art new
10-14-2012 exonerator Description This package contains Basic Programming, Brain Games, and a set of Keyboard Controllers, originally sold at a value price. There is a large yellow outer box that contains the two games and controllers inside, each in their own generic white box. Some of these white boxes also showed up at Federated Electronics, an electronics outlet store that Atari purchased in the 1980's.
10-14-2012 exonerator Item Number PRO812
10-14-2012 exonerator Release Date - Year 1978
05-07-2012 atariboy Front Box Art new
NA NA Created

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