Darksiders Collection Box Art
Darksiders Collection Box Art
Darksiders Collection Box Art


Darksiders Collection

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Nordic Games
Developer(s): Vigil Games
Platform: PlayStation 3 [NA]
Also on Platforms: PS3 [EU] Xbox 360 [EU] Xbox 360 [NA]
Genre: Action
Rating: ESRB - M (US / Canada)
Item Number: BLUS-82005
Barcode: 854436004855
Release Date: May 20 2014
Description: NA
Darksiders, Darksiders II
- Maker Armor Set
- The Abyssal Forge
- The Demon Lord Belial

WAR - the first Horseman of the Apocalypse - stands accused of inciting a war between Heaven and Hell.
Dishonoured and stripped of his powers, WAR must return to Earth in search of vengeance and vindication.

Darksiders II:
Wield the unstoppable power of Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen.
Battle the forces of heaven, hell and beyond, in an epic world unlike anything you have seen before.

Player: 1
Required Hard Drive Space: 8MB
HD Video Output: 480P, 720P, 1080i, 1080P
Date User Field Value
05-03-2021 cirdan77 Box Text CONTAINS: Darksiders, Darksiders II AND SEASON-PASS: - Maker Armor Set - The Abyssal Forge - The Demon Lord Belial Darksiders: WAR - the first Horseman of the Apocalypse - stands accused of inciting a war between Heaven and Hell. Dishonoured and stripped of his powers, WAR must return to Earth in search of vengeance and vindication. Darksiders II: BECOME DEATH Wield the unstoppable power of Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen. Battle the forces of heaven, hell and beyond, in an epic world unlike anything you have seen before. Player: 1 Required Hard Drive Space: 8MB HD Video Output: 480P, 720P, 1080i, 1080P Dualshock3
03-31-2018 hellblazer1138 Created

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