Forgotten, The: It Begins... Box Art
Forgotten, The: It Begins... Box Art


Forgotten, The: It Begins...

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: PC [NA]
Genre: NA
Rating: NA
Item Number: ISBN 1-896925-62-6
Barcode: 625904282101
Release Date: NA
Description: Big Box Release.
Box Text: It was a time of adventure, a time of romance, and a time of magic.
It is New Orleans, circa 1930. The sudden and unexplained disappearance of Richard Haliburton, the famous archaeologist and explorer, has brought you to the notorious French Quarter during the heyday of New Orleans voodoo.
Your search for the clues to Haliburton's disappearance will lead you into the heart of something much more sinister than you expected.
Discover the ties between your world and a series of unspeakably powerful artifacts that were crafted by an unknown race and locked in time...
...until now.
Date User Field Value
12-19-2016 xsuicidesn0wmanx Created

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