Lifeboat Box Art
Lifeboat Box Art
Lifeboat Box Art



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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Developer(s): Nintendo
Platform: Game & Watch
Genre: Arcade
Rating: NA
Item Number: TC-58
Barcode: NA
Release Date: October 25 1983
Description: Multi Screen Game & Watch that was released in October, 1983, with product number TC-58.
This is one of three games to use a horizontal multi-screen configuration.
Box Text: NA
Date User Field Value
01-07-2018 badATchaos Description Multi Screen Game & Watch that was released in October, 1983, with product number TC-58. This is one of three games to use a horizontal multi-screen configuration.
02-12-2014 badATchaos Cart/Disc/Media Art new
02-12-2014 badATchaos Front Box Art new
02-12-2014 badATchaos Back Box Art new
02-12-2014 badATchaos Item Number TC-58
02-12-2014 badATchaos Release Date - Month 10
02-12-2014 badATchaos Release Date - Day 25
02-12-2014 badATchaos Name Lifeboat
04-17-2013 mastafafik Front Box Art new
04-17-2013 mastafafik Description Multi Screen Game & Watch that was released in October, 1983, with product number TC-58. Double horizontal screen.
04-17-2013 mastafafik Release Date - Year 1983
04-17-2013 mastafafik Genre 3
04-17-2013 mastafafik Developer 8
NA NA Created

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