Thimbleweed Park Box Art


Thimbleweed Park

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Alt-Name Collector's Game Box
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Fangamer
Developer(s): Terrible Toybox
Platform: PC [NA]
Also on Platforms: Android Epic iOS PS4 [NA] PSN (PS4) [EU] PSN (PS4) [NA] Steam Switch eShop [EU] Switch eShop [NA] Switch [NA] Xbox One Digital [NA]
Genre: Adventure
Rating: NA
Item Number: NA
Barcode: 850055007239
Release Date: 2017
Description: yellow "PC / Mac / Linux" label outside of sealed copies only

• black and white manual
• Explore Thimbleweed Park Country map
• Thimbleweed Nickel dated 10/13/87
• stickers
• Post-It Note
• speck of dust
• Floppy Disk

supports Windows, Mac, Linux

sold online as Collector's Game Box
Box Text: NA
Date User Field Value
09-30-2021 dhaabi Description yellow "PC / Mac / Linux" label outside of sealed copies only includes: • black and white manual • Explore Thimbleweed Park Country map • Thimbleweed Nickel dated 10/13/87 • stickers • Post-It Note • speck of dust • Floppy Disk supports Windows, Mac, Linux sold online as Collector's Game Box
09-30-2021 dhaabi Genre 2
09-30-2021 dhaabi Alt-Name Collector's Game Box
09-30-2021 dhaabi Name Thimbleweed Park
09-18-2018 tripredacus Description Game on DVD supports Windows, Mac, Linux. Includes: - black and white manual - Explore Thimbleweed Park Country map - Thimbleweed Nickel dated 10/13/87 - stickers - Post-It Note - speck of dust - Floppy Disk
09-18-2018 tripredacus Publisher 5048
09-17-2018 tripredacus Description
05-21-2018 Flashback2012 Publisher 4926
05-21-2018 Flashback2012 Developer 6822
09-18-2017 medisto Created

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