Sister Princess 2 Box Art
Sister Princess 2 Box Art


Sister Princess 2

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Alt-Name シスタープリンセス 2
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Media Works
Developer(s): NA
Platform: PlayStation [JP]
Genre: Simulation
Rating: None
Item Number: SLPS-03523~4
Barcode: 4942330424322
Release Date: March 20 2003
Description: NA
Box Text: If you suddenly become to have twelve sisters, what do you think? More over, they are so pretty, sweet, charming...and loving you so much!
Date User Field Value
03-18-2021 dhaabi Back Box Art new
03-18-2021 dhaabi Box Text If you suddenly become to have twelve sisters, what do you think? More over, they are so pretty, sweet, charming...and loving you so much!
03-18-2021 dhaabi Barcode 4942330424322
03-18-2021 dhaabi Item Number SLPS-03523~4
03-18-2021 dhaabi Release Date - Year 2003
03-18-2021 dhaabi Release Date - Day 20
03-18-2021 dhaabi Release Date - Month 3
03-18-2021 dhaabi Rating 9
03-18-2021 dhaabi Genre 13
03-18-2021 dhaabi Publisher 4261
03-18-2021 dhaabi Alt-Name ????????? 2
09-07-2017 hisokaryodan Created

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