Party Hard Box Art


Party Hard

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: PlayStation Network (PS4) [NA]
Also on Platforms: PC - Digital PC [NA] PSN (PS4) [EU] Steam Switch eShop [NA] Xbox One Digital [NA]
Genre: NA
Rating: ESRB - M (US / Canada)
Item Number: NA
Release Date: April 26 2016
Description: In Party Hard, you play as someone who is really tired of the neighbors having loud parties. Instead of calling the police, you decide it’s a better idea to kill everyone – using your faithful knife and the environment. The tactical strategy follows a series of killings at parties through-ought the USA.

Party Hard has semi-procedural environments and focus on unique ways of killing people. In the greatest traditions of sneaking games, your main goal is not to get caught, while silently picking off unsuspecting victims one by one. Dancing and blending in during a suspicious situation is key.

1 player
1080p HD Video Output
Box Text: NA
Date User Field Value
03-29-2017 ignition365 Description In Party Hard, you play as someone who is really tired of the neighbors having loud parties. Instead of calling the police, you decide it’s a better idea to kill everyone – using your faithful knife and the environment. The tactical strategy follows a series of killings at parties through-ought the USA. Party Hard has semi-procedural environments and focus on unique ways of killing people. In the greatest traditions of sneaking games, your main goal is not to get caught, while silently picking off unsuspecting victims one by one. Dancing and blending in during a suspicious situation is key. 1 player DUALSHOCK®4 1080p HD Video Output
03-29-2017 ignition365 Release Date - Year 2016
03-29-2017 ignition365 Release Date - Day 26
03-29-2017 ignition365 Release Date - Month 4
03-29-2017 ignition365 Rating 6
03-29-2017 ignition365 Created

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